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Posts posted by Bruno123

  1. 2 hours ago, BangkokReady said:

    Ok, but you made it sound like she pursued you to the point of a relationship and then supported you financially.

    That's not how I made it sound; that's simply what you conjured up in your mind.

    I am not going to write about my private life here. What is wrong with you? I gave a basic outline in order to make a point; not to prove anything to you. Get a grip!

    The conversation was about not paying someone to stay with you. Keep up or ship out.


  2. 46 minutes ago, gastos said:

    Hi there, 

    If all banks charge 200 Bahts of ATM fees no matter which color banks you use and the exchange rate are all determined by MasterCard or Visa, wouldn't it not make any differences no matter what bank you use? Which means we can just take our Schwab DC and just walk into any bank's ATMs and withdraw 10k Baht when we need cash?


    Also are Aeon ATMs always superior because they charge less fees and yield the same exchange rate Dollar to Baht?


    Also how much Baht can we withdraw at most at one bank's or Aeon's ATM? 10000? 15000? 20000?


    Also are there no-fee Thai atms out there as of April 2022?


    Also are the exchange rates of each ATMs really identical as determined by Visa or MasterCard?

    Depends on where you live. Last time I checked Bank of China were the only ones not charging. Don't know about now.

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, FalangJaiDee said:


    ???? k dude 

    this is correct. 


    you're either larping (live action roleplaying) or you have model tier looks. if that is the case, then your experiences have nothing to do with who you are but how attractive you are. simple as. 


    How attractive you are isn't always connected to "model tier looks". I, in fact, often shun girls I think too attractive, as I find it a bit too stressful. More than once I've had them come back to me years later asking me why I didn't ever ask them out.

    Models aren't particularly attractive anyway. Have you actually met any? 

    Do you think women are only attracted to a single type? 

    How long would a relationship last if it were based solely on looks? Try to write intelligently.


    I think my girls on the whole are attractive; some even beautiful. But the most beautiful thing about them is when they genuinely want the best for me.

    We just operate on different levels. I never got involved in p*ssing contests. I just play to my own strengths.

    I guess you joined in ???? 

    Simple as it is in your mind.... nothing to do with reality, but with your experience. 


    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  4. 1 hour ago, BangkokReady said:

    And this persisted after she had you safely locked down in a committed relationship?

    I don't know about the committed relationship part; but I did not give her any money, other than once; 2000 baht. She knew better than to ask me. So when she did, I knew it was a last resort.

    No different than if any friend was in need. I don't give women money to be with me. Friends have each other's backs.

  5. It's a bit tame in here. Does no one have any energy left? ????




    Incidentally, some of the musicians I found through Thai reviewers; so Thais aren't just listening to the ridiculous 'music' that you might hear in the mainstream.


  6. 25 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    Would also point out it's illegal in the UK to let a minor have sex with someone in your house.

    It would have put her on the sex offenders list if it had been reported.


    My 15yo son wanted to have sex with his 16yo girlfriend in my house back in the UK.

    I made him wait until he was 16 as I didn't want to go to jail.

    It was still a complete poopstorm when her dad found out, after they were both 16, but at least they couldn't call the police and have me arrested and charged as a sex offender.


    I was sixteen by that time..... I moved in at fifteen. Anyway, it would not have made the slightest bit of difference. 

    There were a lot worse things happening at the time. I was a sixteen year old who had his takeaway food delivered on china plates by Taxicabs. I would hear exactly what the rich and famous were doing, before it got to the mainstream, if it ever did.

    I don't step on anyone's toes and hopefully they won't step on mine. ???? 


  7. 1 hour ago, jvs said:

    Lots of good comments here,i listen to music everyday.mostly older 70-90's

    music but also new music.

    Imo it is very simple,when we were younger we listened to the radio a lot and we

    were presented with all kinds of quality music,maybe it was your taste or not.

    Now good new music will not be presented to you but you will have to go look for it!

    It is out there! A lot of it,someone mentioned Angelina Jordan,amazing young artist.

    Matthew 7-7.


    Funny. I didn't see your post before writing mine. I wrote much the same thing.

    • Like 1
  8. 19 hours ago, pgrahmm said:

    Yeah - music as we appreciated is dead....Whether rock, love songs, ballads, or country; it's in decline or gone completely out of sight of the rear view mirror....


    It's all club banging or rapping = which isn't music in my book....


    I guess it goes with the great age of digital detachment & loss of any kind of people skills.....


    I actually find solace in a lot of the Thai music, dancers, and entertainers that my family watches/listens to - it still has personality - over the absolute train wreck nightmare most western mainstream "music" has become....

    You are sooooooo wrong. You are just stuck in a small space and see only that which is around you.

    There is so much good music and great musicians out there that you will not ever hear; because you are the one not searching. You hear mainstream pop and act as if it represents to what everyone is listening.

    Are you waiting for it to be played on the radio or in a nightclub?


    Follow the music; not the money. Money is what pushes some forms of music to the fore.












    • Like 1
  9. 4 minutes ago, HauptmannUK said:

    Crikey!  And each in the plural!  You should write a book based on your experiences, it would be a guaranteed best seller.

    Plural meant as a group, rather than multiple of each. I have been requested to do exactly that. I'm just not the type that thinks people would be that interested and really it's none of their business ???? 

    I only write this as it's in context with the general theme.

    You won't see me boasting about my conquests. Rather explaining that there is more than one school of thought.

  10. 10 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    That would make her a paedophile and you a trafficked child prostitute she had groomed.

    Was her name Maxwell by any chance?


    I didn't have sex with her; I had a girlfriend. She just allowed me to move in and we spent time together; going out sometimes. 

    We did sleep in the same bed perhaps once or twice... when I first moved in, as I didn't really know what was expected of me. But I wasn't really in to her in that way. The fact that she gave me my own bedroom and allowed me to have my girlfriends over shows that your rather nasty suggestion is not the case.


    A bit of a nasty post by yourself. It's not something about which to joke. You have dropped down a notch in my estimation. Be careful.



    • Haha 1
  11. Use a Seedbox. It will process the Torrent using it's own bandwidth and then provide you with a secure link.

    That means you don't have to leave your device on at all, other than when you are ready to download/view the media involved.


    Hard to believe that people are still leaving their devices on all day and night in order to process Torrents. Primitivo!

    • Like 1
  12. 6 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I hope you realise that such a male person would be so small a % of all males on the planet as to need too many zeros behind the decimal point to post on here.


    Entirely possible if the genders were reversed though.


    BTW, how many single barmaids can afford a 3 bedroom apartment in London?


    First sentence you state it's possible; second sentence alludes to it being impossible as it could only be possible if the gender roles were reversed. Which is it? Your mind not able to accept?


    Even your third sentence shows your mind still unable to accept. 


    Life wasn't always the way it is now. A council flat before the ridiculous second bedroom tax. She didn't charge me a thing; I was only fifteen ???? 

    When she started getting grumpy that I wouldn't come out of my room to communicate with her(she had her own boyfriend by then), another girl I met in the same nightclub came to pick me up and moved me in. Two bedroom apartment near Selfridges. Bought me a car(I couldn't drive), bought me clothes, gave me money to take my girlfriend out(yes, I had a girlfriend). I was sixteen.

    Decked out my apartment when I got one at seventeen. 


    I didn't have to ask. In fact, she would ask what my girlfriend had that she didn't have and offered to give me what it took. My girlfriend was eighteen at the time and she was in her twenties.

    This is a woman that would have cars screeching to a halt in the street, the occupants wolf whistling...and she chose me.


    I didn't think my life was unusual at the time; as of course my friends and acquaintances would be telling me all about their conquests; whereas I wasn't trying to conquer anyone, but to connect with them. So I didn't really talk about it. 

    But when I did, I would get the expressions of disbelief. Not from my actual friends, as they saw it in action. I was dismayed, as with all the stories they told, I thought my stories would be tame in comparison. 


    I really did come to Thailand for the beaches and the temples ???? 


    Birds of a feather, flock together. That's why so many here assume that everyone is doing the same thing and mock anyone who suggests that they are not. 

    I am not quite so cynical.

    For me it's a place to heal; rather than to wear myself out. I don't need to get involved in unpleasant things.











  13. 4 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    I'm wondering how long your relationships last, I'm thinking not long.

    Lots of girls will give you a go for a week/month/year at no charge.

    But then when their expected 'life of ease' doesn't happen, just move on.


    I've had 4 'live with' relationships, 30 years, 1 year, 6 years, 6 years.

    Starting from when I moved out from 'mom', until now.

    How about you? (only live-ins count, excluding your mom)


    You of course...are wrong. Anything from six months to seven years is the answer I will give.

    As I told you; you have your perception of the world so you are convinced that you are right.

    Not even a single break-up was due to money/finances.


    Many were due to me not really wanting to be with the person; but just going along with it since I didn't have a strong idea of what would work anyway.


    I don't have a problem in keeping women; my issue is with getting rid of them. One of the reasons why I am careful in choosing.


    You likely wouldn't believe me, but I've turned down 'supermodels' and pop stars and millionaires because I just didn't want to get involved. Fell in love with a poor refugee who was eighteen when I was thirty one. Incidentally, she is quite wealthy now ???? 


    I am very laid back in some ways. Where some people adhere to a ticking clock, I adhere to a good feeling.

    So where someone will insist on being on time; rather than keeping a good feeling, I will let them go. 

    Some of my relationships ended because I simply didn't bother to turn up. I guess I wasn't ready.


    I had sex on tap from the age of fifteen. Moved in with the barmaid from a West End nightclub at fifteen. I think she was twenty five or younger. Then moved to a separate room in her three bedroomed apartment and had my girlfriends visit me there. . The things were which you pay now and then were available to me and perhaps even forced on me. Even then I was given gifts and money by women; as a teenager.

    I could tell you some stories ???? 


    As I stated earlier; there is no criticism from me. I didn't walk in your shoes and you haven't walked in mine. Be happy and stay healthy. 





  14. 59 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    Mostly life is always about the money unless,

    1. you don't have any money, or

    2. you're Bill Gates/Jeff Bezos (and even they couldn't keep their women).

    Your life...


    Your second statement disproves to what you alluded in the first place. Some of the richest people around "couldn't keep their women".


    I didn't have any trouble finding and keeping them at all when I had no or little money. Think of how many people have been 'taken'; going to Thailand with their riches and in the end were scammed out of everything when their partners returned to their 'poor' husbands/boyfriends.

    How many were abandoned when the money ran out.

    The guys who self esteem is so low, that they lavish gifts on a woman in order to impress her and then are caught up in a dark place of their own making.


    Your time is more valuable than money. If you are worth anything as a person, they should be happy with that. If not, they are not happy with themselves and you should avoid them anyway.

    Having money on top of that is just a bonus.


    I understand your situation; so it's not criticism; just the standard by which I live.


  15. 51 minutes ago, Leaver said:


    Interesting post. 


    Well, Pattaya being the world's brothel doesn't exactly attract the nice Thai's, and the nice expats / tourists.


    Perhaps it's not about love and hate here, but just being street wise.


    Pattaya really is all about the money.   I'm interested to hear why you think that's not the case.  


    I mean if you act as if it is all about the money; then it is all about the money. It's up to you as to what kind of relationships you create.


  16. 2 hours ago, bunnydrops said:

    I was going to post the same but I have True. I would say give it a try. As I said I am on True and their policy is about the same. One year I came back almost a year late, I put money on the sim and it worked. Two years may be a stretch. May depend on if they needed the number. 

    You can have up to 365 days of 'validity' plus a grace period before the number is recycled. Two years is too late.

    Though AIS might give a refund on the credit is they can find a record. They did for me on my SIMs that expired. More than 500 baht; so worth it.

  17. Initially I thought this related to a commotion near the entrance of Walking Street a few days ago. I was behind the Police rushing to Walking Street. I heard "black guy" mentioned... But who was in the frame was actually a well built Thai girl. She tried to avoid them and to take a motorcycle taxi; but the police weren't having it. So she stated screaming and shouting and resisting. So they grabbed her legs and carried her to the pickup; still screaming and resisting. Even in the pickup she was fighting them. They had their special tools with them. Finally they had enough of her behaviour and one of the policemen jumped up on to the flatbed and put her down. Then they took her away to soi 9.

    I guess she did something to a "black guy".. There was one at the scene who went over to take a picture of her. Didn't look like the person featured here.

  18. 1 hour ago, moogradod said:

    Only one poster mentioned support. Support for Win10 will run out in 2023 and with support I mean mostly security updates. Or who wants to work with a vulnerable OS ?


    I actually do not know the exact date when Win10 support runs out. By that time I consider upgrading a must. Not for functional purposes at all, though.

    Support will continue until the 14th of October 2025. Get your facts straight before posting.



    Microsoft will continue to support at least one Windows 10 release until October 14, 2025.


    Windows 10 Home and Pro   Oct 14, 2025



  19. 2 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    That's great, I'm 66 can you find me a 20 year old (or even 30 year old) that will pay for me and buy me things?


    No. Sorry. It's something that will either happen to you or it won't. If I told you the story you would hardly believe it. But perhaps it was her age. Closer to 20. 

    She did all of the chasing. Teddy bears, gifts...even though I told her I had a girlfriend.


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