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Posts posted by Eindhoven

  1. 9 hours ago, Don Chance said:

    What he's say there is don't use a debit card at store, like 7-11 in Thailand or small shops. It will cost a fortune in fees anyways. Using a debit card at a bank atm in Thailand should be perfectly safe.



    Nope; that it not what he says. He says don't use one at all. Nowhere does he state that using it in an ATM is safe; you just made that up all on your own.

    What about skimmers fitted to ATM? Ever heard of them?


    Sorry but your advice is seriously out of touch.

  2. 9 hours ago, Don Chance said:

    My debit card was copied in Kathmandu one time. In Canada the banks will reimburse you but i had to hassle them and complain to the ombudsman to finally get the $600 back.


    If you use a credit card for cash withdrawls it will be more expensive. A credit card is important because it will be replaceable in case it is lost or stolen.


    A prepaid credit card is a good idea so you can load it will just enough cash that you need.

    A debit card that you can transfer cash into that account is another idea, so you can limit the amount of cash there.

    Always go to an ATM machine that is attached or inside a BANK when the bank is open. No independent ones.  I once had the machine jam and lost my card, they would not return it.

    Always check your balance online regularly when traveling.  Use a vpn when accessing your online bank account too.

    You should have 1-2 debit cards, 1 credit card, some travelers cheques, a paypal account and some ether or btc! Just to be safe when traveling.  I've had banks block my debit card a few times and it took a week or more for them to unblock it! Don't rely on one bank too much.


    Your advice is completely out of touch.


    You claim that it will be more expensive to use credit cards for cash withdrawals. That is wrong. First of all there are some that levy no charges for cash withdrawals and secondly, most banks only accept credit cards for over the counter withdrawals(which also serves the purpose of avoiding the ATM fee).


    A prepaid credit card is a terrible idea.


    Using an ATM to withdraw cash is another terrible idea.


    Using a VPN to access your bank is also totally unnecessary unless you are using a public Hotspot or some such.


    You should have one or two debit cards?? Why? I have NONE with me; only credit cards. Far more useful in Thailand. 

    Travellers cheques? Is it a joke?

    You seem to have been hiding somewhere for twenty years.

    • Like 1
  3. 12 hours ago, Airalee said:

    I’m calm.  You don’t appear to be.  The bottom line is that it’s up to the OP to decide what to do, but he asked for opinions and I gave them.  I don’t know him nor do I know his girlfriend and perhaps even a ฿1,000 blender or any financial backing whatsoever in a business is little more than “casting pearls before swine”.  With that, I’ll bow out of this conversation.




    The bottom line is that it’s up to the OP to decide what to do, but he asked for opinions and I gave them.



    Is exactly what I wrote in the first place. But then you started getting carried away with stories about Jamba Juice(whom I've not heard of anyway) and what you would do. Casting aspersions on the OP as if he were some sort of 'cheap Charlie'.

    So I'm glad that you've had enough of that and have decided to bow out.

  4. On 4/30/2021 at 9:56 AM, 1FinickyOne said:

    before i signed up, I used the search feature and I was so excited - - they had every old movie I wanted and some are difficult to find... then I signed in and none of them are available???? Am I doing something wrong? 


    Though for free I can't complain and I am sure there is plenty actually there... 


    I tried Casablanca, Diner, Diva, and Morgan [1966 weird cult film I have never been able to locate] Can you get any of those? 



    Tried...does it mean watched or tried and failed?

  5. 1 hour ago, Airalee said:

    And FWIW, the original owner of what became Jamba Juice started out in a town of 30,000 (San Luis Obispo, CA).  If he had half-a$$ed it with cheap blenders, I doubt he would’ve parlayed it into a business that he was ultimately able to sell for over $200 million.


    Please... this is not California. You are getting totally carried away. You also fail to take into account that the OP plans to buy two. You've made your point; now try to calm down. It's not your business. If it takes off and the cheap blenders are proving problematic, I am sure they will upgrade. I haven't seen any of the local smoothie shops with 16000 baht blenders. Are you saying that they could all be millionaires if they had American made blenders?

  6. 2 hours ago, connda said:


    Excellent.  I've learned something plus received great info.
    Thanks much all!  ????
    I will be buying that WD SSD tomorrow.



    I have already learned something today.


    Anyway, don't buy that WD Green SSD. You have been given the best recommendations already. Why on earth you would ignore them and choose as SSD at random I really cannot fathom.

    • Thanks 1
  7. Just now, Airalee said:


    I’m not exactly how far out into the sticks it is (if there is a Tesco) and I googled it and saw a population of 80,000+.


    I believe in quality tools for whatever the job and instead of selling 20 baht smoothies, I would sell 30 baht smoothies with better ingredients to try to differentiate myself from all the other fruit/ice/corn syrup vendors.  I dunno....personally, if I was going to back my gf on a business venture I’d want to do a little better than a thousand baht donation.



    You believe......but it's not your business. She is best placed to see her customer base and also to know how much they will pay. 

    Tha Bo: 13 villages with a population of 20,872.

    I don't think the whole population will be walking past her spot.


    So again, it doesn't matter what you imagine; it matters if a 16,000 baht investment is appropriate. If she will sell just ten smoothies per day, spending 16,000 baht on a blender would be idiocy.


  8. 30 minutes ago, Trujillo said:

    Apparently, nowadays you just have to walk into the United States from the Mexican side and Bob's your uncle. 



    I did it; though it was easier to walk into Mexico. Coming back, there was a horrendous queue. We managed to jump most of it. Not sure how it would have felt to not have the right passport though. Not that I want to know.

  9. 3 hours ago, Airalee said:

    I’d still go for a 3hp Waring (made in the USA) vs an off brand made in China.  Could probably pick one up second hand for a fraction of the cost of a new one with all the restaurants going out of business these days.


    Something like this would even work...


    Hamilton Beach commercial blender.




    I’m one of those guys who generally goes with the “buy once, cry once” mantra.  

    Quality is remembered long after the price is forgotten.” –Aldo Gucci.


    3 hours ago, Airalee said:

    I’d still go for a 3hp Waring (made in the USA) vs an off brand made in China.  Could probably pick one up second hand for a fraction of the cost of a new one with all the restaurants going out of business these days.


    Something like this would even work...


    Hamilton Beach commercial blender.




    I’m one of those guys who generally goes with the “buy once, cry once” mantra.  

    Quality is remembered long after the price is forgotten.” –Aldo Gucci.


    Seriously? It's a one man band business up in the sticks. How long do you think it would take to recoup 16,000 baht at 20 baht per smoothie?


    One has to keep the project in mind. Sometimes cheap has to do. Start small and build on a stable foundation.

  10. 1 hour ago, Airalee said:

    Trust me.....you’ll burn through those home blenders before you can even test the waters.  I could kill one (or two) in a single party.  But I was a poor Uni student at the time so of course, I couldn’t afford a commercial blender (but since I knew the “secret recipe”, I threw the best parties!)


    Get a Waring.  It’ll look super plain....will either have one or two speeds.  3hp   It’ll cost about $1000 (yeah....30k Baht) but it will be worth it.





    Here’s how you should choose a blender:

    • 1/2 HP for Lightweight use, about 50 servings a day
    • 1 - 1 1/2 HP for Medium use, around 75 servings a day
    • 2 HP for Medium to heavy-duty use, around 75 to 100 servings a day
    • 2 1/2 HP for Heavy duty use, going past 100 servings a day



    1 HP is around 750 watts.

  11. 34 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

    Here you go, this is the one I bought under 300 baht, works perfectly and cleans easy. High rating. If it breaks buy another one, no drama.





    250 w rating is very weak. Fine for rustling up smoothies for the family.  But will collapse under any pressure.


    Not recommending anything in particular, but more power is needed: https://www.lazada.co.th/products/25l-1800w-i2243851401-s7498814585.html

  12. 11 hours ago, scorecard said:


    Agreed, It's very easy to do online transfer  of funds from my main savings a/c to my Debit card and the reverse, I keep about 1,000Baht only in my Debit account but If I'm planning to do a much bigger purchase I transfer sufficient funds to my Debit card to cover it, but quickly reverse the funds back to my main savings a/c if I change my mind. 


    On a different payment system, why is it that so many on-line merchants will now only accept pay pal for payment and not accept credit cards?




    Get yourself a credit card that doesn't charge for overseas purchases: https://www.28degreescard.com.au

  13. 1 minute ago, rockyysdt said:

    Thanks E.

    I'm not up to the terminology used.

    You're probably correct.

    I think I'm after a blender.

    I've discovered sellers are calling these juicer/blender.


    Sorry for the confusion.

    I've finally managed to receive the verification code so I can work on a shopping cart.


    I appreciate your input as well as from the others.


    Many thanks


    Operation sounded a bit upmarket with an actual juicer(cold press).  ????


    She can find out exactly the models that her rivals are using and whether they are reliable and easy to clean.

    Not sure why she expects you to do it from afar. You can pay but she should know of suitable products. She can ask suggesting that she wants one for her large family.

  14. On 4/29/2021 at 6:33 AM, johnnybgood said:

    The threads not about me, but regarding TransferWise .......
    I appreciate the  advice, but it's too late for this old f@rt.    

    I started a Swift transfer annually from UK to Kbank long ago when it was 77 baht/pound

    It costs me 20 quid once a year. Usually funds received next day, no fuss. 
    All done online.  Most folks know that anyway.


    The exchange rate is what it is, I gave up trying to catch that falling knife. 5555

    Thanks for the  visitors' options.
    Without a Thai bank account it looks costly.


    I think that you have been informed, clearly I might add, that it isn't all costly even without a local bank account. It seems that you just skipped over that post directly before yours.

  15. 21 hours ago, rockyysdt said:



    I might end up using Lazada once I work out what to order.

    Although, given my past experience with them it would be quicker to fly to Thailand and buy one in person.

    My current issue is that their verification code email hasn't come.

    Don't ask me all the obstacles I've had to endure using their website.


    Mr DIY stocks a cold press for a couple of thousand baht. But will it stand up to commercial usage?

  16. 1 hour ago, xylophone said:

    Give the Faugeres a try on its own, because it's not a bad wine, and at one time I was particularly fond of the wines of Roussillon with their fruitiness and use of a couple of grapes I also like.


    As for the Marlborough Pinot Noir, well I have said it enough times that despite many New Zealanders waxing lyrical about their Pinot Noirs, I am not a fan, and I am a New Zealander, and have tasted the wines and toured that area.


    Very average would be my rating, and far too light and uninteresting.



    I didn't buy the Faugeres , as I was somewhat put off by the reviews: https://www.tesco.com/groceries/en-GB/products/295163862#review-data


    Though vivino seems to like it: https://www.vivino.com/tesco-finest-faugeres/w/6413266#all_reviews

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