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Posts posted by Eindhoven

  1. https://privilege.trueid.net/en/truebonuses/40Mx3q74R176? so why are they giving them away?


    Also check out any of their Prepaid SIM and then click on the Terms & Conditions: https://truemoveh.truecorp.co.th/?ln=en


    You will see, in Thai, that SMS are 3 baht per message.




    People will insist on calling the networks or going to the shops. The official shops DO NOT have the same packages and so will not always know about them.

    These packs are for independent distributors.

    But there is no excuse for an employee to tell you that they do not support SMS. Better you stop talking to them as you are both confusing each other.

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  2. 8 minutes ago, Formaleins said:

    Thanks, I just checked with True Move and they say they do not support SMS, so it is no good for me as one of the main REASONS I need a phone is to comply with these ridiculous Two Stage Verification steps for things like Ebay, Lazada and banking! Maybe I will have to rethink about AIS!



    Of course what they have told you is complete nonsense.  Obviously something got lost in the translation.


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  3. 8 minutes ago, Peter Denis said:

    A Golden TIP when using a mobile phone in Thailand.


    Until recently I made use of a 4Mbps dTac SIM-card which I had to top up each month for 750 THB.  It featured unlimited mobile data (surfing and downloading/uploading on the Net).  As I live in the sticks without WiFi or cable anywhere, I use my mobile phone as Hotspot for my laptop.   And in the even hours I stream movies and watch them on my wide-screen television, so having unlimited data at a reasonable speed was important for me (thus avoiding buffering of the movies I stream).


    On one of the Forum threads I came across this promotion on LAZADA

    > https://www.lazada.co.th/products/10mbps-dtac-12-i1929192284-s6099702345.html


    So I did order that 10 Mbps dTac SIM-card, which arrived 2-3 days later.

    That SIM only costs 1.390 THB and provides unlimited 10 Mbps mobile data for a full year!

    Not only that, but it also features unlimited free calls on the dTac network, and for 50 THB a month this can be extended to ALL Thai providers.  As I live in South Isaan where dTac is the most widely used network, the latter is not necessary for me (but good to know that it is available).


    I now use that new 10 Mbps SIM and I did a speed-test which indeed shows that I can surf and download - as well as upload - at 10 Mbps (our house is fairly close to a dTac send-pole which probably explains that max speed I get).

    Note: 10Mbps means that you can download 1.25 Mb per second, or 75 MB a minute or 3 GB per hour.  Whether you get those speeds is of course dependent on the server that provides the downloaded content, but on some servers I get 2 GB per hour.


    Obviously that SIM-card is really a worthwhile deal, and surely when you need mobile data if you do not have WiFi or cable in your home.

    The only thing you need to do once your SIM-card is delivered by Lazada, is to register it on your or your wife/girlfriends name at a dTac shop. The SIM-card features also an instruction on how to do that yourself, but as it was in Thai I simply went to the local dTac shop (shop in my super-market) and they had it fixed for me in 3 minutes.


    It seems that also AIS has (or had) a similar deal > A 10 mbps unlimited data SIM at 1.300,- THB for a full year.  But that AIS one includes free calls to ALL networks.  You will be cut off after 15 minutes, but can then call again to continue your talk (useful for the ladies that have +2 hour telephone calls ????).  Not sure whether the AIS deal is still available, but the dTac one (see link higher) still is.


    The only somewhat annoying thing with both these dTac and AIS SIM cards is that when they expire, you have to get a new deal with a new phone-number and you might lose your old number.

    That’s inconvenient as you would have to update the new number with your bank, hospital, condo, immigration, friends, etc.

    However, you could try at a dTac/AIS shop whether it would not be possible to change the number of that 2nd SIM you bought to the 1st one (as that number would not be in use anymore after the 1-year period has expired), and some people have been successful in doing that.



    A couple of points. The AIS SIM that you mention is actually closer to 2300 baht now.

    Yes, you may be able to port the old number to another yearly SIM on another network, say Truemove H in the case of the OP.

    kynikoi's link features the Truemove H SIM for 1890 baht as the very first option in the list.


    P.S. Your calculations are slightly off; it would be 4.5 GB per hour, not 3 GB. So if you are only getting 2 GB per hour...


    • Thanks 1
  4. Just now, yeahbutif said:

    I use a 1 year  de tac sim 1250 bhat get from Lazada or so . unlimited internet WiFi.no calls but can add Extra bhat to use for calls and the balance stay for the intier length left on the SIM date.. but does include free calls to same network. Other . I year SIM does say free calls to any network .duration 30 min calls at a time


    Nope. Unlimited is 1390 baht now. The one for 1250 has a GB limit.

    • Like 1
  5. 8 hours ago, GreasyFingers said:

    We will wait and see. These discounts have been given before (to others) but we have never received it. Will keep copy of the news.


    Apparently it was given earlier based on how much electricity you used at a certain point in time, perhaps in December. Since my apartment was not occupied at that time, perhaps that is the reason why I received the discount. Also perhaps it's because my general usage is below certain thresholds Have not even touched the remote control for the aircon, as I always choose accommodation with a good airflow.

  6. Just now, ronaldo0 said:

    Bit odd that April’s bill was three times the previous months before then they come up with this ????


    So investigate. I haven't experienced that at all. My last month's bill was tiny. This month higher than last month, but still very reasonable. A lot less than I paid per month at a previous accommodation. So perhaps check why yours was relatively high.

  7. On 5/7/2021 at 4:39 AM, Pottinger said:

    They just can't help themselves, the dears. Not only do they already stiff tourists for immigration and visa fees to the order of hundreds of millions of dollars per annum, but they want to add a blanket 300 Baht fee. Of this, the 34 Baht per tourist allocated to unpaid medical bills would generate 22m dollars if arrivals are 20m PAX in 2022, as projected. This is a handy 47% profit on the 448m Baht (15m dollars) stated above.  That is excluding the remaining 266 Baht of the 300, which will disappear who knows where.


    In any other country the tourism authority offers incentives to visit their beautiful land.

    Thailand, however, is it seems intent on sticking to the 'gouge' model of tourism. 



    Remember that some of the ministries have been handed to 'business people'. Other ministries are making money. Health Ministry has their Cannabis.... erm... idea.  Amazing, Cannabis restaurants springing up, but why?? Seems a bit of a scam to me. Perhaps that's why they are always empty when I drive past. Perhaps there is more to them than meets the eye. Because otherwise I really cannot see the point of it. I understand hemp seeds can be used as a foodstuff; but are they making foodstuff out of hemp seeds? I have no idea as to what they are selling.


    Tourism & Sports Ministry is in a bit of a bind; so has come up with this thing.


    Can imagine Anutin and Pipat are competing to see who can come up with the biggest numbers.

    Both from Bhumjaithai. Both 'business leaders'. So if they don't come up with the goods, the other side(I don't mean the opposition) will be criticising. Already see it in some some public spats between Anutin and the Big G.

  8. 19 hours ago, NCC1701A said:



    think about getting a international drivers license. 


    Oft repeated, but there is no such animal. It is an IDP. Permit; not licence.


    15 hours ago, tropo said:

    It's a component in that it make people feel safer, for what that's worth... .and make the government feel like they are doing something. It's quite evident that after more than a year, there is very little humans can do to contain these type of viral infections, and what they have done is causing more harm than good.


    Hmmmmm.... You just made that all up to make yourself feel better about what you are doing. 

    Where are your facts? Not some QAnon conspiracy carp, but common sense facts that support your opinions.


    I have explained my opinion in a simple way that even a small child can understand. 

  10. On 5/2/2021 at 9:12 PM, tropo said:

    The sad fact is that you think wearing these masks will help prevent the spread. They're only being stupid for risking a fine, but it's their risk to take. I'm one of those "utter morons" who exposes my nose quite frequently. I like to get some air. I probably avoid angering the likes of you as I shop very late just before the shops close when there are few people about.



    No the sad fact is that you think that you are exceptional. On what science do you make your entirely baseless claims?

    Only being stupid risking a fine? What about stupid and selfish for risking the health of other people around them. Utter moron is just a polite word for such people.

    Exposing your nose because you want "air" in a supermarket? Did you even think for a second before you wrote such a thing?


    Allow me to explain it to you in simple terms:




    So let's talk about the typical person who walks around the supermarket with his nose hanging out....

    SARS-CoV-2 is considered to be mainly transmitted via respiratory droplets.

    Look at the size of respiratory droplets. Masks can stop them. But that person allows their respiratory droplets to fly around freely because they are selfish.

    The fine is to discourage selfish people from such selfish behaviour. But because they can afford the fine, they continue being selfish.

    See where I am going with this? But of course you do not care; because you have described yourself as exactly that person.


    No let's talk about air. Air molecules are around one third of a single nanometre in size. SARS-COV particles 50 - 200 nanometres in size.

    So some <blank> wants to tell me that they remove the mask because they need air and starts their post with "It's a sad fact..."

    Where are your facts?


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  11. 3 minutes ago, Catoni said:

    It depends. In many places, there are medical exemptions for people with certain medical conditions. Like me. I had quadruple cardiac bypass surgery. CABG x 4.   Now on four daily medications. Two of which result in phlegm buildup in my lungs which I have to cough out all the time. And I require a Salbutamol (Albuterol) Bronchodilator inhaler.

     Wearing a mask actually causes me more of a problem. A few minutes, okay. But the longer I keep it on, the dizzier and more short of breath I get  rebreathing some of my own exhaled hot breath. 
    Yes, it is a “...big ask...” for me. And for others with certain medical conditions. 
      I ask mask pushers to please leave us alone and have some respect. 


    Pathetic. How would anyone know of your ailment? It's up to you to let people know; not up to the people to guess that you are special.

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