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Everything posted by bobandyson

  1. 'Shine on Harvest Moon' is a tune along with many others from that Tin Pan Alley era that I listen to most days so a lot of them will pop into my head, usually within seconds of me waking up in the morning. Thanks to Leon Redbone who mainly just did covers of those old time songs and made them cool to listen to. This one by Leon often gets stuck in my head.
  2. Where does one buy a kids/childs helmet? I mean, a proper helmet and not a novelty one, like the one I saw with a 1.5 inch bolt that fastened the strap to the shell of the helmet. The bolt was placed right next to where someones temple would be.
  3. Sometimes it's the pet shops who are at fault. I mean, the way they groom them and put little bows and ribbons in their fur making them look all cute and sexy and stuff. And the pet owners then give them dirty slutty names like FooFoo, Fi-Fi, Trixie etc.
  4. Same on a road near me in Don Meuang, Bkk. Nobody on the main road seems to stop or even slow down, yet those coming out onto the main road from the side-sois do so with trepidation.
  5. Mozzies don't like the light. Spray water around bathroom to make it humid. Leave door ajar with light OFF. If have mozzies go in, enter and lather up a hand and then swat them. They'll either stick to the soap lather or, if you've only clipped them they'll go down like a German Messerschmitt.
  6. Led Zeppelin - Boogie With Stu Not a big fan of Led Zep but I was surprised when I first heard this neat cover of Richie Valens' 'Ooh, My Head'.
  7. Donate anything usable to a school. Surely no-one can be more than a stone's throw away from a school.
  8. I just completed this quiz. My Score 100/100 My Time 49 seconds  
  9. Been using these streamers for 3-4 footie seasons now. This one has links to various commentary languages. https://www.vipleague.pm/football-sports-stream This one isn't too bad. https://crichd.bi/soccer-live-stream-nt
  10. The lyrics are gobbledegook but made to sound like English, to prove that non-English speaking Italians would buy records that they thought were in English. It was a hit. Adriano Celetano - Prisencolinesinainciusol.
  11. Any volunteers to help this guy give up boozing? Nathaniel Rateliff - S.O.B.
  12. I just completed this quiz. My Score 70/100 My Time 130 seconds  
  13. Agreed. I'm in Don Meuang and there's 4 pharmacies within walking distance to me where I've obtained it from. 40baht for 10 tabs.
  14. Only watched the first 5 mins then it grabbed me and pulled me in right through to the end. Tommy Robinson's documentary 'SILENCED'.
  15. Some Spanish songs on the other thread made think about this artist. Lhasa de Sela - El Desierto Lhasa de Sela - De Cara a la Pared
  16. I like these 3-4 min vids by Joey B. Toonz. Not just the content but his commentary is superb.
  17. How the heck do you run over someone in a tuk tuk? You can hear them coming from miles away, especially if they have to get to a really high impact speed to do any serious harm. And where would the Swedish guy be standing or walking to allow himself to be mown down by a tuk tuk?
  18. Yesterday, I went to CW at 1pm and received my ticket which was #303. At the time #155 was being served. Went for my usual slow-paced walk-about downstairs stopping for lunch and to do some window shopping. One hour later I checked the board and saw that #186 was being served. I went inside with the intention to see how many of the 'A' counters were staffed but bumped into my agent on the way. After a brief chat, she asked for my PP and paperwork and said she would do it for me. Told me to find a seat somewhere near. She returned 10 mins later with everything all done and dusted. In the past I've always got there at 1pm for reporting and usually I'd get away around 3pm. Yesterday was much busier than usual.
  19. Way to go Thailand. Next you'll be inventing the wheel. Quote: Patterson returned to the problem of his initial experiment and the contamination he had found in the blanks used for sampling. He determined, through ice-core samples from Camp Century in Greenland taken in 1964 and from Antarctica in 1965, that atmospheric lead levels had begun to increase steadily and dangerously soon after tetraethyl lead began to see widespread use in fuel, when it was discovered to reduce engine knock in internal combustion engines. Patterson subsequently identified that, along with the various other uses of lead in manufacturing, as the cause of the contamination of his samples. Because of the significant public-health implications of his findings, he devoted the rest of his life to removing as much introduced lead from the environment as possible.[8] UnQuote. Above from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clair_Cameron_Patterson
  20. This movie got me watching CYE.
  21. Plenty of times. Never a problem. Once I shaved my legs the tights would slip off easily.
  22. Smiley Lewis - I Hear you Knocking (1955) Dave Edmunds' cover. (1970) My first single and my introduction to the world of Blues.
  23. Amusing video. I give it an AAA+ for content.
  24. So they're making a surprise visit on Friday? Hope nobody informs Takky as it will ruin the surprise.
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