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Posts posted by Eindhoven

  1. 5 minutes ago, robblok said:

    Are these immigrants or real Brits ?


    What is a real Brit? Are there no immigrants in Thailand who want to work? Try to not bring ignorantly and covertly racist comment into the conversation. I am sure the OP would be happy to employ any nationality who has the ability to work in Thailand.

    So I have no idea why you want to differentiate between "real Thai" and "immigrant". Do you?

  2. 39 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    1) The exchange rates are significantly better than they were 30 years back.

    2) I'd expect my Thai family to care for me until I died, same as they would with any other family member.


    If you're short of money, living in a Bangkok apartment and paying 100k/month rent probably isn't a good idea. Up in Chiang Mai, you can easily rent a 3 bedroom house for 10k/month. Retired people need to match there outgoings to their income, which is why I'm here.


    If these old guys have run out of money, fair enough to ship them back to their home countries, no need to lock them up or make a media circus of the event, just take them to the airport and put them on a free flight to their origin.


    I thought Thailand was supposed to respect the elderly?


    It was twenty years back and the exchange rates back them were much more attractive.

    • Like 2
  3. 31 minutes ago, robblok said:

    The difference is more that I (and I have worked on the land as i came from a tulip farming area) have an education and will never ever do stupid work like that. It would be an absolute last resort. Just like the people your trying to get. Its one of the worst jobs there is so don't expect people to be lining up.


    Sorry, but don't agree. I have people lining up to do work on my land in the U.K. I just employ them for the time that I need them; rather than having to accommodate them and put up with five hour lunches.

    They work and hardly take a break at all.  They did all this for an entirely reasonable £40 to £70 per day.

  4. 34 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:


    Same here, it's just in the big towns or Cities, in stores like Big C, Tesco/Lotus, or Makro where they would literally be up your rear in the line, they are plus one back or go to another queue, kind of makes one feel, did I put on my deodorant this morning.


    Not my experience at all. They don't even want to keep even one metre from me in the queues. I literally have to turn around and keep looking at them. I even make an example of standing two metres behind the person in front on me, to little avail. Perhaps I have a magnetic personality.

    • Haha 2
  5. 42 minutes ago, clearance said:

    I noticed it, but I think it is all related to pandemic. For example, some people don't want to sit with you in BTS/MRT, in the 7/11 line people tend to stay as far as possible. In restaurants staff seating you at the furthest corner away from everyone.  (and no, it is not related to body odor or "dirty backpacker" looks).


    I don't get any of that. They seem to want to be as close to me as possible. Even my very obvious look doesn't seem to deter them. Even when I tell them, they seem to be reluctant to step back.


    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  6. 10 minutes ago, PaulDee said:

    Thank you, Peter and Eindhoven,


    You make good points.


    I AM using 3-G; even says so on my air card. 

    I will visit True this afternoon and look into upgrading.


    Thanks again,





    Better to upgrade everything...and not with a Truemove H shop.


    Reason being that they won't offer the same packages available from the independents and the fact that your Aircard is 3G(what is the model number?), which limits your available speeds anyway.



    I would suggest perhaps a new router and one of the 12 month SIMs suggested(after testing which offers the best signal in your place of abode).


    Example of router: https://www.lazada.co.th/products/tp-link-300-mbps-wireless-n-4g-lte-router-tl-mr100-3-by-vnix-group-i1360246763-s3435058265.html

  7. 3 minutes ago, toolpush said:

    OK, so i just uninstalled again today and downloaded Line from the Apple App store and installed it. Everything is the same. Can't use it. Can't log in either way. QR code or using email and password. But thanks for the suggestion anyway.

    Screen Shot 2021-06-11 at 14.52.24.png


    If you're having login or performance issues, first check which version of LINE you can use on your PC here, then try the following:
    LINE for Windows and Mac
    • Uninstall LINE for Windows or Mac and then reinstall it.
    • Restart your computer. 
    • Temporarily disable any firewalls or security software you have in place, or allow LINE to connect to the internet.
    • Disable any resident or customization software such as WindowsBlinds.


  8. On 6/9/2021 at 12:26 PM, Eindhoven said:


    Thai  female friend of mine, similar age; also complaining of fever and headache. Though this is with Sinovac. She's not happy; but hopefully will be ok.


    Update: She feels better now. 

    Had jab on Monday and even up to yesterday went to hospital again as still feeling unwell. Today, Friday, feels better.

    Obviously not everyone will have the same reaction.

  9. 17 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

    OP, I would start by talking to true and see if you can upgrade your exsisting sim. If what you say is correct and you have had the same sim for over 10 years (circa 2010), that would indicate you have a 3G sim/service/device. 4G wasn't introduced by true until 2013.


    I think you may have to look beyond just changing cellular networks as it sounds like your actual device is most likely a 3G device.


    Though it would be better to change the SIM and package anyway. Very unlikely that he has an unlimited service and certainly not at the price that is available now. 


  10. On 6/3/2021 at 4:03 PM, oldcarguy said:

    I really do not know enough to ask smart questions  , 


    Its Thaivisa and there are always battles that creep into discussions ????


    Now if I could  find a  link to some play lists that would be nice ,  I   am still listening to AOL streaming that I recorded at Christmas 2007 ,  actually pretty good with maybe one commercial an hour , 

    I just started recording the stream when I went to bed and stopped it in the morning , so about 8 hours worth , 

    and it was at a low bit rate so it would fit on my 2GB MP3 player.


    Yes I am simple , AM radio quality is good enough for my old ears.....


    Are you going to reply to your private message or do you plan to wait another thirteen years before you do anything?

  11. 22 hours ago, fdsa said:

    is this an intended-offtopic-shít-hits-the-fan thread?


    well, if you are serious - go to Lazada and search for "dtac unlimited sim" or "ais unlimited sim", there are 2 varieties - unlimited traffic but limited speed (10 Mbps), or unlimited speed (usually about 50 Mbps, max 80-100) but limited traffic (60 Gb monthly)



    Your speed estimates are way off base. You cannot write "usually about 50 Mbps", when actually you have no idea as to the speeds the OP can achieve at his location. So you are simply giving misleading info in that case. Not knocking your somewhat helpful advice; just managing the OP's expectations. I achieved 15 to 20 Mbps in the same city as the OP. Remember that they are using it in a residential building, rather than outside on the street.

    Also your price estimates are a bit.....averaged out.


    DTAC 10 Mbps unlimited is around 1350 baht and AIS 8-10 Mbps unlimited is 2200 baht.


    DTAC SIM may have lower upload speed than download. AIS tends to be more symmetrical; though obviously you pay for that.


    Limited data SIM are virtually useless if used as a main connection. 2 GB per day could be a very tight fight.


    An alternative if DTAC offers good speeds at the OP's location; is https://finnmobile.io/en


    First step? Buy a normal DTAC SIM for 50 baht and run a speed test. If consistently over 10 Mbps; then buy the 1300 baht DTAC SIM. If not, look at AIS.













  12. On 6/9/2021 at 10:10 AM, jippytum said:

    Corruption and bribe taking among government officials is the norm in Thailand .What is unusual and very welcome is rarely do the  corrupt officials get named and shamed in this way .Obviously something has gone wrong with the  secret payment  system and  the code of silence. Perhaps someone was paid less than expected down the line.


    Not just government officials. Have you ever tried to deal with the scum in certain condo management offices if you are a contractor who has to do some work in the building? 

    For them it's one of the perks of the job. You need to grease the palms if you want no objections and things to run smoothly.

  13. On 6/9/2021 at 9:14 AM, jack7106 said:

    We should leave the officials alone along with the police. I only had to pay 7000 Baht to the corrupt police last week for getting bashed by  a ladyboy and lady. To say the price has gone down due to Covid and to say I’m amazed is an understatement. Thank you kindly corrupt officials????????????????????????????


    Seems that you have no clout nor connections. Friend of mine got attacked by ladyboys and the police put the ladyboys in jail for the night and made them pay him 5000 baht.


    Why did you have to pay??

    • Like 2
  14. 1 hour ago, toolpush said:

    Line recently quit on my Mac. I have uninstalled it and re-installed it to no avail. I can't get the QR code so I can log in. I get a pop-up stating failing to access network. I have tried with VPN on or off. No difference.


    New version released yesterday:


    • 7.0.1

      9 Jun 2021

      - Improved stability.

    • 7.0.0

      7 Jun 2021

      • We made improvements to the video call feature.

      - Redesigned the video call screen.

      - Easily adjust the video call screen size from the standard size to the mini viewer.

      • Improved the screen sharing feature.

      - Show the thumbnails of video call participants on the shared screen


  15. 38 minutes ago, Pattaya Spotter said:

    What is happening here...CRA is purchasing Sinopharm vaccines from the manufacturer and selling them to charitable hospitals/clinics in Thailand for 888 a dose? These organizations then turn around and administer it free to their clients/patients?


    "However, vaccine recipients may have to pay service fees to the hospitals where they will be inoculated against the virus."

    • Confused 1
    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  16. 1 minute ago, Andy from Kent said:



    "it just gave me a headache from inhaling whilst walking around."


    It sounds similar to "Yes I smoked but didn't inhale" defense.


    If you are from Kent; it's defence. Don't forget your roots.

  17. 5 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

    Would this be classified as a COVID-19 death?


    I'm guessing no.



    My neighbor, healthy, fit 30 - 35 YO Thai male, vaxxed Monday morning with AZ, had a mild fever, groggy/dizzy, body ache/joint pain. He's nearly back to normal today.


    Others, six people, I know with AZ over the last month, zero side effects.




    Thai  female friend of mine, similar age; also complaining of fever and headache. Though this is with Sinovac. She's not happy; but hopefully will be ok.

  18. 9 hours ago, elgenon said:

    Because it was in your pocket? 555  Being that people smaoked before it was legal it sounds about right.


    Many years ago I was sitting on the beach and a cop told me to move closer to the water. 



    Nonsensical comment. It wouldn't be alight and creating smoke if it was in my pocket.  I was a tourist walking around. As far as I knew it was legal, especially as I smelled it regularly in certain areas. Actually found it a bit annoying, since it just gave me a headache from inhaling whilst walking around.

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