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Posts posted by Bruno123

  1. 21 hours ago, JeffersLos said:

    I just upgraded to W11 from W10, and it's very nice, very smooth. 


    A new i3 machine, and in the upgrade 10 years of bookmarks and passwords came with it. ????


    The Home edition is great. A happy W11 user. ???? 


    Home...first in line for Updates...whoopee! ????

  2. 14 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    Agreed, it's not the world I grew up in either, but it is life and relationships as they are today.

    No; it's your life and your relationships as they are today. You are simply transposing your experience to all.

    I choose a different path and get a different result. 

    Which one of us is in denial? ???? None of my girlfriends/partners needed paying, nor did I need to pay for them; that's a fact. But yet you suggest that it is I who is living in denial.


    It doesn't mean that I am criticising. We all have to get through the journey best we can ????

    Stay healthy, be happy, do no harm ???? 





  3. 14 hours ago, Leaver said:


    It's not the the world I grew up in either, however, that is the world today.  It's all about what you are, not who you are these days. 



    Studies have shown divorce rates rise and fall with changing economic conditions.  I guess the success of many marriages depends on earning capacity at a give time.  That would appear to make money the central part of the marriage. 


    Your beliefs shape your world. Someone who hates everyone is going to have a different perception of the world than someone who loves everyone ????  They can be standing next to each other but having a totally different perception of what is happening.. You see what you see and convince yourself that you are right.

    That is YOUR world. You and many others think it's all about the money. It is; when you treat each other like commodities. 


  4. 9 hours ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    It will be rather difficult for you to get free sex . 

    Even females who don't work as prostitutes will expect something in return , electric bill being paid or shoes for the kid or something like that .

       Not often sex is given away for free 


    There's a whole other world out there that most here won't ever see....and that is the women paying for and buying things for the men they like/love. Before the man has even spent a single baht. 

    I'm not going to write too much about it here nor will I denigrate those who choose to pay for everything.

    • Like 2
  5. 14 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    You've just described 99% of male/female sexual encounters in the world.


    You are very cynical ???? But that is not the world in which I grew up; so I haven't ever replicated that behaviour. 

    In fact many of my peers were proud of their ability to extract money from women; cars and jewellery etc all bought by their girlfriends. Not my friends, per se. 

    I did it once, to my shame; suggested to a girl who was interested in me that there was a guitar that I liked. She said that she would buy it for me. Perhaps she did; I don't remember.

    Also my older girlfriends(18 to 28) would spend more on me, simply because they had more.


    So paying someone for their company seems appalling to me. By all means pay for your first meetings in order to get to know each other. But once the relationship begins, you are taking care of each other. 


    That for me is a normal relationship. What you describe is something else. I haven't experienced such a thing, as such a person would be quickly discounted.


    I guess you'll say I'm one of the 1% ???? 






    • Haha 1
  6. 1 hour ago, JeffersLos said:

    About 100 from over the last 10 years.

    Export/back up your Browser profiles to an external drive. Everything should be intact, but in case they throw you a curve ball, you'll be able to import them from the external drive.

    Better to upgrade to 10 Pro than to 11 Home anyway. Then when you do choose to upgrade, better 11 Pro than 11 Home...which will happen if you have upgraded to 10 Pro...when you decide. 

    • Like 1
  7. 8 minutes ago, JeffersLos said:

    So when booting Windows 11 for the first time, my two browsers - Firefox and Chrome will still be installed and ready to roll with all my bookmarks and passwords still saved, or I would need to download both browsers again and import bookmarks and passwords?



    What Bookmarks would these be, if it's a new laptop? Back up the Browser profiles in any case, so that you can import those things in case of any failure.

    No need to rush into installing 11 unless it has something that you really want. Upgrade to 10 Pro and retain more control over the OS. Easier to defer Feature Updates etc



    • Like 2
  8. 1 hour ago, JeffersLos said:

    After researching.




    I neither need nor want any of the extras that 10 Pro has, so will stick with Home until upgrading to 11, thanks. 


    Up to you...as they say.  The point is to upgrade to Pro so that when you upgrade you get Windows 11 Pro.....as opposed to Home.

    Does that mean that you aren't going to bother with the upgrade to 11? 


    For the sake of a few baht, go for Pro if you do ???? You won't need the Extras...until you need them. Windows Sandbox as an example.

  9. 51 minutes ago, TheScience said:

    I upgraded three weeks after w11 dropped. It has been smooth / Asus laptop. The security is very annoying, need for email logins, email for Store (I just continue to dl outside Store). Most annoying is loss of drag drop on taskbar and I really detest the lame start menu.


    Upgrade and tweak it out.


    Unless you're waiting for w12 why stick around with 10? MSFT gonna force it on you one way or another.


    You can bypass those logins when running a clean install: https://beebom.com/how-create-local-account-windows-11/

    • Like 2
  10. 11 minutes ago, TheScience said:

    I have tooth that an expensive root canal was done on. It has minor absess although it's better with routine brushing, mouthwash...


    I contacted all the advertised internet dental services and all gave me ridiculous prices. I gave up looking and luckily the tooth is better which buys me time.


    I was quoted about 45k to 120k one tooth and incidentals could bring the costs higher.


    My elderly mother said same procedure by fancy US dentist was us1800.


    English speaking dental services Bangkok are now a total ripoff. You essentially pay the exact same price as you would in the United States minus 30%. The 30% we can say is all of the additional overhead and insurance that the US dentist must incur. While you save 30% in Thailand there is no insurance nor any higher levels of education and care.

    45k for implant and crown is to be expected; inclusive of incidentals, with conscientious practitioners.

    What made the US dentist, 'fancy'? I dare say that the practice here will likely be no less fancy.


    If you want cheaper, there is always India at half price or less. Perhaps worthwhile for someone who needs extensive work; such as full tooth replacement with perhaps up to eight implants needed.

  11. 1 hour ago, JeffersLos said:

    Thanks, how do I do this?

    There are two options. Ask the vendor once your purchase is completed. One or the other will work.


    First option: You buy the key and then:




    Then follow the prompts; it will upgrade and activate. Simple.


    Second option: Buy the key.

    You then disconnect from the Internet and enter the generic key that changes the edition to Professional: VK7JG-NPHTM-C97JM-9MPGT-3V66T. It's the official Microsoft key; nothing dodgy about it.

    Then follow the prompts to upgrade. Once the upgrade is complete, you can use the new key to activate your newly upgraded install.



    The vendor should know what kind of key and which option will work.

    But usually you would use the second option if you have a strange edition of Windows 10; such as Windows 10 Home Single Language.

    • Like 2
  12. 2 hours ago, rose33 said:

    Are you being sarcastic? Thanks.

    Why would you think that I was being sarcastic?? If they haven't already fixed those issues, they are waiting for your money to arrive to fix them...if at all.


    Twice on potential rentals I asked about the same thing. They both claimed it would be done and neither did it. 

    I walked away and found a better place.

    • Like 1
  13. 5 hours ago, Troy Tempest said:

    Well as I use my Samsung TV as a monitor I don't really care about the colour/screen quality of the laptop itself!


    It has 8Gb Ram which I will upgrade to 16Gb.....More than enough for me!


    It's fine. Just pointing out that it is a pretend discount and that's the normal price.


    Why buy a laptop if you are not going to use the screen?? ???? 



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