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Posts posted by Bruno123

  1. 47 minutes ago, Leaver said:

    Name some?



    Cannabis, and...................................?



    Yes, I am suggesting that.  Not to mention, neighboring countries have UPS's, a BIG one being casinos, with Thailand nowhere near offering that service to tourists. 


    See below for a casino in Vietnam.




    So Vietnam is building world record breaking infrastructure for tourists, and offering gambling which Thailand is nowhere near, and you bang on about Thailand's UPS's, and only name one, cannabis, which appeals to a very small percent of tourists.



    Yes, there is. 


    What has Thailand build to benefit tourists, or the tourism industry, in recent years?  Surely this is an easy question for you to answer about a country that has so many UPS's.  ????


    Go back to read the posts and you will note that we touched on three.


    Fortunately I have a real life outside the forum, so I'll be getting on with that.

    Your posts are becoming more and more long winded and you don't appear to have the ability to understand what has been written.

    I wrote about USPs and we touched on three.  I don't need to repeat them.

    I haven't bothered to read anything else you have written, as I can see that you aren't paying attention anyway, but simply carrying on with your intended rant regardless.

    So enjoy...but without me.

  2. 53 minutes ago, LarrySR said:

    My ‘thrifty’ neighbor says he pays 300bt and even deducted 60bt to pay for a razor at 7/11 to trim the nasty bush. 
    I’ve seen them and to be honest, I think he overpays. 


    There are some homeless people who ply their trade. The less said about that, the better. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Leaver said:


    Simple question, really.  What has Thailand built that benefits tourists, and the tourism industry, in recent years? 


    What are some of the USP's that Thailand has?  Can you name a few? 


    Obviously, the the size of sex trade is one.  Remember, the "U" stands for Unique.  


    I'm not interested in your 'simple question'. Is this an interview with the Prime Minister?

    You have already mentioned another USP, so that is two already.


    Why would I have to name a few? Isn't two enough for you? How about travel infrastructure? 

    Do you think a cable car trumps either of the two we have already covered?


    Give it a rest my friend. Enjoy your time, rather than looking to criticise ALL of the time. Negativity will do you in.

    • Haha 1
  4. 1 hour ago, The Hammer2021 said:

    I've seen those broke  Cheap Charlie's on beach road - stained cargo shorts and Singha vests- tatty rubber sandals prowling for cheap short time waifs and strays- trying to get 300 baht short time from girls who are broke, addicted or hungry or all three but in fact there's lots of free seating available without them trying to get free  seating from the local businesses. But just imagine what the licensed beach vendors, after two hard years without any business, must be thinking, what they must be saying to each other if some scruffy wanderer, clutching his cheap drink repeatedly approaches your business
    several days running, multiple times to argue with them about his right to avail himself  of their services  without paying or buying any food,  or drink and quite possibly driving other customers away. The mind boggles at the tin eared, insensitivity of thankfully, only a minority of entitled foreigners trying to live on the cheap at other people's  expense. It's a bit like when you see white beggars  in Thailand  and India competing with the locals. Its shocking- not just their actions but that THEY CAN'T SEE, CANT UNDERSTAND that what they're doing is shocking. Learn  the local customs, respect  the people, try and engender respect and be prepared to pay for food  drink and seating at beach hut restaurants. It's not actually free just incredibly cheap.


    What a load.....


    I haven't seen any foreigner try to pull anyone on the beach for 300 baht.

    You just made that all up. A rather shameful and disgusting ploy.


    Where are you exactly to have seen and heard this? Standing next to them?

    I exercise there on a regular basis and hear the girls quoting their prices. Westerners would not ever suggest 300 baht. Southern Asians might.


    You really have scraped the barrel with your rather obvious ploy.

  5. 57 minutes ago, Leaver said:


    Remind me of the last time you heard criticism of sidewalks in other countries. 



    Point being, a nearby country, which is supposedly poorer, is building world record breaking tourism infrastructure.  


    The question again, what has Thailand built in recent years to benefit tourists or their tourism industry?  They can't even build or maintain a sidewalk properly here. 



    Which describes most countries in South East Asia.



    I agree.  Thailand is offering this, but legalizing something isn't a tourism infrastructure project, is it?



    Sure, but will they come to Thailand in the big numbers Thailand is used to?


    2019 was the quietest high season I had ever seen, and covid had nothing to do with it. 


    I know it seems like so long ago, due to covid, but things were not so great here for businesses back in 2019, and I don't think cannabis alone is going to turn that around.  



    It's only you who mentioned "tourism infrastructure project"; I actually wrote USP.


    They don't need to come in the big numbers as before. They just need to come. It's just another string to the bow.


    Things change; adapt or die.

  6. 15 minutes ago, Leaver said:


    We were seeing it pre covid.  The main tourist demographic here were Chinese, and they don't do deck chairs, and many other tradition scams by Thai's.  Infact, they really only do Thai nominee Chinese companies.  ???? 


    What UPS's does Thailand have?  They are still stuck in their old ways.  The can continue with their dual pricing, scams, rip offs, over charging, bill padding, collusion and mafia tactics all they like, but the victims were dwindling in numbers pre covid, and will decline even future going forward. 


    What has been built in recent times for the benefit of tourists, or the tourism industry here?  They can't even build a decent side walk here.


    Meanwhile, just down the road, world record breaking tourism infrastructure is being built in Vietnam.






    Remind me of the last time you heard anyone praise the sidewalks of any country.

    Sorry but I haven't ever travelled anywhere to ride on a cable car. Do that once or twice, then what?


    People travel to Thailand for the relatively relaxing lifestyle and pragmatism; rather than the stress and a million rules to which to be adhered from which they escape.


    Now that cannabis has been recognised as beneficial and legalised, that is going to make a difference.

    That, together with the existing 'wellness' industry is a USP. Some people travel to Thailand to drink as much as they can thinking that they are having a great time. Others may take the opportunity to de-stress and use natural remedies in order to help them do so. A healthier lifestyle so to speak.


    Of course you always get the idiots who shout 'drugs!' and that only alcohol is acceptable. That's why they are idiots.


    So people will travel to Thailand to relax and to improve their health. Not everyone who travels to Thailand is a drunken sex pest.


    • Like 1
  7. 1 minute ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    If people attack bouncers , there's usually some repercussions .

    Same thing would have happened had the foreigners being Thai .

    The violence was a result of drunken Westerners attacking Thais and the Westerners thought that they would get a free pass to commit violence , because they were Western Old and Female .

       They dont get a free pass in Thailand 


  8. 1 hour ago, Leaver said:


    I think you will see market forces, and competition from neighboring countries, play a part in the demise of these rip offs in the future. 



    ???? Wishful thinking on your part.

    There will always be attempts at dual pricing. 

    Thailand still has some USPs over their rivals.

  9. 23 minutes ago, newnative said:

       I don't know why--especially at night--she picked this off the main path section to jog in in when the main jogging path is better lit and has more people on it.  


    Allow me to assist you with your thinking....

    The cycling/running track covers around 10 km. So likely she started much earlier, from the opposite entrance. Not wanting to jog 10 kms back, likely she cut through the park to get back to where she started. 

    As I suspected, this took place inside the gated area. I don't even do that at night, as it is unlit in many places and my bicycle has no lights attached.

  10. 6 hours ago, BKKBike09 said:

    "Good etiquette" is not spending 15 minutes to do 3 sets of reps if there are clearly other gym users wanting to use that equipment. 


    "Selfish and annoying" are the tw#ts who do a half-hearted set on some machine and then sit there gormlessly for 5 minutes playing FB or TikTok or whatever on their phone




    If someone is on their phone, then it is perfectly acceptable to apply a little pressure in the form of suggesting that you alternate.

    That will either speed them up or get them up so that you can have your alternate turn.

    Perfectly reasonable; so no one likely to take offence.


    • Like 2
  11. 4 hours ago, transam said:

    I hope ordinary Russians watch this stuff, if they can, they will realise they are being taken back into the dark ages by a fruitcake, instead of moving forward being like the majority of the rest of Europe, free and integrated ...


    But, as with other fruitcakes, Hitler, Mussolini etc, their time came...????




    I sent the link from Twitter on the 60 MINUTES interview to friends in Russia. They could only see an ERR_CONNECTION_RESET page.

    They are being kept in the dark. They know only how to recite parrot fashion the whole Nazi and defending homeland propaganda. Zero ability to discuss and debate.

    • Like 1
    • Sad 1
  12. 53 minutes ago, goldenbrwn1 said:

    I have been training  on and off for decades, never do I now bother asking if someone has finished or how many sets they  have left. I just do something different or a similar exercise until the equipment is free. Just no point.  And it’s not the worry of someone with ‘roid rage’.  Bloody youngsters! Mobile phones!  I swear I have done a 45 min workout looking at a bench after asking ‘how many more mate’ wanting to use it and the  tw## still sits there on the end of it typing on his phone the whole time.  And this isn’t a rare occasion, happens all the time in the UK.  The next time you hear of a dumbbell attack , it will probably be in the UK.  Oh and no roids will be involved in this incident.


    That was certainly a bit of a rant. I certainly don't like people asking me "how many more? when I'm training. That is pathetic; hassling people whilst they are working out.

    I just tell "I don't know and then roundly ignore them. Sounds as if that is what happened to you. 

    Good etiquette is to ask the person to let you know when they are done. That way they may even reserve the equipment for you whilst you make your way over.

    If some idiot stood there waiting whilst I was training, I would not be impressed and would likely really take my time.


    If you are in a hurry, ask to alternate. Otherwise just ask them to let you know when they are finished. Don't be selfish and annoying.

    • Sad 1
  13. 21 minutes ago, bmanly said:

    Yes I probably should have started a new thread for DTAC. I actually forgot about my DTAC sim but I did keep both the True and DTAC sim going. Alright, so I got one last question. Can I activate this DTAC plan from Australia? I tried my DTAC sim today and it works as it's on global roaming and has a few baht in it. I am thinking if I put in my number into that dialog box it should send me a OTP and I enter the password and it should go through. Is that how it works? Of course I would do that the day I leave AU as I arrive the same day as I leave to go to Thailand.

    The only reason to activate it from Australia is if you believe that the promo will stop the day before you arrive. 

    But yes, that is how it works.

    • Like 1
  14. 6 minutes ago, ChrisP24 said:

    Its also poetic justice to think that if you do this and others see you the idea might just catch on and spread.   Or go a step further and buy these in quantity and sell them for a profit beachside.  But of course long term it's unwise to "win" in circumstances such as these.  Better to win quietly simply by not playing. 


    Beach mat vendors have done exactly this. Now hundreds of people sitting on mats at the beach.

    In other news; groups taking those chairs along with their own umbrellas in their pickups to sit on the beach.

    Can you see a native group of four paying 400 baht to sit on some deckchairs whilst paying a premium for food and drink? 

    They need to wean themselves off from the rip-off of foreigners. Hard to do I guess when so many people profit from it.


    • Like 1
  15. 1 minute ago, The Hammer2021 said:

    The thread notification activated  and I replied to it..just as you are now responding! LOL. Or don't  you know how this forum works?

    But I am pleased to say around Pratumnak and cozy beach it appears many dangerous stray dogs  have been put down making the area much safer.  So we'll done to the authorities!


    I think that you are confused. You replied to a five month old post. Are you suggesting that the notification was delayed by five months??

    I replied to something that you just posted. Understand the difference? 

    Have a nice day. I will reply to you again only if you post something that makes sense.

  16. On 5/15/2022 at 6:26 AM, Mr Meeseeks said:

    Pattaya is filthy at the moment and full of stray dog populations which are rapidly expanding.


    Thais simply do not have the ability or will to do what is necessary to combat the problem.


    Are your opening statements connected? Seems that you are upset about two things. That Pattaya is filthy and that you don't like dogs.


    What do you propose they do about the decay? Spend money that they don't have in making it look in tip-top shape for you? 

    I'm not sure why people come to Thailand after being unhappy in their home countries and then spend their lives trying to make Thailand look and behave like their home country.


    I love Thailand; soi dogs and all.

  17. On 5/15/2022 at 12:58 AM, jacko45k said:

    Had a timely reminder about dog issues, beyond that of my neighbours damned animals. Had been in Lotus Mall on Nua and decided to walk to T21, but from out of the carpark onto a side street. I must have looked like mutton chops to 4-5 dogs hanging around on the street, and definitely felt concerned....

    Should not be worried about taking a walk in a tourist town. 


    Allow me try to clarify what you have written here...


    You were out walking and saw some dogs. They did nothing. You imagined that you were a mutton chop. You blame the dogs for your wild imagination and insist that something must be done about them forcing you to imagine that you are a mutton chop.

    I agree; if dogs are using previously hidden mind altering tricks to make you think crazy things, it's an abuse of their power.

    I can try to talk to them for you.


    As to you claiming that there should be absolutely nothing in a tourist town that might disturb you in the slightest.... like the rest of us, you'll need to find a way to filter out the things you don't want in your world; rather than expecting the world to conform to your idea of perfection.


    The dogs did nothing to you, why are you attacking them?


  18. 4 hours ago, The Hammer2021 said:

    I get good advice from their office


    You posted to state that you get good advice from a random office?

    Put that alongside with the fact that we have no idea if you are referring to Truemove H or DTAC(since the OP asked initially about Truemove H, but then moved the topic to DTAC) nor do we have any idea if the advice was actually any good in the first place, since we have no way of comparing the advice that you were given to the best available advice at the time.









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