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Everything posted by fredwiggy
Foreign Man Shot in a Car in Phuket, Suspect Flees
fredwiggy replied to snoop1130's topic in Phuket News
If you don't have sympathy for a particular nationality, that shows prejudice. You can't blame every Russian for what one narcissistic maniac has others under his control do. Like Stalin in the past, and other nations like one I'm thinking of, Russian people are controlled, and dealt with harshly if they stand up to insane rulers that are either self appointed or forced their way in otherwise. Russia's nation isn't bombing people, the military under the command of a crazy is. Like North Korea, the people have no rights to complain, until that dictator is eliminated. -
Millions of children grow up seeing their parents are narcissists, abusers, drunks, cheaters, politicians, crooked officials, rich that rape the earths resources, drug dealers, killers, rapists and other despicable things. This is a child that needs to be adopted out, and given a chance without knowing his or her mom is a creature that shouldn't have been born.
One of the most cowardly, painful ways to kill someone, and she's been doing this for quite awhile. People get the death penalty for killing one, and if she gets anything else, incompetence and or corruption factors in. Made an example of, as soon as possible, with a guilty verdict, and the next one that thinks they can kill someone this way might think again. Same as penalties to selling humans for sex, underage. Only one way to curtail such crimes, is extreme punishment, and swift. No chance for enjoying any part of life, eating, conversation, etc, in a prison, because they took away others lives without caring about their lives, families or contributions to society. Anti social and unnecessary to the earth.
Serviced? Are you a horse? Nice women don't complain when they are treated with respect. This even if you aren't "servicing" them the right ways. A nasty woman will complain if you aren't doing her the way she wants, and you'll know beforehand what she is anyway. Women here that say you are too big are used to locals, who genetically are the second smallest on earth, so that doesn't mean you are too big.
Where would you retire -- if money wasn't an issue?
fredwiggy replied to gargamon's topic in ASEAN NOW Community Pub
House in New York State bordering large woods. House in Texas Hill Country bordering a large ranch. House in Florida next to Ocala National Forest. Travel the world hunting and fishing, sight seeing. -
Best advice. Taking advice without knowing what is causing you pain is not good. Only a specialist in GI can help you here. My ex wife had her colon removed because doctors kept prescribing her Opioids for pain, but were giving her two at a time, Fentanyl with morphine, Vicodin with Fentanyl, Fentanyl with Dilaudid., Morphine with Vicodin. I was very angry over this, especially after her colon had to be removed because her bowels stopped working, at times for a month straight! Idiots. I had an H Pylori once, and the doctor here prescribed antibiotics and antacid and it vanished in two days. IBS has symptoms that are easy to decipher, and dull pain is one. Ulcers are another suspect, but again, need to go to someone who specializes in this. Taking opioids for a long time isn't a good thing for your GI tract.
Population increases worldwide make this happen. People come in contact with wild animals daily because of this, and cats and dogs also. I've been hunting a couple of miles from any roads and seen dogs who were owned (collars on) running around looking for deer and other animals. People in California and Colorado, among other states, are attacked yearly by bears and mountain lions that are living closer to humans because of over development, infringing on their home ranges. Cats leave houses and kill birds, lizards, rabbits and the like, in the woods near homes all the time. The only places where this doesn't happen are wilderness areas, which with that development, are shrinking daily.
Like I mentioned to another, lizards are necessary. yes, they crap inside, but it's easy to clean, and they keep the insect population in the house down. rats aren't necessary in and around houses. In the outdoors, they are food for many species, pollinate plants and eat garbage. I don't keep cats inside as I'm mildly allergic, but outside I wish I had them. The dogs around me kill cats, so I can't keep any. Cats and dogs keep snakes away and harmful insects, so they're good around the houses. When I did have cats inside, they weren't declawed and ate cat and people food, and no vegan.
And a strong reason not so many died from Covid. People don't go out in the sun here for a healthy color. They work out in the sun, as far as the millions of farmers. Look around and see all the brown skin. The white skinned were originally brown.
Might want to think twice, considering how many insects lizards eat daily.
My house as many as always, with the exception of a time when I had cats. There wasn't as many lizards around for that time. Local dogs killed all of my cats and the lizards are here as always. My girlfriends house I can count one gecko that comes out at night. Reason for no more being she has 10 cats that live around her home.I've seen them weekly catching lizards of all sizes. The insect population is always too high in this country, and we need lizards. They're friends that serve a purpose.
You seem to like putting the members here down quite often, thinking somehow you can judge anyone by a few typed words and thinking you actually know them by this. No one's losing their sheet here. They're trying to help this man with constructive advice, which is what we've given. If he's a troll ,or baiter, so what? He might just be clueless on what to do with his Thai woman, like a lot here are.Love makes many men do stupid things, as well as a nice body and face. Anyone who hasn't been a victim of love is a narcissist and user, who doesn't care what happens , as long as he gets laid, because that always costs money anyway, whether you're married or single. Some members are narcissists, yes, but others reply to help. Some reply to feed their egos, and these are easy to spot, as they always think they are above everyone else. Wake up call. No one's better than anyone, nor worth more. Some just act as better humans. Some for love, some for money, and some because it comes naturally. Others do whatever they can to manipulate, and use others, for personal gain. This post has two of those that are using this man, and we gave him advice. If he's smart, and looks at this with open eyes, he will do the right thing and leave. Seeing he's also in an open relationship, he's partly to blame for his predicament, so he either changes his way of thinking, or stays single. If he's a troll, people here will figure him out, because a lot of us have long term memories. For you to judge, as you have in a few posts recently, thinking generally people here are low IQ, you're thinking like a teenager.
I know this happens so I don't look like this as a troll post. First of all, you call a woman a wife and then have an open marriage? THAT affects the core of a marriage right off. That means you aren't looking at her as anything but an object to use when your needs need satisfying. In her eyes, she has sex with you because you give her money, especially seeing that she has that boyfriend and looks at you as nothing more than an ATM. Now he's looking at you as that also? Giving this man (boy, child, etc) cash as he is being intimate with someone you call a wife doesn't bother you in any way? Close your eyes and see the image, but if it doesn't bother you, then you know she isn't a wife to you. Why would either of them respect you if you are letting this happen? Like another has said, this can turn dangerous to you. When someone want's your wife more than you do, he might go to extremes to get it. As another said, ditch them both. These aren't mature individuals but leeches, and no human need a leech around, because the blood sucking never stops. I'm sorry if these replies sound like criticism but that's all the constructive advice we can give you. If you can't look at a woman as your own, to love, cherish, keep from harm, and only for yourself, stay single. That way you won't be using someone who doesn't deserve that. This country is loaded with women who will take your money in exchange for sex, and some won't make it look that way, if that's respect to you. If you want respect, you need to give it, period. If you want to play, stick with the players. Then no one gets hurt. This marriage should never have happened, and you know it. Staying in it could get you killed. At the very least, this is what you'll see from now on. Sharing your wife with another pig that probably has others on the side, and you know what that could mean coming back to you, in the very least lost money, worse an STD that won't go away, or you becoming yet another victim of a love triangle that went south.
Maybe some parents don't care about the welfare of their children? The same as letting them drive scooters at 8 years old without helmets, play with friends without filling them in on the dangers of what certain "friends" can do with your future, letting children under the age of 15 spend the night with members of the opposite sex, letting them abuse animals knowing full well that children that do this grow up to be adults that abuse their girlfriends, husbands or wives, not warning them of the dangers of underage drinking with a brain not fully developed, or listening to their kids when they say someone took advantage of them.
Not exactly true. The child should be at least 14, depending on the state, some are 16, before they can sue for emancipation, with a courts consent. Also, they have to be living apart from their parents, with their consent. They also must have a source of income, then a court will decide what they will do. There is no fixed age where a child may decide on emancipation, but it has to be done through the court system before they are 18. A petition must be filed by the child or the parents. But there has to be evidence concerning the necessity of the emancipation before the courts will terminate the rights of the parents. Parents have control over their children until this is decided, unless some sort of abuse or neglect is proven to be taking place, again decided by the courts.
It could be allergies, but you said you haven't had this until this Covid time, and you, like myself, rarely get colds. That's a reason I felt it was Covid all three times with me. With you, especially after you said you get a slimy feeling after certain foods., this could be a food allergy, something that's not easy to pinpoint unless you go through the process of elimination, try and remember what triggers it, or see a specialist. Without checking with a doctor about allergies, all you could do is try allergy medicine, available OTC here, and gargle daily with warm salt water, along with making sure you drink a lot of water, to help break up the congestion. It's hard to tell if this is long Covid because they still don't understand it that well.
Many people get Covid and suffer symptoms of long Covid long afterward, as it seems I have. I've had it at least once, and I'm thinking three times. I got the same symptoms all three times as the one time I was found positive. Sore throat, cough, and the last time, runny nose and congestion, which are said to be the symptoms of the Arcturus strain. I have seasonal allergies so I wouldn't know if this was different were it not the cough and sore throat, which allergies never gave me. They're still finding out how some suffer symptoms awhile after having it, so the only way you'll ever know is testing.
Thai Monk Warns: Animal Care Requires Compassion, Not Cruelty
fredwiggy replied to webfact's topic in Eastern Thailand News
Maybe again, this is the responsibility of the government to spay and neuter stray animals, thereby reducing their populations, lowering the auto-animal accidents, dog bites, sometimes causing rabies, constant dog fights around homes, especially at night, and other problems from the overpopulation of stray dogs? They could use some of the money that's put towards a military that doesn't or will never need as many weapons, tanks, planes and such. Spaying and neutering goes on daily here, but it needs to be done at a much larger rate. People don't do it here near as much as in the states, and there there are programs where it's done at a much reduced rate there, which should be started here. Can't complain about the problem because there's only one way it will be reduced. I've heard myself a few times that people dump animals at temples because they will be taken care of there. This shows it isn't always so, as there are many monks that are hiding out there and become monks to stay out of jail. Same as the military used to be in the US. -
You ARE judging him by his looks, as if someone with tattoos is somehow less intelligent or clumsier than a person without? Or that someone that smokes weed (guess you have no experience so can't comment), is more likely to fall into a hole, or sewer, than a person who drinks a lot? Weed is the obvious answer? That's ignorant in of itself. I've been around weed smokers, and I have also, for at least 50 years, and never have I seen anyone who stumbles or falls because of smoking. Drinking, yes, many times. Maybe he got too close to an opening in the street, a place where the ground was soft enough to collapse, and he couldn't get out the same way. so he wandered around until someone up top heard him or he found another place to get out.