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Everything posted by James105

  1. Sounds like she has a good case to appeal the decision of Bangladesh then to deprive her of citizenship. If their legal aid system is not as generous then it seems pretty clear she has a lot of support from the leftist community in the UK who could start a GoFundMe for her and contribute some of their cash to get this over the line.
  2. Her crimes were committed in another jurisdiction. If you were from the UK but committed a crime in Thailand (for example) where would you expect to be tried for this crime? I am pretty sure that if you were from the UK it would not be the UK's problem no matter how unpleasant your upbringing was.
  3. Has she been tried yet for her crimes? Even if she was a British citizen surely the normal procedure is stand trial in the jurisdiction the crime was committed in, get convicted, handed punishment, serve however long in prison and then eventually deported back to the UK. It makes me laugh when the morons claim she should "face justice in the UK" as though everyone is stupid enough to believe that is even possible. She should face trial along with all the other ISIS fighters before the British citizenship is even a relevant talking point.
  4. "Child" is stretching it a bit as she was only a month away from her 16th birthday. I think "young adult" is a more appropriate label.
  5. What percentage of straight white men are occupying these positions at the highest levels? 0.01% perhaps? Probably the same percentage of high achievers in the other races I would think. So in your mind just because a very small percentage of high achievers are in these positions then the entire white race should be collectively punished? The vast, vast majority of white people do not occupy these positions and never will do. "they can't bear the thought of competing on a level playing field" It's not really a level playing field if they are not allowed on the field now is it? It doesn't matter how you dress it up, it is racist to discriminate someone based on their race, regardless of how good or otherwise it was decades ago in a different age for their ancestors. It's not whining to call out blatant racism.
  6. Ah, it appears that you don't understand the concept of using an example to illustrate a point, but since it appears like English is not your first language I will let it slide. What I will say though is that if you approve of the concept of discriminating against someone based on the immutable characteristic of their race then that makes you a racist.
  7. Ask yourself this. If the posting said "only open to straight white males" would you be demanding "context" or would you see it exactly as it is - discrimination against a group of people based on an immutable characteristic such as their skin colour? It's a racist job posting and should called out for what it is. No context is needed.
  8. Unfortunately for you the facts of this don't really care about your feelings on it. Example job ad in Canada: The idiocy one is exposed to in lefty echo chambers is rather astonishing sometimes.
  9. If Japan was as lax with illegal workers as S.Korea seems to be then maybe they would also be more strict at the airport. My ex-gf pretended to be a "genuine tourist" with a 3 month visa and return flight booked 18 months ago with the full intention to go and work illegally in Korea. She is still there working on a golf course and intends to stay as long as she can get away with it. Of course the golf course pays her peanuts in comparison to what they would be required to pay a Korean person, but that is still 4x what she can earn in Thailand.
  10. He has 8 kids. If they are unfortunate enough to be white and straight in Canada then they face a potential lifetime of discrimination and racism against them. It wouldn't be the first time parents have moved countries to give their kids the potential of a better life, but in this case the parents made a poor choice of destination. Bit like moving from Oceania to Eurasia really.
  11. I can certainly understand the desire to vacate the authoritarian woke hellscape that Canada has turned into, but of all the potential options Russia seems an especially daft decision at this time without any connection to the country or its language. Should probably have just moved to Florida...
  12. The excess deaths following the massive over reaction to covid was predictable. Countries have overspent massively shutting down economies in order to prevent the very old or very unhealthy from dying of "the final straw" (also known as covid) which led to increased poverty - a genuine killer. Hospitals that were diagnosing cancer or heart disease early stopped doing that in order to become covid centers and tiktok video production studios, meaning that by the time they got around to diagnosing treatable diseases, they were untreatable. Did the vaccines contribute in any meaningful way to this figure? Who knows, but it would require the idiotic governments who absolved Big Pharma of any liability to instigate some kind of investigation, and the scientists (no doubt funded by Big Pharma) to carry it out, so it would be a complete waste of time to spend even more millions on something that is already drafted to say "safe and effective and climate change is responsible" for any excess deaths.
  13. "The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command."
  14. The late Christopher Hitchens was quite prophetic about this back in 2009: "Resist it while you still can and before the right to complain is taken away from you, which will be the next thing. You will be told, you can't complain because you're Islamophobic. The term is already being introduced into the culture, as if it's an accusation of race hatred for example or bigotry, whereas it's only the objection to the preachings of a very extreme and very absolutist religion". How right he was. Actress complains about people that support terrorist groups and as predicted by Hitchins back in 2009, she is accused of being Islamophobic and has to issue an apology. No apology is sought or needed by the terrorist supporting goons for she was referring to.
  15. This is probably my biggest gripe with them, especially as the ATMs over here operate differently to literally anywhere else on the planet. Here it is: Request Cash -> Take Cash -> Retrieve Card Everywhere else in the world: Request Cash -> Retrieve Card -> Take Cash I'm now in my 5th card in a couple of years and I'd prefer to use the cashless withdrawals but since this is only possible with SCB ATMs it means going to the branch every time to get a new card I do this. If they operated like everywhere else and you take the card but forget the cash then as long as no-one is quick enough to grab it, then it is swallowed back into the machine and the account is re-credited. Once the card is swallowed then it means an annoying trip to the bank. I did originally use Bangkok Bank but their app (at the time) was terrible so switched over to SCB which had a (still messy) but usable phone app.
  16. My suggestion to save America from themselves. Step 1: Set max age of President starting a term to be 65. Step 2: Have election between 2 physically and mentally able candidates. If out of the 330 million people living in America they are unable to find 2 suitable candidates that meet this criteria then perhaps it is time to hand the land back to the Native Indians.
  17. Is this really what passes for a "normal" president nowadays? The man is senile and needs to be at home getting looked after by a nurse, not running a country.
  18. "Immigration can bring cultural richness, economic dynamism, and innovation." The UK is a magnet for the opposite of this due to the generosity of the welfare system. If the UK "needs" such high levels of immigration can we at the very, very least stop giving social housing and benefits to those who have never contributed. 18% of immigrants are in social housing which means they cannot even afford to live in the UK without the UK taxpayer funding it. In London that percentage is a staggering 48%. In what other country on this planet can you simply rock up and be provided with subsidised social housing because you cannot actually afford to live there because you do not have the skills to earn enough to do so?
  19. So the complaint here is that a legal document states facts rather than aspirations? I would very much like my Passport to reflect how I feel about myself which is at least 10 years younger than I am but I appreciate that would not be factual and be misleading to anyone that is required to check it. Also "sex assigned at birth". This gaslighting needs to stop. Sex observed at birth would be a more appropriate term (if we really have to have one) as let's not pretend that Doctors are choosing what to put on birth certificates based on anything other than the scientific fact that the newly produced offspring has a penis or otherwise. "Transgender people deserve to be treated with dignity and respect, and they should have the same rights as everyone else." I agree. But what rights do non-transgender people have that we need to give to transgender people they do not already have, that does not take away the rights of another group (let's call them women), and their rights to have safe single sex spaces and sports?
  20. Look at Germany/Japan where their respective leaderships were ousted after WW2, this exemplifies how such interventions can lead to prolonged peace, stability and prosperity for everyone.
  21. I think its just a case of prepare for the worst and hope for the best, although as someone else pointed out it is pretty clear that any monies transferred into Thailand after 1 Jan will be assessed for tax. So to counter this I'm transferring 2+ years worth of spending money into my Thai bank account prior to 1st Jan for example, and if the worst happens, put the money I might have to pay in tax towards fun travelling adventures for 6 months every other year, and during that "other year" transfer enough into the Thai account for the next 2 years etc. I'd be surprised if this scheme gets off the ground though as (like most tax raising measures) when under serious analysis will be found to be completely counter productive and result in less tax revenue overall.
  22. If they were good enough then they would not need government incentives though and people would just buy them if they were better. There were no government incentives for companies to use email over fax for example, but companies switched to email as email is simply better. Will the government will be there to help when the battery degrades and the car has lost almost all its value? I'm all for early adopting tech, but I have my limits and EVs (currently) is beyond that limit due to the battery degradation problem, the extra weight of the car, the range issues and the time it takes to charge issue. I suspect when these things are mainstream it will be in about 2/3 decades time, the batteries are a LOT smaller and swappable and that is of course no competing fuel technology that does not have the same problems comes along in the meantime.
  23. I presume an owner of a petrol powered car would be able to take the humble jerry can filled with petrol if driving to an isolated area as a backup in the event there are no petrol stations. What is the similar solution for an EV? Maybe one day when EV's have standardised and easily swappable small batteries that can be exchanged for a fully charged one, or when the batteries are small enough to be able to carry spares, then they will become mainstream. For now they are really just for early adopters who are able to fit their lifestyle around their cars. Nothing wrong with that of course, but I get the impression that based on the amount of time people spend defending their purchase choice on this that they have a bit of buyers remorse.
  24. Yes of course. Is the UK just bringing in the type of migrants who do not age then and/or are we expecting them to return to their origin countries when they get older so that they do not also become part of a much larger problem down the road? The problem with Ponzi schemes like this is that it requires continuous feeding and at some point it will inevitably collapse, most likely taking the welfare and health system with it.
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