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Everything posted by PPMMUU

  1. Evolution does not seek the best way to achieve something. It aims for the easiest way to make things work just well enough for organisms to survive and reproduce. Also, ancient humans didn’t live long enough to experience problems with prostate enlargement, so this is a trait we have to live with.
  2. Data from one person cannot compete with data from several people. Data from the general population show that men who use marijuana report lower symptoms of BPH, but this is because they are generally younger. If we focus on those aged over 45 who use marijuana, we find that they are more likely to require treatment for BPH. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8054558/#:~:text=Population-based studies showed that,medical therapy for LUTS%2FBPH.
  3. There had been a case of a person carrying a DNR card, not telling anyone, and the doctor didn't see it. They were treated anyway, and when they recovered, they said they did not intend to have a DNR anymore but had forgotten to get rid of the card. Had the doctor been honoring the DNR card... Having a DNR card AND also informing your relatives or friends to confirm your intentions is a good idea.
  4. Money is unlikely to be the issue. Having patients receive palliative care will reduce hospital costs, and they can allocate resources to save other survivable patients. Even if we are cynical and assume the doctors will do everything for the money, they will still opt for palliative care because they can admit new patients and charge them.
  5. How old are you, if I may ask? If you are older than 50 but not more than 65, you might need only one dose of Pneumovax23. If you are older than 65, you might need to receive the Prevnar13 vaccine first, and after 6 to 12 months, you can then get the Pneumovax23. Keep in mind that it's called the pneumo vaccine because it prevents infections caused by the bacteria known as Streptococcus pneumoniae, or pneumococcus for short. Other causes of pneumonia are not prevented by this vaccine.
  6. Since ISO 15197-2013 (E) for blood glucose monitoring systems used for self-testing in managing diabetes mellitus allows for a range of ± 15 mg/dl for glucose concentrations below 100 mg/dl or within ± 15% at glucose concentrations ≥ 100 mg/dl, the range of 95 to 115 mg/dl that you've observed in your wife's FBS readings could be considered acceptable according to these standards. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4523734/#:~:text=According to ISO 15197-2013,average measured values of the
  7. While these medications do raise my eyebrows, it's not entirely unreasonable. There could be additional context that justifies these prescriptions. Unfortunately, as internet users, we may never have access to that context, and thus, we may never fully understand whether these prescriptions are justified or not.
  8. I doubt that Trat Hospital will have a hand specialist. You can visit the orthopedic department, which is only open in the morning before noon, except on Wednesdays when the orthopedic doctor will be on service in the afternoon. I would suggest you go to the nearest university hospital, which is Burapha University Hospital. You’ll have a better chance of getting to see a hand specialist.
  9. Chill, Mr. She did answer you. Having even a rough idea of your location greatly narrows it down and will lead to more specific and valuable advice.
  10. I cannot say that I am sure. If it’s slang for something related to sex, it’s not a common one.
  11. It’s more likely that they are informing you that they no longer work at that place and, therefore, cannot assist you with your service-related issue.
  12. Yes, there are specialized hand doctors in Thailand. They could be orthopedic surgeons with expertise in hand-related conditions or plastic surgeons focusing on hand issues. If you visit a large government hospital and explain that you’re seeking a hand specialist while showing them your hand, they will likely guide you to the right doctor. Keep in mind that in these hospitals, you might initially see a general practitioner before getting referred to a specialist. While it’s possible to have this process completed in a single day, it’s best not to set overly high expectations.
  13. OP was likely offered the higher-dose version of the flu vaccine designed for the elderly, which is different from the 500-900 THB flu vaccine already available. Hence, the price difference. Whether it works as intended is another question.
  14. Thailand is situated in a tropical region, lying neither in the exact northern nor southern hemisphere. Both northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere flu vaccines are available in Thailand. In my practice, I would recommend getting the vaccine around the same time every year. So yes, your May vaccine will be sufficient.
  15. They can. Their intervention may or may not be necessary, depending on several host factors. But they can.
  16. Long COVID is real, but not everything that happens after having COVID is considered long COVID.
  17. For a foreigner to work as a medical doctor in Thailand, they must ensure that they possess a valid medical license from their home country, confirm that their degree is from an institution recognized by the Thai Medical Council, and successfully complete a three-step exam. Proficiency in Thai is also required.
  18. Not by The Medical Council of Thailand. They only recognize those with a Thai license.
  19. limited resources
  20. Automatic at birth, no registration is required. This right is linked to the citizen's ID since birth. The location for receiving medical treatment is determined by the place of birth indicated in the house ID. The only administrative task you may need to consider is transferring your healthcare service to a different location, provided they are still accepting new enrollees.
  21. These conditions have been present for nearly as long as humanity has existed. Yet, in the past, people were often unaware of them, leading to the stigmatization and exclusion of individuals who exhibited these conditions from mainstream society. Today, thanks to scientific understanding, these conditions are manageable, and those affected by them are more at ease sharing their experiences. The key distinction is not an increase in prevalence but rather a heightened visibility. About the test in Phuket, you are seeking a consultation with a psychiatrist. There are several private psychiatric clinics, and I believe, though I cannot be certain unless you inquire, that they can communicate fluently in English. Additionally, Bangkok Hospital Phuket has a mental health center, which could be a good starting point. https://www.phukethospital.com/center/mental-health-center/#services
  22. In general, you are looking for a neurologist. Good luck in finding a doctor who suits you.
  23. All the advice is good, but don't take too long in some cases. Some diseases, at certain stages, can progress and change the prognosis from favorable to incurable in some instances.
  24. Not true at all. Malaria is not even a virus.
  25. If you are receiving 'stem cell treatment' for a back problem, and they didn't explicitly say that it's an experiment, then it is very likely that you are a victim of a scam.
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