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Posts posted by Eindhoven

  1. Nowhere is it mentioned that you turned data off. You only stated that you didn't put enough money to renew.

    How exactly did you turn data off? 

    If there is no package on your phone, then charging reverts to the base package on the SIM. So something is connecting, even if just MMS or related.


    The best way to do with any kind of data leakage with DTAC is to change the base package on your SIM. It's actually a good idea for you as it also reduces the cost of your calls to 0.69 baht per minute and gives you an 'always on' data connection @ 64kbps. 

    That means if you choose to not subscribe to a data package it falls back to the 'free' 64kbps connection instead of the 1 baht per minute default of your current SIM base package.


    To change to the Go Plearn base promo, type *103*55*9# and then hit the dial key. It will deduct 30 baht or thereabouts as a one time payment for the change.


    No more possible charges for data leakage. 





  2. 2 hours ago, Formaleins said:

    Interesting, wonder what they were using to relay the calls as i was under the impression that (days of 3G) could not access a signal from that height, so it must have been relayed via the aeroplane coms? Not a direct connection with any sort of tower. What did it cost you, 10$ a minute?


    Was free; I told you. ???? A Blackberry loophole. So I had unlimited messaging throughout the flight. I paid something like £15 for six months of the messaging service. So not actually free; but of course I received 500 MB of data per month for normal usage. The use on aircraft was included. A nice loophole.

    Though some airlines give a free WiFi hotspot allowance. So some use that for basic communication.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Formaleins said:

    How do you mean by "Using Them" are you legally allowed to run a phone on an aircraft for calls or internet? Last time I tried mine you could not get any sort of signal at 39000 feet, it was going over Siberia at the time so maybe Vodaphone didn't have the coverage then. I was under the impression that the phones had to be off or in airplane mode during flight, but then again, we used to be able to smoke in the rear cabins back then, when flying was fun and people didn't put bombs in their underpants or shoes.


    Yes, I could call and send messages whilst in the air. I think Oman Air would provide a mobile signal. Most of the other provided just WiFi hotspots.

    Friend were often surprised when I would be writing to them at a time they expected me to be flying.

    This has been the case for many years now. Though I think Oman Air may have stopped the mobile phone signal thing. Anyway, I won't fly with them again as they still owe me a flight home, but don't appear keen on taking responsibility for it. ????


    • Like 1
  4. 49 minutes ago, Inderpland said:

    I have installed a VLC player and the issue I have playing the file seems to be some type of scam. Thanks for the offer of help but since I'm potentially pushing legal boundaris I'll just fiddle about myself.????



    Just tell me via PM and don't make an even bigger deal of it. Of course if it is something that you consider embarrassing, then don't.

    But if just a normal movie then we can file it under evaluation/testing purpose. As far as I know you already have a hard copy of the movie on DVD; but you no longer have a DVD player.

    • Like 1
  5. 7 minutes ago, kynikoi said:



    A seedbox? Why?


    The guy doesn't even know he downloaded a suspect torrent and you're suggesting he set up a seedbox. 555.



    You don't need to set up a seed box. Quite likely you are thinking of another kind of seed box.


    The kind I describe does everything for you. You simply paste the link in and Et voila! You can stream from a secure link or download from a verified working movie link.


    So no dodgy files on your PC are possible.





    • Thanks 1
  6. Just now, Formaleins said:

    And whatever happened to that tech they tried to push out for phones a few years back? The PTT (Push To Talk) like a walkie talkie, did it ever take off? Back in the 1980's we were working on Marconi Videophones and the development of what today is IFES, the individual In Flight Entertainment Systems, individual screens and media selection. Thankfully mobiles are still banned on most aircraft.






    Are they? I used mine often when flying. I don't know any airline that has banned mobile phones.

    Many supply mobile phone signal availability and WiFi hotspots for mobile phones. 


    I've been using mobile phones on aircraft for many years. Even my old Blackberry with the keyboard, as I could use it all the way from Europe to wherever I was going for free. It was great. A friend of mine had the same thing with Vodafone. Free usage anywhere, even on aircraft. We didn't complain.

  7. 10 minutes ago, yeahbutif said:

    Ok think splitting hairs here 140 b over CA year.. but still think it depends where you get it from


    It doesn't depend on where you get it. The price is now 1390 baht.

    If the OP was looking for the 1250 baht SIM; he might have ended up getting the wrong one.

    Not about splitting hairs, but just giving correct and up to date info. No criticism; just updating your info.

  8. 12 minutes ago, Formaleins said:

    But they should still be good for this two stage verification rubbish for Google /Banks/ Gmail etc?

    You seem to be clued up on this stuff, can I ask you a quick question, (hoping that the answer is positive) I just nearly made a huge mistake and nearly ordered a new Huawei P40 Pro phone ( I like photography) but then I found out that this phone does not support anything from Google, i.e. Gmail, Youtube Google apps. etc. however, the vendor advised me that the Huawei P30 Pro still supports Google, do you know if this is correct? I get conflicting answers on the net, but most seem to confirm that it does. I only need Gmail, Skype, Youtube, maybe Plex, but I really bought it for the camera.


    Correct. The Huawei P30 Pro is already two years old; so likely has Google Play Store preinstalled. The Huawei P40 Pro came out a year later and has been affected by the US sanctions; so no preinstalled Play Store. 

    But as the Huawei P30 Pro is already two years old it possibly won't be getting any more Android updates beyond the already outdated 10.

    • Like 1
  9. 8 minutes ago, Formaleins said:

    It is pretty uplifting when in a few minutes there are people here willing to help out for no benefit, kind of makes you think there is still a lot of genuine people out there. Nice.......



    Believing in good is what makes life worth living. So if you cannot be good yourself, how can you believe in good?

    So I do my best for all, in order to restore their belief in good; so that they can spread the good feeling to others.

    Okay enough of the sermon and back to the SIM discussion.

    • Like 2
  10. Just now, Formaleins said:

    But they should still be good for this two stage verification rubbish for Google /Banks/ Gmail etc?

    You seem to be clued up on this stuff, can I ask you a 


    Yes. You have the ability to send both SMS and MMS. But no need to use MMS these days now we have 3G, 4G and 5G.


    Before we just had GSM and 2.5G.

  11. 2 minutes ago, Formaleins said:

    God, don't put me in a panic attack - Dual SIMS - I can barely understand getting one of these things to work! I am actually really depressed about having to get a phone at all as I was perfectly capable of getting by without one of these damn things. I hate them. Back in the mid -90's I worked for a company that was very tech centred and we had our cars fitted with the latest Motorola hands free mobiles, so we could all stay "in touch" - Jesus, how I hated that thing, they would ring you any time of day or night, trying to drive late at night on motorways and they would be ringing and ringing and ringing, I used to just switch mine off. Now you look at the world, no one talking, everyone buried in their phone - Android=Zombie! At least I haven't had to succumb to wearing a watch yet!


    You don't need a phone. Mine is in a router. 



  12. 16 minutes ago, Formaleins said:

    Getting too old to understand all this stuff. Back in my day I was working on cutting edge technology, now I am lost at sea! But if this works on the yearly SIM then it is more than enough for me. - One last question, these 12 month SIMS do come with a phone number don't they? They do not require that you already have a number?


    Yes they come with a number. everything that you need. Just top it up with some credit for the occasional call or SMS.

    That's the beauty of these forums; to share knowledge and to support each other.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  13. 18 minutes ago, kynikoi said:

    That's a codec issue.


    Try mpc player on PC. DL full codec package.


    It's very CPU intensive. Won't play well on older mobiles.


    VLC is a great no brainer incidentally. I just think picture is better with MPC.


    Mobiles? Who mentioned them? ???? I am reasonably sure that it's PCs that are involved.

    • Thanks 1
  14. Just now, Formaleins said:

    Don't give me heart failure, the card I bought is True, not DTAC! - Anyway if this works, I have a year to sort everything out.

    Thanks all of you for pitching in, some really useful advice here again. Things seemed to be going South on TV after George flogged it, great to see so many helpful posts over the past couple of years.



    Yes, I explained earlier than you can only port numbers to other networks. Now you have Truemove H; so you can only move the number to DTAC or AIS.

    • Like 1
  15. Just now, Formaleins said:

    How do you perform that secret task? - I have bought one of the yearly SIMS from Lazada, do you know what happens after a year, i.e. can you pay for another year and keep the same phone number or do you just buy a new number with a new card? or can you add credit to extend the SIM?


    That has already been covered at length in earlier posts. You need to port the number to the new yearly SIM. DTAC in your case, unless you change your mind about AIS.

  16. Just now, Formaleins said:

    Well it is just totally confusing with all these different packages, you would have thought that getting it from the "Horse's Mouth" would have been reliable. Anyway, I have ordered this one as it seems like it does everything I need and probably more, the agent reckons all I need is a passport to register it.


    **ส่งฟรี** ซิมเทพธอร์ 10Mbps ซิม ทรู เทพ Sim Net TRUE ใช้ได้ไม่อั้น 1 ปีเต็ม ไม่ลดสปีด ซิมเติมเงินเน็ต 4G Unlimited ตัวแทนทรู | Lazada.co.th


    Yes; the guys here have actually been using these SIMs. Whereas the employees only know what they are told. Networks supply different packages to the Independents. Otherwise everyone would just buy directly from the networks and not bother with independents.

    • Like 1
  17. 1 minute ago, Liverpool Lou said:

    You had to keep topping up to keep the SIM valid, that's the reason.   


    Current facilities on True and Dtac allow you use your phone credit to buy extra SIM validation after you've had the SIM for 90 days (TrueMH), eg 30 days validity extension is B3 deducted from your balance up to 90 days extension for B15.     That way you don't build up an unnecessarily high balance.



    up to 90 days extension for B15. 


    That would be 180 days.

    • Like 2
  18. 7 minutes ago, Formaleins said:

    I wondered about that. True mentioned Retirement Visa or Work Permit, Direct Debit from Thai bank or Thai credit card, no mention of marriage extension, not sure about the yellow book, as it carries a sort of government Thai ID number. However, if these one year cards from Lazada are not fake (True said they were not their official packages!!!) thgen monthly billing doesn't matter - 

    This one seems good value!


    ซิมเทพ 10mbps 1ปี ซิมเน็ตไม่อั้น ไม่ลดสปีด โทรฟรีไม่จำกัด True ซิมเน็ตรายปี จัดส่งฟรี มีเก็บปลายทาง มีใบกำกับภาษี WPNmobile Simhub ซิมเทพ ซิมทรู | Lazada.co.th


    I just worry they might be dodgy, and cannot be registered.


    It even states in your advertisement that SMS are charged at 2 baht per SMS. Why would you feel the need to call Truemove H for anything??


    Just don't. You can go to them to register it once you have the SIM or do it online via video call. Otherwise the vendor may be able to register it for you once you have purchased.

    It's all above board.

    • Like 1
  19. Just now, Formaleins said:

    I wondered about that. True mentioned Retirement Visa or Work Permit, Direct Debit from Thai bank or Thai credit card, no mention of marriage extension, not sure about the yellow book, as it carries a sort of government Thai ID number. However, if these one year cards from Lazada are not fake (True said they were not their official packages!!!) thgen monthly billing doesn't matter - 

    This one seems good value!


    ซิมเทพ 10mbps 1ปี ซิมเน็ตไม่อั้น ไม่ลดสปีด โทรฟรีไม่จำกัด True ซิมเน็ตรายปี จัดส่งฟรี มีเก็บปลายทาง มีใบกำกับภาษี WPNmobile Simhub ซิมเทพ ซิมทรู | Lazada.co.th


    I just worry they might be dodgy, and cannot be registered.


    I already explained in the post above. Don't try to reinvent the wheel. You already have all of the information that you need. Don't complicate matters by calling True or DTAC or AIS; you will only become more confused.

    You have the right info here.


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