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Posts posted by Bruno123

  1. 36 minutes ago, Iamfalang said:

    In Thailand, tipping is for good service.  I've had horrible, horrible massages and didn't tip.  I've had bad massages and tipped 100 and never went back.  I've had great massages and tipped 100 baht because it was only 200.    


    Nobody in Thailand (nobody meaning most) makes a lot of money, so tip them at 7-11?  Tip the food sellers?  Tip the market sellers?  Tip everyone?   9000 baht a month as a salary won't help them in their life, but falang rich and can help.....so tip!!!!


    It really comes down to Karma.   If you get a good massage, can tip, you tip.  If you don't tip to be cheap, you will have problems that will cost you 100 million baht down the road.  


    The massage places have very little traffic, a customer is a customer.


    When there are 40 million massage customers like before, then you really should tip as their time is valuable.    Once I was Number 893 in the queue for a soapy massage.......time is money!!!  not now.   


    This is a bit of a weird post. The norm in Thailand was to leave the loose change. Only Americans would think about tipping/bribing.

    Normal tourists would leave ten or twenty baht after their meal.

    Now of course we have those who pontificate that 100 baht should be a normal tip. Of course it is total nonsense; looking at life through their foreign lens.

    You won't see a Thai giving 100 baht (unless they are showing off) or most any other tourist. Most tourists might give perhaps 20 or 40 baht.

    • Like 1
  2. 47 minutes ago, PoodThaiMaiDai said:

    Ya, it takes me a whole 7-10 minutes...... about the same amount of time to walk from LK area to 2nd Road and take a baht bus to Soi 6 


    I can walk but that would be too much work.


    I have a motorbike to get where I need to go.


    If I want to take a girl to dinner or if I am drinking I use BOLT.


    According to Google; the walk from Kasetsin 2 to Thappraya is 1.8kms and takes 23 mins.

    According to Google; the walk from Kasetsin 2 to where 2nd road joins with 3rd road is 1.7kms and takes 22 mins.

    According to Google; the walk from Kasetsin 2 to the Manita Boutique Hotel is 1.4kms and takes 19 mins.


    • Like 2
  3. 26 minutes ago, jcmj said:

    Wow. The people on here looks for a place to rent sure seem to be cheap Charlie’s. You get what you pay for and if you can’t afford transportation I suggest you stay in a cheap place near Soi Bukhao. I’m sure you’ll feel right at home there. 

    That's a bit of a silly statement, since the price of a cheap place in Bua Khao won't be much different from the cheap places in Kasetsin.

    You are suggesting that the people in Phra Tamnak are willing to pay a premium to be there. They aren't, in the main. Cozy Beach was dead on it's feet until the Russians arrived. Now the area is being propped up by weekenders.

    Having to rely on taxis for your everyday life is not convenient. Pathetic when people try to put others down for the money they are prepared to spend on transport.




    • Like 1
  4. Just now, simon43 said:

    Doesn't look too bad when one wants to gain weight fast. Eat that cr*p for years and I'm sure your arteries would clog up!


    Doesn't look good to me. Personally I would create a fresh and healthy alternative.






    But that would mean someone actually making up high calorie, high protein shakes on perhaps a thrice daily basis.


    Not easily sustainable unless you are on-site.

  5. 16 minutes ago, PoodThaiMaiDai said:

    I did not ask.  But it is not 500 baht.  


    Why are being such a "nice" person.?


    I don't understand what you are trying to write. Should they be paid 250 baht per hour in your eyes?

    Nice person? I also tip 100 baht; but I do not presume to tell anyone else how much they should tip nor do I denigrate anyone for not tipping at all. 

    Most people, including yourself, have no idea as to how much the masseuse gets from the fee, so tipping would not be on their mind. It's just a USA 'begging' thing that has spread. Insidious.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  6. Looks like cr@p to me:





    But I guess you don't live nearby so as to supply her with a better quality product.

  7. 48 minutes ago, PoodThaiMaiDai said:

    I was at a regular Non-P4P massage place today.  My normal place.


    My masseuse mentioned yesterday they had a group of 4 men come in and they all had a 2 hour massage (500 baht).  


    She said no one was tipped.  


    This is beyond me. These girls don't make much money as they rely on tips to make it work.


    She further stated when they asked for the masseuse names for a repeat visit they all lied about their names.  555

    Did they say how much they get from the 500 baht or is that info not so good for your story?

    • Like 2
  8. 1 minute ago, tomyami said:

    A good rub down for 1 hour warrants a 100b tip imo pattaya is an expensive place to live for the girls.

    There are wealthy indians in pattaya that own some prime real estate but the one's i am seeing in the tour groups are low end spenders and all thats willing to come here, its TAT numbers game maintaining policies and broken infrastructure that makes pattaya a sex tourist attraction more than ever and if you dont like <deleted> off

    Calm yourself. It's just your opinion. Millions of others won't agree with you. People tip what they think they should tip or perhaps not at all. Their money, not yours.

    Rub down? From which century are you? What is a rub down? Massage is usually towards the heart, so would that not be a 'rub up'?



    • Like 1
  9. 2 hours ago, dddave said:

    Last June, as Covid peaked in Bangkok, I rented a nice, 60 s/m 2 b.r. in an older Jomtien Beach condo building, water view, 300 meters from the beach, not far from the night market.   

    I originally rented at B13,000m./3 month contract.  When the contract was nearly finished and I informed the owner that I would be moving to a less expensive unit, he offered to lower the rent to B10,000/m, 6 month contract which I accepted.  We recently agreed on another 6 month extension.  

    He said he would much rather have a steady tenant who pays on time than play the short term rental game with high turnover.

    Sometime in the unforeseeable future, the regular crowds will return and rents will shoot-up. Prior to Covid, my unit rented for B25,000/m. I kept my very inexpensive unit in Bangkok for just that eventuality..


    He won't see 25k per month again for a while. 300 metres from the beach? 60 sq.m with two bedrooms? That's much the size of my beachfront condo and I am not paying 25k per month for it.

    I turned down a 120+ sq.m beachfront two bed condo for 20k per month as they insisted on a 12 month contract at the time.

  10. 7 minutes ago, The Hammer2021 said:

    Soi cozy beach AKA soi Rachawaroon has been hit hard by Covid-19  closures but it will recover. There are 6 new restaurants at the end now on Soi Kasetsin right above the beach. The restaurants starting with the Sky Gallery - with the most recent addition Oxygen are great fun in great locations. But currently many businesses at the other end have closed on Soi Cozy Beach.  Up till Covid it was mega busy with dozens of coach parties parked in the new car park near the open air Gym.

    Many of the dogs  have been culled  thankfully now.


    People don't live in restaurants and clubs.  A few overpriced places overlooking the beach doesn't make it a desirable place to live.

    Mega busy with dozens of coaches? Dog culling? Are you secretly trying to put people off?

    Phra Tamnak used to be a hidden gem. Cosy Beach certainly, before they put those show places up and blocked the view to all other than who chose to pay to sit there. Before that, it was a rather pleasant place to sit and to have a picnic.


    • Like 1
  11. 51 minutes ago, NewGuy said:

    Where should I get it? I’m in South Pattaya, near Tuk Com and a Baht bus to most places.

    You are in the right place. Though one thing that I strongly advise, is that you make a point of showing the vendor that Touch ID is working before you give it to them to change the battery.

    Chances are that it won't be working when they hand it back. Overconfidence in their abilities usually ends up in them detaching the sensor and breaking the link to Touch ID function. You can try the shops to the east of the Tukcom building.

  12. To be fair, I have seen a couple of katoey, riding around on a motorbike, attempting to rob tourists. The 'western' tourist on whom they tried their 'advances', checked his pockets soon afterwards and then carried on walking as normal.

    So it's possible that this happened. Though whilst their peers are offering girls on the beach 400 baht for 'long time', the valuations of the neck chains may be subject to further scrutiny.  

  13. 4 hours ago, csaba81 said:

    True offer 30 days for between 350 and 850 Baht depending on how fast you want to go (1 to 6 megabit). Perhaps someone knows of a better value package.

    Existing SIM or new SIM?


    If existing there are codes that may still work that offer unlimited 2 Mbps, 4 Mbps and 10 Mbps connections at 150, 200 and 300 baht per month respectively. Unlimited calls to all networks costs an extra 50 baht.


    Too many other possibilities unless you can be more specific as to your needs. 

  14. On 5/24/2022 at 3:12 PM, Bruno123 said:

    I recommend this place on the Darkside: https://www.google.com/maps/@12.9289336,100.9236004,3a,75y,329.5h,85.19t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sY0k6dUqOcO46UvnGVfczvw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192



    They do their own Chinese style roast pork. A much better accompaniment to egg noodle soup and rice dishes than the ubiquitous 'moo daeng'.


    Generous portionsand inexpensive from a big hearted couple. Get yourself over there. Next door to the London Inn on Nern Plub Wan.



    London Inn is now Horn Pub..

    • Haha 1
  15. 16 minutes ago, Leaver said:


    I gather you don't live here full time.  If / when you do, after a while, you might see things a little differently.


    I'm retired and traveled South East Asia extensively as well. 


    Different countries do different things, differently.  There are good and bad in all of them. 


    Thailand might "beat them all" for you, but that doesn't mean others see it the same way.  It comes down to personal choice. 


    So funny.... that you now admit that it's down to personal choice.  That people choose Thailand for what they perceive it offers them, rather than your suggestion of a cable car making a difference ???? 

    • Haha 1
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