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Posts posted by Eindhoven

  1. 1 minute ago, morrobay said:

    I agree . But in general the males drive faster and more recklessly . And even Stevie Wonder could see that.



    Recklessly? You mean like ignoring traffic rules and driving against traffic or stopping in the middle of a busy road without hazard lights.

    Your, in general, is just something you made up; where in these two cases the victims made the mistakes that led to their demise. Pick up driver was driving normally, unless you know differently.

    Why would a bike not only cross illegally, but not check there was anything coming legally?

    Yet you ignore all in an attempt to blame men....something not right there. Bee in bonnet comes to mind.

  2. 55 minutes ago, Excel said:

    Well if you had read from the beginning of my posts on this thread, that is from the first one in case you can not grasp it, I was commenting on the two fatalities , one that was reported yesterday  and the other reported today. Now as for reading properly I suggest you do just that before making non sensical comments. However I get bored with reading from those that are apparently ignorant of the context in which I post so have a nice day, you have just joined my ignored list.


    What context?


    You were literally the first one to reply on this thread...with this comment:



    Shouldn't be too look before the "experts" on here decide who was to blame for the unfortunate death of yet another female by a male driver.



    The irony was that you were the first 'expert'; in suggesting that it was the fault of the male.

    But now you don't seem too keen to admit that it was the female who actually went against the traffic rules to make a dangerous and illegal move because she did not want to have to take the long way around.

    Not so different from a female who decided to take a dangerous risk by stopping her bike in the middle of a busy road.


    Would you consider standing in the middle of a busy road? Doesn't seem sensible does it?

    Is there a reason why you hate men at the moment....or should I not ask? I suspect some here have an opinion on that.

    • Like 2
  3. 9 minutes ago, KhunBENQ said:

    I stumbled upon the wording of "illegal crossing".

    And this obviously what the scooter driver did.

    It's too tempting to go straight from the temple exit/Soi 6 to South Pattaya rd.

    Sometimes it ends fatal like here (particularly in the night).

    There is a reason for the signage!


    Even with English text, a courtesy that you will rarely find up here.

    When in Pattaya on a scooter I avoid this killer Sukhumvit as good as possible.



    You are correct.


    From the original article(Translated):



    In addition, the good Samaritan's front camera image captures the seconds as the motorcycle crosses the road from the side of Wat Tham Samakkh



    So there is no way that the driver would expect someone to come from that side, crossing his path.


    Full expect Excel to stay quiet now they realise that the fault does not lie with the male driver or even the male passenger; whose life was put at risk by the female in question.

    Sad that they decided to make it a question of gender. Especially now it has backfired so spectacularly.

    All of those misplaced insults and attacks. Highly inappropriate.

    • Like 2
  4. 1 hour ago, Excel said:

    So you think the driver of vehicle is not responsible for being in charge of a motor vehicle ? I stated no such logic. I stated simply what had already been reported , ( I shall repeat so perhaps you didn't clearly read it before but in the last two days two female riders have been unfortunately killed due to collisions with motor vehicles, both driven by male drivers) now if you are unable to comprehend that then that is your problem but please do not make yourself look foolish even further.


    Answer this question honestly....

    If it were a male who had stopped in the middle of a highway unexpectedly and a woman driver had run into the back of him, would you be here?


    If it were a male rider on the motorbike who went against the lights and got hit by a female driver, would you be here?


    You seem to ignore the transgressions of the sadly deceased motorcycle riders and instead blame gender. It's a bit weird.


    That is why not even a single other person here agrees with you, male nor female, even if some of them think that the Mercedes driver should have driven more defensively; not everyone is expecting a motorcycle to be stopped in the middle of the road.


    You would most certainly throw your toys out of your perambulator if any male here suggested that women should not be on the road if they do stuff like stopping their bikes in the middle of busy roads and jumping the lights because they are too impatient to wait. But here you are achieving the same thing all by yourself. Highlighting that it was the women who put themselves in danger.


    • Like 2
  5. Just now, jacko45k said:

    Yes, more likely, and he was in a hurry to get away..... personally I dawdle in this situation, knowing full well there is a good chance somebody will risk a 'just red' coming from the side.  


    Though be careful where you dawdle; there is also the risk of some idiot coming up behind you and not slowing down because they see a green. So I also check my mirror to see who is coming up behind.

    • Haha 1
  6. 7 minutes ago, sometimewoodworker said:

    The OP has never said how big his drive is. Just that it is 30gb too small but I agree that a clean install isn’t a good idea and that backing up everything  to the cloud isn’t generally a good idea. 



    First of all it was tomazbodner who suggested it might be a 128 GB model; so why in his very next post is he writing about 2 TB of data?

    You guys are too smart even for yourselves.


    Secondly, I don't care whether you think a clean install is not a good idea or whether you think backing up to iCloud is not a good idea. It works; that what makes the difference.


    Do you actually utilise Apple products on a daily basis? If you don't then I would suggest you find another thread.. Backing up to iCloud is what works. 

    They can subscribe for a single month; back up, clean install and then allow iCloud to repopulate. Cheaper than even buying a USB Flash drive. It's US$3 for 200 GB.

    You guys are amazing...

    • Like 1
  7. 31 minutes ago, BenDeCosta said:

    If you downloaded a torrent file, many of them are scams, especially the latest movies, and they will direct you to install something else in order to watch the video, and if you do so, your computer will almost certainly be compromised.


    VLC will play almost anything. Try another torrent file, and look for one that has positive comments.


    Of course, I am assuming that you have actually purchased the movie in question and are just looking for a "back-up", otherwise I would never condone such behaviour.


    In this case it was nothing to do with Torrents, but a website with dodgy links: https://newmovies.....space 

    Added a few dots to prevent accidental opening.


    OP needs educating but is afraid to discuss further.

  8. Just now, Digitalbanana said:


    Nothing happens. I tried all the pull down options one by one, about 12 to choose, and each gave same result, sound only and a blank screen, so I left it on Automatic.


    Surprised that KODI can play but not VLC. Hey ho...at least you can play them one way.

    • Like 1
  9. 15 minutes ago, Digitalbanana said:


    Helpful thanks - to a certain extent. I tied the jellyfish video links and every HEVC file plays OK on my PC using VLC from smallest to largest.


    I suppose its a codec thing with my VLC unplayable collection of HEVC files giving sound and blank screen output, but play OK using Kodi on the same PC.



    What happens with VLC if you go to 

    Tools > Preferences > Video. 

    Then to

    Select output  and change from Auto to "Direct3D11 video output" and then 'Save' the new setting?

  10. 9 minutes ago, Dmitry2222 said:

    May be upload speed for mobile internet depends from device where a sim is put in.  I tried IPhone 11 and share wifi with desktop and got 1Mpb/s.

    Perhaps, it is better to buy router which supports SIM card.


    1 Mbps or 1 MB/s? Which network SIM? What package?


    iPhone 11 should not be limited.

  11. 2 minutes ago, Dmitry2222 said:

    no effect....


    yes it is may be a solution, but upload speed is low for such approach (1-2 Mbp/s max)


    DTAC proposes unlimited 10 Mbps for 777 bth/month.


    it's strange that TrueMove can't fix the network in the 21st century. Or it is a new normal in Thailand... ????


    Nope. My AIS SIM uploads at 8 to 10 Mbps(around 1 MB/s) Similarly downloads.


    Forget about what they propose. Why pay 777 when you can get it for 116 per month?



    Though before you commit, get a normal DTAC SIM and buy a small data package to test the speeds at your place. If you can achieve more than 10 Mbps up and down then get the DTAC package.


    If DTAC no good at your place you might want to avoid Truemove H since you aren't enamoured with them. So the next test would be AIS. Example: https://www.lazada.co.th/products/ais-8-mbps-1-i610402783.html


    Still far below 777 baht per month. Works out at 183.25 per month.



    • Thanks 2
  12. 1 hour ago, HarrySeaman said:

    Unless you are operating on pennies a day then hire a private car and driver or a taxi.  The cost should be in the 1500-2000 Bt range for the private car service and you will get door to door service in a nice AC car or SUV.


    Send me a private email and I can give you a recommendation for private taxi service from Pattaya.  It is a husband and wife team, the husband drives and the wife is there to translate.  They take me back and forth to Queen Sirikit Naval Hospital for appointments.  I recommended them to a newly arrived acquaintance a couple of weeks ago to get him to a hotel here in Pattaya after he got out of quarantine in BKK.  The next day they came back and helped him move his three 70# suitcases (too heavy for him at his age) to the apartment he had rented.  Nothing but great reviews from him,  from the friends who recommend this private taxi service to me, and from me.




    Unless you are operating on pennies a day



    Insulting. I would ignore your recommendations on that alone.

    But nice advertisement anyway.

    • Haha 2
  13. I always have a back up connection in the form of an unlimited data SIM.  From a mere 1390 for 12 months of an up to 10 Mbps(1.25 MB/s) data connection, it's useful thing to have.


    Indeed only 10 Mbps but then at least no more: 

    * audio and video calls hanging

    * video stream hanging

    * abortion of a download from a browser



  14. 1 hour ago, mtls2005 said:


    We all get that there can and are production problems. Any simpleton can acknowledge and udenrstand this fact.


    The bigger issue is why is information not being shared with the public, and expectations being managed? Why does this information have to be leaked?


    Just be open, honest and transparent with the public. It will be much less painful that way.





    It's leaked because there is a spat between the private sector, sorry MPH and Prayut & co.

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