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Everything posted by PPMMUU

  1. He should stop using marijuana as it is a possible cause of the seizure. If another seizure happens after abstaining from marijuana, he should visit the same hospital again for further investigation and a treatment plan. Only consider going to another hospital if there is no other option. And please, refrain from purchasing and taking Dilantin without a doctor's prescription.
  2. The test for asthma is a pulmonary function test, during which the individual breathes in and out of a machine following instructions. A CT scan is not typically the initial test for someone with asthma. Perhaps the individual experiences frequent episodes of shortness of breath that the doctor is uncertain are truly asthma-related. As a result, the doctor orders a CT scan to explore potential alternative causes.
  3. The "living will" is not a misnomer, as it's a will created while the person is alive. However, the use of the term "living will" in this context is primarily related to medical care. Yes, it is valid, and most (if not all) medical professionals will acknowledge and adhere to it in accordance with the living will. This concept is well-established within the medical community but isn't as widely known among non-professionals. Nevertheless, the opinions and perspectives of relatives still hold significant weight within the Thai community. Therefore, it's advisable to inform the people around you about your living will. If your living will remains unseen or unheard of by those close to you, there's a possibility that they might raise objections later on. This could complicate the doctor's role and diminish the likelihood of your living will being honored.
  4. The vaccines are virtually the same everywhere in Thailand since only a handful of drug companies import these vaccines. Choose any decent private hospital or pediatric clinic that suits you and just walk in. The price won't be far off. As for the missing hepatitis B vaccine, sometimes the hepatitis B vaccine is administered during the 1-month slot. Since children only need three doses, one of them is given at birth. If another is administered at 1 month, then only one more is needed at around 2, 4, or 6 months of age. Therefore, it's not unusual for it not to be listed in the 4-month-old schedule.
  5. Clonazepam is widely available in most hospitals in Thailand. If you visit a reputable hospital in Bangkok with your previous medication, I doubt there will be a problem obtaining a prescription. However, if you wish to purchase it over the counter, it is not possible. While some untrustworthy pharmacies may sell it to you, I cannot recommend it.
  6. Driving a car or a motorcycle is the best way to explore Isaan since the public transport here, to be honest, is poorly developed. Even Thais who are not local often have a hard time navigating through the public transport system.
  7. Thailand has a climate near the equator, so it's not easy to categorize it as strictly belonging to either the northern or southern hemisphere for the influenza vaccine. However, this isn't a big concern because in Thailand, you can easily find both versions of the vaccine at different times of the year. So, my advice is to pick one version and stick with it every year if you want, without needing to get both.
  8. In Thai, it is called "ยาชุด" (packed pills). Ninety percent of painkillers that look like this are corticosteroids. I'd recommend against it.
  9. There are several first-generation antihistamines that have sleepiness as a side effect. Personally, I find the sleep induced by these medications is not fulfilling. However, you may try them, provided that the medication does not interfere with other medication. It is impossible for anyone to tell if there is any interference if you cannot disclose the other medication.
  10. What happens is that working in a public hospital pays unbelievably less than working in a private hospital. Doctors could earn significantly more with much less work if they worked 100% in a private hospital, but many still choose to work in public hospitals for a few reasons. A few of the most common reasons to continue working in a public hospital are: 1) They are teaching doctors at the medical school affiliated with the public hospital, and 2) They want to give back to society (which is highly honorable!).
  11. I support Sheryl's opinion that you should seek another opinion regarding the necessity of bronchoscopy after a negative CT scan. It appears more likely that you have chronic bronchitis or COPD. In my humble opinion, the next step should be to start treatment and monitor the results of the treatment for such conditions. I apologize in advance if this comes across as rude, but did you ask the doctor for a 100% guarantee that it is not cancer? I humbly want to inform you that there is no such thing as a 100% certainty for anything in the world, regardless of the number of tests conducted. If you wish, you can seek another doctor's opinion, but no doctor or test can provide a 100% guarantee of being cancer-free. Such a guarantee does not exist.
  12. In my view, self-administering an intramuscular injection for the treatment of an asthma attack appears to be too risky. However, with a prescription, I firmly believe that you can obtain one from various wholesale pharmacies located near major hospitals such as Siriraj Hospital or Rajavithi Hospital.
  13. If you're referring to Srinagarind Hospital, I checked their website, and it appears that there are eye doctors available at the after-hours clinic every day, but it's not a 24-hour service. On weekdays, they open from 16:30 to 20:00, and on weekends, they open from 9:00 to 12:00. I would advise you to check with them directly to confirm. https://srinagarind.md.kku.ac.th/timetable/OPD-19 https://srinagarind.md.kku.ac.th/post/53
  14. There are several small private clinics virtually everywhere in Bangkok. Virtually every soi where people actually live has at least one clinic. Thai Bangkokians love going to clinics for small issues such as a cold, stomach ache, or a minor cut. As per the advice of other members, motorcycle taxis are a good source for finding the nearest clinic.
  15. Dying at home is often preferred by most patients, if asked. There are several options for managing pain at home for end-of-life cancer patients, including the use of oral morphine for those who can swallow pills. Patients who are unable to take pills can receive continuous subcutaneous infusion of morphine and other medications. This approach is gradually becoming a standard practice in Thai government hospitals, although the progress is not as rapid as desired. I wish the best for the OP and the patients.
  16. I'm a Thai doctor with a somewhat passable English skills, with a little help from ChatGPT for grammar corrections.
  17. To me, Suphan Buri is hardly the middle of nowhere. There is a Robinson department store and a multiplex cinema with a soundtrack option, although they may have fewer features. What kind of activities are you looking for? Perhaps they can be found there. I can find several gyms with a simple Google search. You might want to try again with the keywords 'fitness' or 'ฟิตเนส' because that's what Thais call a gym.
  18. There are some, but not every, public hospitals that offer newer standards of hernia repair. You can visit and discuss with them to see if they have such options available. The 300k laparoscopic option isn't going anywhere anytime soon.
  19. The doctor's statement about the "normal" level of NT-proBNP likely refers to its role as a marker for determining the presence of chronic AF or chronic heart failure. If I remember correctly, the cutoff for distinguishing between these conditions is much higher than just above the normal range, possibly around 300-500. Regarding determining normal or abnormal levels for specific conditions in specific patient groups, several international committees review the evidence and develop guidelines distributed to doctors. This process is carried out for virtually every disease. There is a saying that is difficult to argue against, which states that the best doctor is the one you get to see. I work in a government hospital in Thailand. Wish you good health!
  20. I'd say that NT-proBNP is a very useful blood test to determine heart insufficiency. The price is out of my knowledge since I work in a government hospital, and patients don't have to pay. If AFIB still persists, you will need regular checkups with a cardiologist or internal medicine doctor, or at least a doctor for months if not years. So, the choice of drug can be discussed with the doctor. I strongly advise against buying drugs over the counter, even if they are available over the counter in Thailand. It seems you are leaving for the UK. I would suggest that you obtain a summary of your medical history from the doctor who performed the workup or another doctor at the same hospital. That would be very useful for further cardiac workup in the UK.
  21. tuesday schedule is good enough. that's fortunate indeed. wish you good health!
  22. Cellulitis on the face is a serious condition. If you can schedule an appointment within 1-2 days with your preferred doctor, that's acceptable. However, if that's not possible, it's crucial to see any available doctor as soon as possible—preferably today—to address the situation promptly.
  23. I recently came across an interesting article on a news website about Koon Hospital, a specialized facility dedicated to palliative care. If you're interested, you can find more information about it on their official website: https://www.koonhospital.com/.
  24. The text was indeed written with the help of ChatGPT, but solely to transform my thoughts into coherent and understandable language. All ideas and points expressed in that text are completely mine. I apologize for any shortcomings in my English proficiency.
  25. The mentioned elevation in liver enzymes is very mild and could indicate a range of possibilities. However, it is highly likely that it is nothing to be overly concerned about. There are various possibilities regarding the results of a blood test for hepatitis B: 1. Despite being vaccinated, it is possible for a blood test to indicate a past hepatitis B infection. 2. A blood test can show that you have been vaccinated with the hepatitis B vaccine and have not been infected. 3. It is possible to have been infected with hepatitis B for a prolonged period, resulting in chronic infection and some degree of hepatitis. Such a condition can be detected through a blood test. 4. It is also possible to have been infected with hepatitis B for an extended period without experiencing hepatitis symptoms. In such cases, you may be a carrier, and this can be identified in a blood test. 5. Additionally, it is possible to have immunity to hepatitis B but still have hepatitis due to an entirely unrelated cause.
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