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Everything posted by PPMMUU

  1. if the girl can speak Thai calling 1663 is the best way.
  2. Such a reaction is not common but it could happen to anyone. Your previous reaction to another or even the same vaccine doesn't predict what will happen This time. It's standard to be cautious.
  3. If the internet bill has her name and current address on it I think it's worth a try and will likely work.
  4. It is unwise to believe or disbelieve something someone says on the internet based solely on their claim of being a professional or not.
  5. When you work in a hospital you get to see several people get bitten by unvaccinated dogs every day.
  6. Getting a rabies vaccination before being bitten is a good idea especially when planning to come to Thailand because there are many free-roaming unaccounted dogs virtually everywhere. If you were previously vaccinated when you got bitten you only need a booster regimen, not a full regimen, and the passive immunity (the serum antibody) is not needed. I think you should get another dose on day 7 so that you undeniably have completed the pre-bite regimen.
  7. ผมว่าเจ้าของโพสไม่ได้ก็อปวางมาหรอก เพราะมีจุดผิดพลาดแบบคนเพิ่งเรียนภาษาไทยหลายจุด อย่างการใส่ไม้เอกในคำว่าอยาก (เป็น อย่าก) ซึ่งจริงๆ แล้วไม่จำเป็น เพราะคำว่าอยากมีเสียงต้นเป็น อย ที่ทำให้แม้เสียงจะเป็น ย ซึ่งเป็นอักษรต่ำ แต่ผันวรรณยุกต์แบบอักษรกลาง พอมีตัวสะกดเป็น ก ทำให้คำนี้เป็นคำตาย ดังนั้นเสียงเมื่อไม่มีวรรณยุกต์จะออกเสียงเป็นเสียงเอกอยู่แล้วโดยไม่ต้องใส่ไม้เอก
  8. Everyone is saying go see an ENT or otolaryngologist and I would back those suggestions. You may have developed sinus problems which may need long-term treatment with or without medications.
  9. I think they mean wait for the northern strain.
  10. The quality of free Thai healthcare is only decent or just acceptable, but its efficiency is nearly infinite due to the low cost.
  11. ‘Flooding of the lung’ is the common Thai term for pulmonary edema. It can be found in pneumonia, heart failure, and many other causes. The common Thai terms for pneumonia are 'swelling lung' and 'inflamed lung.' ‘Flooding of the lung' is hardly ever used for pneumonia.
  12. Fewer people die from curable diseases, but they will eventually die from something, so we see more people dying from incurable conditions.
  13. Did the doctor prescribe any medicine? Two weeks and a blood test sound a lot like a follow-up for thyroid function after initiating thyroid medication. It is not unheard of for a doctor to find an abnormal lab test, explain everything to the patient, and the patient doesn’t remember much, assuming it’s normal. If you choose to go to another hospital, it would be best to ask for the laboratory results and bring all the medication, if any, with you.
  14. It depends on the condition. Some children with autism-like behavior don’t actually have autism, and a few behavior changes from parents can go a long way. Some might need medicine, some might need help to attend regular school, and some might require special schools. Every province has at least one such special school. There are supports available that can be accessed. It might not be perfect everywhere, but they exist.
  15. The easiest way to get help for a 3-year-old boy who may have autism is through a pediatrician.
  16. Using the tabien baan is just one way to get the 30 baht healthcare coverage in the area. There are other options available. I recently obtained the 30 baht coverage in my area using a telephone bill with my address. Simply call 1330. It's much easier now than it used to be.
  17. Virtually anywhere there is a doctor. Any random clinic will do.
  18. Your problem could be neurological, orthopedic, vascular, or something else. Perhaps what you need is a good diagnostician.
  19. Sick baby can be very sick. One million Baht on first day is not a stretche.
  20. Malpractice does exist in Thailand and there are a lot of it. It’s just that complications can arises even without malpractice.
  21. The concern about the high cost if the baby needs to stay a long time in the NICU is real. With this in mind, I suggest giving birth at a ‘private’ hospital with close ties to good government hospitals like Siriraj's SIPH or Ramathibodi's premium section.
  22. Flu shots are widely available. You can find them at most local clinics, especially pediatric clinics.
  23. Perhaps the Thais around you are not representative of the entire country?
  24. Thailand is in a tropical area, which isn't exactly in the northern or southern hemisphere. As a result, we have both northern and southern versions of the flu shot available. The ones currently available are the southern strain versions, which may overlap with the northern strain versions from last year. However, the flu strains in Thailand bear more resemblance to those in the southern hemisphere than the northern. Therefore, if you're getting the flu shot for the first time, I suggest opting for the southern strain. If you plan to stay in Thailand indefinitely, or at least for several years, I recommend transitioning to the southern strain. This means getting the southern strain flu shot as soon as possible this year and repeating it next year. However, if you move frequently or spend most of your time in northern countries, I suggest waiting for the northern flu shot later this year.
  25. It is possible that your body senses the glucose entering the stomach and starts secreting insulin in response to take glucose out of the bloodstream. Alternatively, there could be variations stemming from the test itself.
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