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Posts posted by Bruno123

  1. 2 minutes ago, digbeth said:

    unlimited volume at what speed? at around 1500 a year it'll be limited in speed, anything between 4-10-15mbps, usable but can be infuriating if you're used to 'unlimited' all available speed


    these sim used to be available at from stalls and online sellers only and not at official true/ais/dtac shops as they cam bundled with a phone, where the shops would separate the package and sell the phones and sim cards with these special data plan separately, but since becoming popular the official channel are starting to offer it as well but many are starting to come with volume cap too go over 100-150gb and they throttle you down to snails pace, tempting you to buy the upgrade for the rest of the month.


    So if you're really after these kind of sim with unlimited data plan for a year, the mom and pops stalls/lazada/shopee resellers might have a better deal or more selection of these kind of sim than the official shops


    They have up to 30 Mbps Unlimited... more than good enough for most.

    Independents will always have access to better deals than the official channels. 



  2. 1 hour ago, Bruno123 said:


    They asked about unlimited...


    No idea why since they already asked me on another thread, so knew before posting that their choice is the most expensive of all of the choices. 

    Actually it was this thread. So they know DTAC offers Unlimited data for 1400 baht or less.


    But of course, price is not everything. You need to know what speeds are available to you before committing to a 12 month SIM. Especially if you are hoping to obtain anything near the advertised bandwidth.

  3. 22 minutes ago, CharlieH said:

    Nearly all of them offer "unlimited" but after X amount the speed drops to a snails pace !


    AIS off a yearly deal of 100gb per month at good speed for most uses but of course is dependent on location. Yearly deal around 1500 bt

    Nope, that is simply not true.


    All of them have offers similar to the AIS Marathon SIM, where you you get a fixed volume at the maximum speed available to you and then the speed drops off 'to a snail's pace'. But they are not sold as Unlimited.

    Unlimited fixed speed offers do not throttle the volume.



  4. 1 minute ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    OK, tell me five numbers between 1 & 32  and I will go to my supermarket today and take a photo of the shelves in the aisles and see whether they are full or empty .

       Give me five numbers between 1 and 32 and I will post the photos later .

    May I suggest that you take a more adult view of the discussion?


    It wasn't the first place visited. The first place visited, Budgens, was even more sparsely decorated with items. So moved on to LIDL. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, stoner said:

    i have documented proof. i have been doing research with one of the universities and government officials. meet me for a coffee and i will show you. company nda wont allow me to share the information with the public.



    No. You do not have proof with regard to the cannabinoid levels of the four native strain being promoted.  If you did then you would have posted the actual tested levels, rather than estimating 12 to 16%.

    You are wasting my time and i don't like it.


    • Like 1
  6. 16 minutes ago, stoner said:

    good grief. 


    we were talking about the bud in the picture. the bud in the picture is well over 7 percent thc. stock photo of something else perhaps ? fact remains that picture is showing bud over 7 percent. the bud in that test paper is laughable and in no way comparable to the bud in that picture.


    in fact many thai strains regularly come in at around 10 (average is usually 9) percent thc. this i know from personal experience of extracting dozens and dozens of kgm. 



    I am actually astounded that you are using the marketing photo from Greenlabs as the actual visual representation of ST1 ????

    All the more surprising when people have actually posted pictures of theIR ST1 orders here.

    You actually commented negatively on someone's picture of ST1.


    Seriously my friend, take a break. Am expert would know how the thing would look.



    • Like 1
  7. 6 minutes ago, stoner said:

    good grief. 


    we were talking about the bud in the picture. the bud in the picture is well over 7 percent thc. stock photo of something else perhaps ? fact remains that picture is showing bud over 7 percent. the bud in that test paper is laughable and in no way comparable to the bud in that picture.


    in fact many thai strains regularly come in at around 10 (average is usually 9) percent thc. this i know from personal experience of extracting dozens and dozens of kgm. 



    WA1 can come in at 9% to 10%. It has been mentioned many times here, as one of the strains sold by Greenlab, along with ST1. 

    WA1 9-10% THC. ST1 7% THC/7% CBD. Approx. figures of course and based on documented research with three different crops.


    I would take that any day, over a stoner with no documented proof at all.

    WA1 has the highest rated THC of the four native strains being promoted. ST1 is one of the four and the one pictured.

  8. 1 minute ago, stoner said:



    is the test and the bud picture the same harvest. quite important information.


    Dear stoner


    Is it in your knowledge that a native strain that normally produces around 7% THC/7% CBD, can, as if by magic and without modification, produce 18 to 22%THC/18% to 22% CBD or even 12 to 16%THC/12% to 16% CBD. More than double it's usual content.


    Why not just pretend someone hacked your AN account? ???? 



  9. 9 minutes ago, stoner said:

    dont need to translate the article my wife does that for me. 


    is it the bud from the picture that was tested ? you failed to answer. 


    not bluffing in any way. no wasting any time. you really taking this personal eh. 

    This is embarrassing....for you.

    If your wife can translate, then you should know the answer. especially as an expert on such things.


    But if you need me to spell it out for you, I can do so. Again, the four strains are described as ST1, WA1, TT1 & RD1.


    The strain shown in the picture is an example of ST1(Squirrel Tail). You can find the corresponding facts for each strain within the paper.


    If you cannot read nor understand it, then best you take the word of the people who can.

    Stop pretending that you know it all. It's irritating. It's taken at least eight posts thus far just to get you to the point of matching the strain with the one in the paper.

    I am taking it personally because you are arguing with me.

    I told you about the likely THC level and you insisted that you knew better.

    Eventually you asked me to post the 'magic' paper, which in the event you did not even bother to read.


    I don't mind intelligent debate. I don't so much like it when people 'take the biscuit'.

    • Like 2
  10. Just now, stoner said:

    is that the test for the genetics or the test for the bud in the picture ? big difference yes ? 

    I think that you may be partaking in too much of your product.

    If you cannot translate and comprehend the article, just say so. Stop wasting time pretending to be an expert on the subject.

    You have some knowledge, but you are clearly bluffing and obfuscating along the way.

    The cannabinoid content of all four of the strains is listed clearly in the paper.

    Were you unable to understand/translate the paper?

  11. 26 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    That is not true .

    There have been the occasion shortage of some goods and products , but nothing to be concerned about and my UK supermarket is generally fully stocked , just once there were no onions and tomatoes for one day  as they had all sold out by the evening .

       I have been to numerous UK Supermarkets and there's no shortages worth mentioning 


    Spin.....my pics say otherwise.

  12. 4 minutes ago, Loiner said:

    It's not reality in the real world. It's just an illusion created by the press for consumption of people like you. 
    They say the camera never lies, but the Rejoiner MSM does.


    So the empty supermarket shelves were not real; but then suddenly they were real but it's the Russian's fault.

    The Dover queues are clearly just another illusion, created by the French.


    How about some reality of the great benefits of Brexit then?




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