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Everything posted by PPMMUU

  1. A baby born at 27 weeks gestation and is 21 days old and is in the NICU is very likely still in need of intensive care, of which the day-to-day survival is just a little bit short of a miracle. Most neonatologists and neurologists would say that there are too many things of concern and many things can happen. In general, if the baby survives, they could have (not necessarily) some neurological challenges which can be better over time with rehabilitation. Please pass my support to the parents, and I hope they receive good news in the future.
  2. Did they at least look into your eye with something that look like one of these?
  3. More and more diseases are treatable, resulting in fewer deaths from such diseases. However, people still have to die eventually, so there has to be an increase in people getting sick and dying from other diseases. Noncommunicable diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and cancer are among those. I'm not saying that lifestyle changes don't play a role, but this should also be taken into account.
  4. Did you get any eye exam at all? They should have tested you for visual field, visual acuity, and direct ophthalmoscopy at the very least.
  5. Isn’t this the part where you contact the UK embassy on his behalf to obtain a document reassuring the anatomy department that he is truly okay with this and that there won’t be any legal or familial issues?
  6. To me, it is virtually unheard of for blood to be drawn from an artery in an outpatient setting. I think it's 100% from a vein. The only place you might have blood taken from an artery is in the emergency department or if you are admitted and have a severe condition.
  7. That’s good to hear. 🙂
  8. Have you ever picked your ear with things like cotton buds or ear scoopers? If so, you'd better stop.
  9. Yes, it's a mistake, but they chose to use those words because many patients, when told not to eat food, drink sweetened water and cause much trouble. So, they were left with no choice but to do this.
  10. If the child is 1-2 years old, I would suggest seeing any general pediatrician first. If they are older, I would recommend meeting a pediatrician with a developmental specialist degree. If the child speaks Thai, they have far more options than if they don't speak Thai. "South" or "Bangkok" means they are comfortable seeing a doctor in the southern area of Thailand or in Bangkok, likely because they live in southern Thailand and can travel to Bangkok if needed.
  11. How old is the child? They speak Thai or English?
  12. The rebound is real, but it has come and gone. Not this.
  13. Respiratory infections don’t become more extreme after COVID. Hospital bed and OPD queues can't lie. It has always been like this. You just paid more attention and see more of it, but it’s always been there.
  14. Getting better after a shot of lincomycin is not necessarily evidence of a bacterial infection. Viral infections can also improve with time.
  15. A lot of respiratory viruses are going around in Thailand right now, including but not limited to rhinovirus, adenovirus, influenza, parainfluenza, and COVID-19. There's nothing specific, really. Additionally, the air pollution problem will likely cause those infected to experience more and longer symptoms, which is not good but not unexpected.
  16. Changing the primary health service spot is actually easy and has little to do with tabien ban and voting rights. Tabien ban is just one way of obtaining health service rights in the area, but there are several other ways, such as having a telephone bill with their name and so forth. Additionally, one can change service spots several times in a year. There is very little reason not to do so. However, many Thais are unaware of this.
  17. I recommend using axillary measurement because it's more accurate and reasonably easy. You just have to hold the kid’s arm. The mercury thermometer is the most accurate if measured correctly, but it's too hard for grannies, so no.
  18. I think the girl didn’t understand the concept of preferred pronouns.
  19. A few months.
  20. Paid "blood donation" is discouraged by the World Health Organization and the International Red Cross because it prompts "donators" to withhold risk information in order to be able to "donate" their blood. https://stanfordbloodcenter.org/pulse-volunteer-donations/
  21. The reason it is not authorized for use in people older than 60 is because there is no data on whether it is safe for such a population. Any doctor who gives this vaccine to people older than 60 is at risk of legal responsibility if anything bad happens to the recipient. A consent, no matter how strong, cannot protect them from being sued, so I doubt anyone will do so. In the future, there may be emerging information about safety concerns in those older than 60, and the recommendation may change. However, that future is not today.
  22. Not this one.
  23. The case of Dengvaxia is another great example that the scientific method and scientific community do work as they are supposed to. Once a vaccine shows any real hint of not being really good, scientists know, and we know. Nothing is hidden.
  24. Exactly my point.
  25. Sudden change in eyesight, even a preferable one, could indicate eye disease. You should seek eye doctor (ophthalmologist)
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