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Posts posted by Eindhoven

  1. 5 hours ago, robblok said:

    I think its mainly that people don't know that a lil better changes a lot of things and that many people don't care as much about computers as I do. Logical as i work behind it. Seems that for some things cheapest beer, cheapest PC there is a large group of people who need that. 


    I just think over all those years its not much difference in money.


    Sorry, but this is just more nonsense.


    So I have spent 21,000 baht(when the baht was 70 to the £) fourteen years ago. I spent perhaps £6 on 4 GB of RAM, £25 to £30 on an SSD and another £6 on a better CPU.


    So a total cost of let's say £350 over fourteen years. £25 per annum. That is literally the most that I have ever personally spent on a laptop. 


    Tell me how much you have spent on any of your devices over those fourteen years.


    Just because you want to believe something, it doesn't make it true.


    My desktop £65 in total and that's been running for a few years already; born in 2009.


    So you can keep writing it, but don't expect anyone to believe it. My inexpensive old stuff just keeps doing it's job.

    • Like 1
  2. 6 hours ago, robblok said:

    If you keep using your old software not upgrade then 14 years is possible. It will probably not do well with current software if its heavy. But that is how you keep it. I personally would not buy second hand stuff. But its cheaper. I would worry about it breaking.


    What are you talking about??


    Keep using old software?? Doesn't make any sense at all.


    Laptop began life with Linux, then went to XP, then Windows 7 and now Windows 10 Pro 64-bit.

    All software is the latest.


    It was bought new. Other laptops I have purchased have been in new condition with a full warranty. No need for irrational fears.

    • Haha 1
  3. 23 hours ago, GrandPapillon said:

    yeah, the compression is bigger and better on x265, hence taking a bit more CPU to process


    IMO, why bother with x265 for watching movies on a laptop,


    boycott x265 !!!



    I made it clear that I was discussing HEVC. The OP also made it clear they were discussing H.265.


  4. 2 hours ago, GrandPapillon said:

    very unlikely a CPU problem, unless the PC is running a ton of bloatware in the background


    1080p doesn't take that much power, can play easily with CPU that are 10 years old


    if it was 4K, ok, that would be a different issue


    playing 1080p files with a Celeron Mobile laptop and no problem



    It most certainly is the CPU. Even the OP agrees.


    Yours is likely a modern Celeron. What model?


    How far did you get on the test? https://jell.yfish.us/ Choose HEVC only

  5. 15 minutes ago, Daffy D said:

    For some reason Windows Media Player does not come with the Codecs needed to play certain files. Codec is a device (file) which acts as both an encoder and a decode to play a movie file.


    There are many different file types and codecs for even the same movie, depending on the mood of the guy who uploaded it. Don't know why Windows Media Player does not include all codecs needed, but that's M$ for you.


    By downloading extra codec packs you can get Windows Media Player to work but why should you when players like VLC Media Player are free and will play just about anything. ????


    Don't know if this will be of any use to you:-


    Sometimes I have a file that for some reason won't play on the smart TV. Obviously something wrong codecs or whatever, but I just can't be bothered to sort it out so I just run the movie and convert it through VidCoder then it plays just fine.


    I run the VidCoder straight out of the box so to speak. The only things I change are the file size under the "Video Encoding" tab, usually reduce the size to 700Mb.


    This weeks free tip for all users of VLCPlayer. 


    Did you know you can get rid of those boring old traffic cone icons?


    VLC Icon Changer will let you change those boring old traffic cone to any icon you like, and it's free 


    What an offer  ????



    Looks like some really low quality media that you are playing there. DVD quality? 


    My TV is Full HD, so that is the minimum resolution file that I utilise on it.


    If a file doesn't play on the TV it better to download a compatible file than it is to convert it to a lower quality version

    • Like 1
  6. 22 hours ago, Tingtong2mut said:

    That all sounds really nice but I guess my post in a nutshell is saying they bring nothing to the table...I don't mean skills or money. I mean a decent attitude and willingness to at least look after themselves in someway. They seem to expect everything whilst giving nothing and have the attitude and moodiness of a hormonal 14yo girl. I have asked 2 girls I have known here "what do I get from this relationship?". One said "you get my body", the other said "I live with you everyday" lol. It might cut it for a poor village bloke with no hope of getting a woman but if her body is all a women thinks she has to provide in a proper relationship, that's not exactly hard to find elsewhere for a foreigner in Thailand. I just don't understand it? Maybe it is from stories they have heard of guys paying their wives or girlfriends "salaries". Would you move in with a woman back home take care of everything about her while she begrudgingly did very little and pay her a salary? My wallet always has plenty of cash and she knows if she wants something within reason she doesn't have to ask me. She has her own money as well. Isn't that how a normal relationship works? I am happy to accept they don't have the life experience or means we do, and I am happy to do 90% of everything, but not 100%, particularly when I am a good father and support her child as well. 


    It's not only Issan women; it's just some women. Just get rid. Make plans to move on and that's it. 

    Otherwise just get the word Doormat tattooed on your forehead to complete the look.


    She won't thank you either way. Do it for yourself. It will be a relief.

    • Like 2
  7. 11 minutes ago, 2530Ubon said:


    I use computers for heavy tasks - I work remotely 7 days a week and the machine is on for at least 13 hours a day. 3 years is quite impressive for a mid range machine. Let me be clear - the machine doesn't die after 3 years, but I need to upgrade my computer after this to handle the workload.




    Three years is not impressive. The laptop that I am using is fourteen years old and still on it's original battery.

    There are just some characters who assume that their experiences are the reference for all. No, they are just your experiences.

    • Like 2
  8. 4 hours ago, GrandPapillon said:

    doesn't come across as a RAM problem, but more a CODEC not installed on the PC


    when in doubt, use Portable VideoLAN aka Portable VLC


    Comes across as a CPU issue, not a CODEC issue.


    My reasoning? 3 GB of RAM. Think about the last time you saw a PC sold with 3 GB of RAM.  Older CPU.

    • Like 1
  9. 3 minutes ago, robblok said:

    Obviously you don't have the same requirements i have, everyone is different i prefer to spend money on things i like and use a lot. My dad always taught me buy good tools they will make your work easier. I can tell you the money i spend on my PC has paid itself back in time saved (business wise for my work) and for gaming you can never keep a PC the same for 3 years. 


    So it depends what you do with it. I do reuse parts too. I doubt i will change graphics cards soon now a 3080 from nvidia in the computer that would last more then few years.


    It was in answer to "why-does-everyone-wants-the-cheapest-pc?"


    The answer is because that is often all they need. Of course some people buy ill advised carp, but that is another subject.


    I buy good value items; not the cheapest items. Bought an 'as new' Lenovo laptop usually costing £500, for £200. Extended the warranty to a three year on-site warranty for £50.

  10. 1 hour ago, robblok said:

    Sure that is why i am not going for the top of the line just a bit below that. But you see cheapest so often. While just a lil bit more on a power supply or on a better motherboard can influence PC life a lot.


    I bought my PC for £40. Put in an SSD costing £25 within and put in a graphics card from an old PC. It dates from 2009. 


    Not really sensible to suggest that people should spend more on a PC than they need or want.


    Three years? That is a joke. All of the devices currently in use by myself are between eleven and fourteen years old.

    Laptop that I am using now cost 21,000 baht fourteen years ago. It still does what I need.





    • Like 2
  11. 3 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    Any Pc will stream movies (4k) and music, and let you browse the internet. The bottleneck is your internet speed, not your pc's processor power. So  there's no need to pay any more, unless you want to play the most recent games.


    Most retired people don't play PC games, so no need to spend excess money.

    My TV is the 65" PC screen, my PC is about 6 years old, SSD, win7, all media on a NAS.

    My next upgrade (if I live long enough) will be a 75" (LG) screen @30kbht.


    PS. i don't buy any  software, and I don't see any ads.




    Any Pc will stream movies (4k)

    The bottleneck is your internet speed, not your pc's processor power.



  12. I bought it from a pharmacist a while ago in preparation for a dental implant. Didn't need it as it turned out.

    AFAIK you can still buy it in pharmacies, they just limited the amount that can be sold by any one pharmacy because people misuse the drug.

    But if you take your prescription into the pharmacy on Walking Street, on the left hand side coming from the beach road, perhaps 100 metres in. I bought it there as I rented an apartment on Walking Street at the time.

    • Like 2
  13. 3 hours ago, mtls2005 said:


    Look at the bottom, for make and model no.


    If you're still getting maxed at 100 Mbps, over WiFi with the ethernet cable unplugged, then TOT has not provisioned your line correctly. They may have it set up as 100/100 instead of 500/500, common technician error, wrong radio button selected. Call to confirm.


    Can't tell if the router supports GbE, it should if it's newish. Need the make and model no. to be sure.


    Cable looks like Cat 5.


    So this PC does NOT have an ethernet port, I guess?


    That hub thingy is suspect, even with a GbE port and a Cat6 cable, no clue if it's specced to support GbE through that Dell connector? Update all drivers, inclduing the Dell Thunerbolt driver.


    Kind of a mess, maybe just go with WiFi?







    no clue if it's specced to support GbE through that Dell connector?


    That is for what it is designed.

  14. I am deliberately not thanking posts, as I don't want it to feel as if I am attacking anyone. People have their perceptions and obviously believe that they are right. 


    Take BritManToo...he has an opinion of women based on his experiences. How can I convince him that he is wrong? Those are his experiences. Mine are different.


    Wasn't too long ago you would hear people refusing to be treated by a non white doctor in the U.K.. They would have a long wait if they refused now.

    Wasn't too long ago that all shops in the UK closed at 6pm. Hungry after that and you would have to head to the fish & chips shop. Immigrants changed all of that. In fact the immigrants were running the fish & chip shop. Greek Cypriot ran mine.

    Same old stupid racists.

    • Sad 1
  15. 2 hours ago, xylophone said:

    Thanks for your response......and I get the answer:- Windows media player cannot play the file!!


    Just asking, but what is the difference between the two?



    High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC), also known as H.265 and MPEG-H Part 2, is a video compression standard designed as part of the MPEG-H project as a successor to the widely used Advanced Video Coding (AVC, H.264, or MPEG-4 Part 10).

    In comparison to AVC, HEVC offers from 25% to 50% better data compression at the same level of video quality, or substantially improved video quality at the same bit rate. It supports resolutions up to 8192×4320, including 8K UHD, and unlike the primarily 8-bit AVC, HEVC's higher fidelity Main10 profile has been incorporated into nearly all supporting hardware.


    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  16. 15 minutes ago, xylophone said:

    How does one know if their PC will play the 265 format?


    Is there anywhere in the system that I can see that? I recently bought a Lenovo IdeaPad and it's got all the mod cons and I'm wondering if this is somewhere in the system?


    You are very knowledgeable man as regards these things, hence me asking the question.


    Test by playing them: https://jell.yfish.us

    • Like 1
  17. 20 minutes ago, Bubbha said:

    When I use Wifi instead of ethernet, my speed is till maxed out at 100/100 (plus or minus).

    This is measured using the TOT speed test website.

    This is strange, as the Wifi connection speed shows 433 


    Did you unplug the Ethernet connection when you utilised WiFi? 

    Anyway, it still looks like you will need to change the Router.

  18. 5 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    I expect the majority of the inhabitants of the UK to be white native English speakers.

    I expect the majority of the inhabitants of Thailand to be Asian Thai language speakers.

    I expect the majority of the inhabitants of Japan to be Asian Japanese language speakers.

    There are a few countries (like the USA and Australia) which are comprised of immigrants where I have no expectations.


    When these expectations are not met, there is clearly something wrong with the world.

    Racism is not to do with expecting home countries to have a certain majority of natives.



    I'm not an immigrant in Thailand (it says Non-Immigrant on my passport).


    Racism is stupid. Don't be stupid.



    According to the Office for National Statistics, there were approximately 64.6 million people living in the UK in mid-2014. Of these, 56.2 million (87.2 per cent) were White British.

    • Thanks 1
  19. 2 hours ago, petedk said:


    They suggested a Gigabyte B365M (gaming board). 


    My problem was that I went in to buy a new power supply. I had previously thought about buying a new PC as the one with the faulty power supply was 7 years old, but still fast enough to suit my needs.


    Anyway, with a new power supply costing 2,000 Baht and the fact that I needed a PC for my work, I decided to "look at" the prospects of building a new one. I had already some idea of what type of processor and how much ram I needed, but hadn't considered the motherboard. I never play games. I basically use the internet and MS Office and video editing. 


    I think if I had spent more time researching the market, I may have "upped" the specifications a little. Anyway, I am pleased with what I have and I was certainly pleased with the price. I was expecting to pay 20K or something like that.

    The only negative thing I can say is that there is no Bluetooth. I really didn't think about that and assumed that was standard, but to tell the truth I never use Bluetooth on the desk top.

    haha while writing this, I decided to check for Wi-Fi. It seems there is no Wi-Fi, but I use LAN anyway and get a speed of around 890 Mbps.



    Easily solved: https://www.lazada.co.th/products/ezcast-1200-mbps-wireless-wifi-adapter-usb-30-dongle-5g-24g-dual-frequency-bluetooth-50-built-in-dual-antenna-i2129426823-s7143092862.html

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