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Posts posted by Eindhoven

  1. 7 minutes ago, uli65 said:

    only tyrants and pathetic authorities force their  population to wear a mask.

    the most useless senseless and health-damaging measure I have ever seen.

    people will have big problems because of autointoxication.



    Really? What about the cycle couriers who wore masks all day? From the dirt that was released from my cycling mask after washing it, I am certainly happy that I wore one.

    Whereas your anecdotes are purely hearsay. I am SURE that you have not experienced even a single example of "autointoxication" from mask wearing in your whole life.

    Yet you post it here as if it is a fait accompli.


    I call BS...from experience.


    • Sad 1
  2. 19 minutes ago, Nurseynutcase said:

    Problem is - there is not a single piece of research that backs up the theory that wearing masks stops transmission of Covid-19.  The virus is so small it will pass through any of the masks.  Furthermore there is evidence that wearing masks can increase the likelihood of respiratory illness.


    There is no such thing as 'asymptomatic transmission'


    The research is easily available to anyone on the internet.


    I find absolutely abhorrent when I see young children wearing masks - they are the ones least likely to suffer from covid-19.



    Too old to have children I guess. If you had some now, I guarantee that you would be protecting them; rather than spouting baseless statements on a forum.

    Still awaiting the research and data to interpret.

    • Confused 1
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  3. 15 minutes ago, Nurseynutcase said:

    Problem is - there is not a single piece of research that backs up the theory that wearing masks stops transmission of Covid-19.  The virus is so small it will pass through any of the masks.  Furthermore there is evidence that wearing masks can increase the likelihood of respiratory illness.


    There is no such thing as 'asymptomatic transmission'


    The research is easily available to anyone on the internet.


    I find absolutely abhorrent when I see young children wearing masks - they are the ones least likely to suffer from covid-19.



    Wow... when someone sneezes, it's not just individual virus flying around. The virus will be resident in the phlegm that is coming your way.  

    Do you get your info from QAnon websites?

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  4. 2 minutes ago, apetryxx said:

    Driving like maniacs, flouting traffic rules and not wearing helmets is killing a hell of a lot more people than not wearing a mask ever will. Study after study says that wearing masks outdoors is a useless and unnecessary exercise—wake up TV mask police.


    I guarantee you will be wanting to cover your face if someone coughed or sneezed in your direction from a metre in passing.

    Just another playground level argument.

    • Sad 1
  5. 11 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


    I can imagine their nationality too..... But... that doesn’t detract from the fact that they should be wearing masks, if not for themselves, then for the benefit of others, if not only to make others feel safer. 


    The issue is a large degree of misinformation, and then there are some genuine cases where it is hazardous for some people with underling health conditions to wear a mask, but the question could then be asked should they be out in public in a pandemic (perhaps they could be identified with an arm-band etc to outline they have a medical exemption).



    The rules ‘should be better’. 

    The mask wearing in a private car is idiotic. 

    Mask wearing when going for a run or cycling is idiotic.

    Mask wearing when walking in wide open area's is idiotic. 


    The rules should be clear and intelligent: 

    - Wear a mask when in proximity with others (i.e. a Market / busy street)

    - Wear a mask anywhere indoors in public (when not eating)



    So you think it's ok for someone to run past me whilst not wearing a mask? What if I am sitting on a secluded beach and someone runs past me, breathing heavily and not wearing a mask?


    The point is to simply wear a mask in populated areas. It's not that difficult to understand. Taking your mask on and off constantly is just the mark of an idiot.

    Half wearing your mask in a supermarket is just the mark of an idiot.

    Taking your mask off to speak to your tilac on the phone is just the mark of an idiot.


    Rules should be better is nonsense. The more loopholes, the more people will try to use them. Just wear a mask in populated areas. Simple. Running, walking, whatever.



  6. 1 minute ago, thequietman said:

    Unless you are running alongside my bike, you have nothing to worry about. I live in the sticks and the closest that I get to a living thing on my rides are the cattle in the fields. ????

    However, if a cop sees me with no mask, he may think 'cha-ching'  so I wear it for that reason. Have a nice day. ????



    No one around; then no reason to wear a mask.

  7. 18 minutes ago, thequietman said:

    Unless someone runs up and kisses me, I think I am good. Anything on my chin was there already and is already in my body. Asking to wear a mask when breathing heavily is a recipe for disaster.



    What a load of tosh!


    I was a cycle courier in London whilst at university; covering eighty miles a day; mask on. Every day washed my mask and it was full of black stuff that would have been in my lungs.


    Just pathetic excuses from weak willed persons who think that they don't have to care about anyone else.

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  8. 1 hour ago, Rampant Rabbit said:

    This article is  clearly  meant to stir  up the "bad  Farang"  image when its  apparent to me  many more  Thais are not wearing masks. It really matters not one bit as to where masks are or  are  not  being worn when rules  have been issued clearly  stating  they should be worn when leaving home outdoors.


    Perhaps you need to read the headline....Pattaya..... Nice try...but a fail. It's true about many of the foreigners in Pattaya simply taking the mickey. There is no issue with exercising and cycling with a mask on. People who complain are simply making excuses.

    If you don't want to wear a mask...then move to a rural area. If you are living and walking in busy towns with people often walking within metres of you; wear a mask.

    It shows respect for other people. If you don't it shows that you don't respect them. So don't complain when people don't confront you, but underneath it all would like to remove you from the picture.


    I don't much like the idiot foreigners who don't wear a mask or who refuse to wear them properly. They obviously feel that they are taking part in some kind of protest.

    Why not go back to your own country to do that? I'm sure someone will confront you there.


    • Sad 4
  9. 9 minutes ago, johnnybgood said:

    Sorry you are correct,  due to the sheeeyit added by the constant, constant posters, I did speed read a lot of the replies.


    As an example, here are the costs of a generic uk building society card.


    Anyone have experience of a Revolut card in Thailand ?





    Revolut in Thailand is not good. They don't give the wholesale rate.


    Much better is Starling: https://www.starlingbank.com/travel/

  10. 4 minutes ago, Tagged said:

    Even same diagnoses, there is a whole specter of differences how it show on each individual. Some never shows any indication there is any wrong at all, but the individual is aware something is wrong, and then you have the other side of the specter where the individual shows clearly there is problems, but still the self awerness have yet not kicked in. 





    So the first appears to be on a better footing, as they can at least begin to find out what gives them relief. The latter appears harder to overcome; if behavioural problems cannot be modified due to there being no understanding of them in the first instance....or is it a case of ignorance is bliss?

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  11. 2 hours ago, Tagged said:

    To admit you have a problem is the least problem, the biggest  problem for many, is that they struggle to know whats going on for a lifetime before got the help needed to be screened propely and get a name, a diagnose so they can put words to it and also start educating themselves.





    It's half the battle ecause they would have at least begun to look into it. It's the people who simply blame everyone else for their problems/thoughts/behaviour that do the most damage, because they don't even get to the step of admitting they have a problem at all.

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  12. On 4/25/2021 at 8:34 AM, paddypower said:

    absolutely agree! it might sound odd to mention more non-medical habits which might help, but consider where your environment is and is it having an impact. Sunshine is magic. Living in a sunny climate is of tremendous help, b/c most people you will meet are happy. learn how to breath. My partner's psycho referred her to this: https://www.cordem.org/globalassets/files/academic-assembly/2017-aa/handouts/day-three/biofeedback-exercises-for-stress-2---fernances-j.pdf. One final thing, as a partner, dealing with a bipolar partner, I found that speaking openly about it has been a great help for both of us.



    If they even admit they have a problem....which is the most difficult part. Admitting there is a problem is half the battle won.

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