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Everything posted by fredwiggy

  1. All information about the parents is needed in the US. Name, proof of address (2), SS number, marital status, age, dependent info, work place (income), child's birth certificate, immunization history, school transcripts.
  2. I lived in America for 62 years, and never came across any Americans that didn't know the difference between the two words. When you say, "I know that you know the difference', who are you talking about? How many Americans do you actually know, so you can pass judgement on what Americans think? As far as the original post, why is it your business to ask what others do or fantasize about with other women? Are you trying to put others into your type of thinking, hoping others will admit to what they actually fantasize about? Isn't sex between two people supposed to be personal business? At least after you pass teenage bragging thinking. Then this statement,."Once you have had your fill here, after several decades, you naturally become somewhat satiated." There are many farangs here I'm sure, and I know quite a few, who are happy with their wives and aren't here for just conquests like many tourists are. I myself came here and got married, to the wrong Thai, but I was willing to stay if she didn't go wrong. A person who looks at women , meaning plural, as something to get your fill of, is a user. No matter how bad a woman treats you, there are others that won't. A lot of women here look at us as money, because they don't know any better and are greedy, both for things, and a life different than one with a local man who either cheats, doesn't help with the kids, contribute to the family or just leaves. Many have had their "fill" of those that look at women as objects, like the farangs that do the same that come here. Everyone thinks about their past loves, and asking if they do is a normal question. What they think about with them and what positions? How old are we? What you assume about others might be right on, but is it your business? Better to send it to Penthouse, where others think the same, and where the answers are as impersonal and true bu**<deleted>.
  3. Yes, sadly there are many whores here that will take money from one, who are mostly unaware, and have sex with a pathetic loser that will not satisfy her anyway, and be with another the next day. Those same women end up alone on a farm, or with a house that was bought for them, with a sad reputation that even their close "friends" will talk about behind their backs. When the farang dies, if he does before her, she will look for sex from those same kind, who are too busy to bother with a woman that sleeps around, looking down on her after the act because not many men, even players, want whores for very long.
  4. It is, along with research for 50, which I stated there as you can see, and talking to many others along the way. Disagreeing to form your own opinion is never as good as actual research
  5. You're looking for others to give you advice on something you already know the answer to, and no one here feels or understands what you do. If this woman treats you well, and isn't causing your family a lot of money , you have to decide for yourself if this is what you want for the rest of your life together. A lot will tell you to leave because women have hurt them in some way and divorce is the easy way out, especially if you have no children, and the property means little. You do only live once, and if you came here asking others what to do, you're looking in the wrong place for a answer. A person who drinks a lot is either suffering from depression, the drinking has become a habit for a long time, either because of that depression or abuse in their earlier life, or starting out young and drinking with friends to fit in (most of us). Either way, it's a habit for her and she only feels right when she is stoned. Substituting one drug for another can work, as one mentioned about weed, because at least with weed you won't drink drunk,and are usually mellow and in control, but it's still swapping one habit for another. trying to get her into AA here is probably impossible, and if she has friends that she drinks with, you can't get rid of them or she will be mad at you, and that won't stop the drinking anyway. You only can give her an ultimatum, stop or you have to go. I love you, but I can't see you this way, we don't do anything together because you're always wasted, and it's going to kill you eventually, although it can take a long time. Life IS way too short, and she can only help herself. You can give her a push, but she has to do this herself. As far as the divorcing, if by Thai law, meaning you went to the US embassy, them amphur, you registered it, meaning the US will recognize this as a legal marriage, so you wouldn't be able to marry again until you finished this one here. Of course, if you have no intention to marry again, I guess you could just leave, because there isn't any alimony here, and you have no children to pay for. Think of what YOU really NEED, then decide, after talking to her when she is sober, what she will or won't do.
  6. I had 2 dogs and 5 cats here in the country, 250 meters from the road and the nearest house. Some local scumbag poisoned my 2 dogs, a family's dog, others in our village and two others that came after and squatted because I like dogs and they know,so they stuck around, because he (she) thought the dogs were running through their cassava fields and knocking down some plants, a loss of maybe 20 baht. The local dogs, not mine, killed all the cats. I wish I could have cats but they would have to stay indoors and I don't like the smell anymore.
  7. Vodka, gin and tequila have the least calories. I like tequila and drink it when I can, but haven't found it here yet around where I live. I always drank wine, not much, but now it's beer and some whisky, which I normally wouldn't touch. I kept my weight around 80 kilos, ripped, from age 18 to 62. Since I came here, I couldn't find a gym close, 30 kilos away, until recently and it doesn't open until 14:00, so it's kinda inconvenient. You definitely do not need near as many carbs as you age, especially if you aren't training as frequently. I try to keep the beer low because of that, because drinking any calories leads to a surge in blood sugar.
  8. He said he can't have cats because he has 4 dogs. Having a cat is great. They'll eventually catch and kill all vermin, although they'll still come in if there are openings in the house. Back in Texas, my dog caught and killed a few, but I couldn't keep up with them until I fully sealed the house, after killing what was in there.
  9. He's paying to stay there, and I'm thinking he had the dogs before he moved in, so she already knew. You do not forget rats. They cause innumerable problems and spread disease. They are not supposed to be in homes, along with bugs. Homes are for people, and clean, domestic animals.
  10. I think he meant baht lol If it cost 12-15,000 dollars I would make pets from the rats and teach them tricks.
  11. That's why I suggested sealing up every crack. They will never stop coming in until this is done.
  12. Had this problem when I lived back in Texas. Tried everything as far as traps and poison. I used glue traps but couldn't kill them myself afterwards, and I'm a deer hunter, so I let them go in a field across the street. Mistake. They just come back. Why? Because when they live in your house, they're smell from pee and feces attracts other vermin. Poison works for some, but some aren't killed by it, and those are strong animals that breed. A contract for a year sounds right, because they do return, UNLESS, you seal the house from them being able to get in AFTER you kill what's there. A cat is good, but they learn to avoid, and those rats get bigger. Plus, not sealing your home lets them return anyway. It took be quite awhile to find any ways they can get in, and they can squeeze through a spot a lot smaller than you'd think. 20 mm for a rat, 6 mm for a mouse. I finally got the house sealed, after killing the rats with poison and spring traps. The contractor gave me tips after he tried himself with traps, and it was mainly the sealing which worked.
  13. He's not far off as far as Asian treatment of women, meaning Japan, Thailand, Vietnam,China, Laos, Myanmar and Cambodia. This is a fact, and can be researched widely. From what I've seen myself in 6 years here, it's pretty much right on. Discrimination is ,and has been inbred for centuries here. This is one good read to understand what actually goes on in SE Asia..................................https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1525125/
  14. Might want to reconsider if it's a problem. No alcohol problem and "Sometimes I stop in the middle of the 20th or whatever drink because I know now it's time to stop" ??? And "maybe a few days or a week later"?? I drink on the weekend, and have always until recently been a wine drinker, and occasional beer, but wine being expensive here I usually just have a beer or two. When I move back to the US, it will be wine and occasional "good" beer again. Check this link out from a reputable source....................https://www.cdc.gov/alcohol/onlinemedia/infographics/excessive-alcohol-use.html
  15. He was mistaken. Tofu does have all the essential amino acids our body can't make on it's own, making it a complete protein, which can repair and build cells.
  16. I had mentioned earlier, my ex wife's family, 11 kids, dad and mom, were (are) all above average in height to tall, and they have been living in rural Isaan all their lives. Remember, a lot of Thais have Cambodian, Laos, Myanmar and especially Chinese relatives. Relatives who might have bigger and taller genetics. Better nutrition, along with the genetics, has seen healthier offspring from all races. Back in the early middle ages, people were taller than in the 17th and 18 centuries, about as tall as modern day people. Climate change, with communicable diseases, and changes in agriculture ,led to worsened health conditions, and when people aren't eating healthy, their size will decrease. Better living entering the 20th century had people increasing in size and height. Kids here have been eating well for a long time now, and their height increase seems to have been disputed by this doctor. Which brings us back to, milk or the lack of it, isn't the cause for height loss among children here. And your stepdaughter would be the same if you were never in the picture, unless she would have been basically starved during her 2-18 years, which is the growth period for most.
  17. You stopped reading a small paragraph because you couldn't comprehend it, as most literate people could, so passed it by and assumed because I didn't use spacing for those like yourself, it didn't contain true information. I don't have to learn anything about spacing. It's a choice. Genetics are most of what you turn out to be, along with eating healthy, but eating healthy doesn't guarantee taller, stronger of faster. That comes from exercise. There are people who compete in athletics that smoke, eat junk food and do drugs. (all professional bodybuilders) Diet is the most important thing regarding what you look like as far as being lean,that along with genetics also. This post is about kids drinking milk. The doctor wrongly assumed that kids are losing out on height because of a lack of milk drinking. You can go all your life without drinking milk because it's not necessary. Kids here get enough nutrition from the average Thai diet to ensure health, and better health along with genetics has a population increase in size. Thai diets have gotten better, and worse, with the introduction of other nationalities foods. Milk can be a good addition to anyone's diet, IF they aren't lactose intolerant. Lactose free milk is okay, but still not necessary. there are many substitutes for the nutrients in milk. Also, if you choose to drink milk, it's better to use skim or 1%, because the fat from whole milk is saturated, which can contribute to heart disease and CVD, which can lead to strokes. People have been using milk for thousands of years, and some are hurt by it's use. Again, milk is okay for the reasons mentioned. If you didn't choose to read this, oh well.
  18. Westerners are taller on average because of genetics. It has nothing to do with what you eat. If you are unhealthy starting out as a child, your growth may be stunted. People here, although the diet is limited in comparison to western culture, still get enough protein, carbs and fats for normal growth. Too much rice eating is always a problem, especially if you are diabetic prone. Milk again, is not necessary for humans. You can get all the nutrition milk gives with a varied ,healthy diet.Milk doesn't cause problems with everyone, but when it does, it hurts. Whole milk isn't as healthy because of the fat content, otherwise it's the same as skim or 2%. Any race can be stronger with weight training. A lot do it here, though not near Americans. As far as smarter, the proof stands that Thais are lower on average in IQ than most westerners, ranking around 63'rd. Japan and other Asian countries lead the list, followed by European. The US is ranked 28th. Facts are, it's not a good idea to get your calories from fluids. They go into the bloodstream faster and cause a rapid rise in blood sugar levels and insulin resistance, which increases the chance of diabetes. It doesn't matter what others have said, milk is not necessary and soy and almond compare favorably with cows milk in protein with unsweetened almond having fewer calories. Saturated fat has always been a link to heart disease, so lower fat milks are always a better choice.
  19. It IS because of the western food that's been introduced here over the years. You can eat white rice, chicken, fish, pork, buffalo and bugs all day and not get fat. But diabetes, if it's in your genetic history, comes out a lot because of eating too much white rice. You can be small, like my ex's mom, who doesn't weigh 45 kilos, and has been taking insulin for as long as I've known her, over 6 years. There are thousands like her here, small, light and diabetic, because of it. Eating more western junk makes Thais fatter every year.
  20. Most animals don't live long enough to where teeth maintenance matters, although a bad diet for domestic animals does hurt their chances of longevity. Deer, for example, eat a lot of food that's hard, and their teeth wear down and they die a lot of the time because they can no longer eat. On sharing sticky rice, think about it. You put your hands in that rice, then into your mouth, then repeat, as well as all others sharing it with you. You are eating saliva from them,and I'm sure Covid has taken quite a few because of this, along with getting sick from any and all other transferable diseases.
  21. I'm talking about how milk isn't necessary for humans, and that soy isn't a problem, unless for some it's consumed in large amounts. The diet here isn't all healthy. Thai's eat rice almost every meal. White rice, which converts to sugar quickly, lending to many developing diabetes. Pork isn't the healthiest meat, but lean pork is okay if eaten moderately. Chicken is lean, but too much of it can cause problems for some. Fish is about the healthiest, leanest protein from animals you can eat, but too much of some is high in mercury, which isn't a good thing. All in moderation is what you're supposed to do anyway. The local stores here have drinks, up to 95%, which are loaded with sugar. That, along with daily rice, other snacks high in fats, is a ticking time bomb for children. Of course, the obese rate in Thailand is low compared to the US and other countries, but it's steadily increasing yearly because of their diets. Kids all usually start out thin, with some exceptions where they are given too much junk from toddler age, as I see here a lot, and some kids are very fat entering the first grade, but worldwide, most children are lean until they reach teenage or young adult years. It's then when what their parents taught them backfires, as it's the parents fault for not teaching them proper nutrition, and giving them too much junk just to appease them works against them, as they'll never know what right to eat unless their expanding waistlines tells them it's time for a change, and they look for advice from others who know.
  22. There are pros and cons in that statement. I've been here, and have seen both sides in every family. My ex wife and girlfriend now, although worked a lot on the family's farms, and got very dirty, walking in the muck and wading in the ponds for fish, were, are, very clean when they get home and shower. Their families have shown both sides also. They all shower, sometimes three times a day, and yet eat with hands and share sticky rice, which is a Covid nightmare anyway. I have to teach my 6 year old, who lives with me now, because my ex went to Pattaya to work for a time, and was going back and forth while my ex had her most of the time, to wash her hair by herself, wipe from front to back, and brush her teeth. My gf's son doesn't brush his teeth, although I've suggested it at times. It's like being taught Buddhism since birth. A Christian like myself knows the outcome, but millions are convinced otherwise. That was not meant to start another argument, just to show how a culture does things, while others are more advanced. Granted, there are many people living in my home country of USA, that are downright slobs, so it's not always a regional thing. I have seen many businessmen, while training in a few gyms, not flush the bowl after going number 2, and these same men dressed in suits leaving the gym for work.
  23. Like I mentioned, in moderation soy doesn't cause any problems. I myself eat chicken at least three times a week, and have eaten soy products all my life, along with many others I have trained in gyms and given diet advice to, and it has never caused an issue. There have been a few studies showing how soy might hurt some, but the evidence against such is far outweighing any for it. A Chinese man who ate a huge amount of fried chicken doesn't compare to the millions of others who have been eating fried chicken weekly for all of their lives. Fried chicken down south in the US is a given, and you don't hear of it happening there, besides the ones who are obese from a bad diet. Gynecomastia is different. It happens with an imbalance of oestrogen and testosterone and isn't related to diet in any studies. Soy protein is used by many bodybuilders to add more protein to their diets instead of using milk. I used it for years when I was in the gyms, and never saw anyone affected by it, besides the ones using steroids, and they were few and far between, the ones who developed gynecomastia.
  24. Thanks. I take better care of her than her mom, who gave her other two daughters to her ex's and their families at ages 8 and 10. Doesn't really want the job, it's mainly for show and cuteness. Age takes away the cuteness and the child becomes a burden to a lot of moms here, so they're often given to grandparents. I will move back home eventually with her, and her mom knows it would be a better choice for living here, but she isn't ready to do that yet, because of the mentioned ideations.
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