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Posts posted by Eindhoven

  1. 6 hours ago, rumak said:

    i understand where you are coming from.   But you are pushing your agenda a bit much  IMO

    I did not say i show fear .  I show confidence, not aggression.   I have seen plenty of Dog Whisperer

    episodes....  and prefer to "stand my ground"  when dealing with a particularly aggressive dog.  My post said that usually i just don't react but continue on my merry way.  But when i do feel threatened

    ( when one gets way too close ,  i put something between it and me.  My bike.  And I use a visual and sometimes verbal deterrent) .      

    You can choose your psychology..... I will go with Cesar's .   I am not cruel in any way.  I am just defending my space if necessary.     Hopefully you will understand where I am coming from .

    If not,  do it your way .  Mine has worked well,  and dogs generally leave me alone or like me...

    cause they can smell that I am a good guy   ????    As can most members here .   get my whiff ?


    Agenda? What are you talking about? I just told you what I do as you have told me what you do.

    I wasn't suggesting that you were cruel, I just stated that people who are cruel to animals are missing something. I was actually referring to the OP and how she behaves.

    Lastly; Whatever you insist, this shows as fear;


    If they get too close I will stop and put the bike between me and them and show the stick.


    You can tell yourself that putting your bike between them and showing a stick is asserting confidence, but I read it as fear.

    Notwithstanding, we can agree to disagree. You can handle the dogs in any way that you want. You haven't been bitten, so it works for you.

    I have been dealing with them ever since I first arrived in Thailand. I don't need sticks and obstacles. 

    Interestingly sometimes it's other dogs that come to my aid. Once, running on the beach, a dog made a beeline for me. Before it could reach me, another dog(known to me) blindsided the other dog, knocked upside down and stood over it.


    The Alpha usually stays out of it. He'll be at the back. Usually it's one of the girls barking and geeing everyone up. But if you are friendly, likely one of the young ones will be brave enough to check you out. Very unlikely the Alpha. He will only get involved if there is real danger.


    Like me, they only fight if they really have to. do so Then winning is the only option. So the Alpha is only likely to attack if necessary. Once he sees there is no danger, he will wander off. Without his support, the others will do the same. Sometimes just one persistent barking female will remain. But with no support.


  2. Just now, theWTD said:

    Yeah that site had a good write-up but the promos expired June 24.  There's a #Unlimited that I made a link for:



    But doesn't show any newer plans.


    I tried to get the AIS 4MBPS 32GB for 160B today.  She upsold me to a 10MBPS 32gb for 200b.  Not as good as my unlimited 10MPBS but I can't see me going thru 32gb on my second phone. No idea what the code is, you'd have to ask.



    If you already have a 10 Mbps AIS SIM, you could have tried DTAC or Truemove H for your second phone, as they both still have unlimited 4 Mbps for 200 baht and unlimited 10 Mbps for 300 baht.

    AIS perhaps too, but they often just run their promos for the first seven days of the month. I haven't bothered to check since I don't post the codes here anymore anyway.



    • Like 2
  3. Just now, rumak said:

    simple,  and the way i handle it.    usually on a bike if i don't panic but just keep my constant speed

    the dog will not chase .   If a few dogs one has to be more careful,  as the "leader" can start an attack.

    If they get too close I will stop and put the bike between me and them and show the stick.

    Then can usually walk away while they bark .....  Stay calm ,  sometimes i do shout  ( in thai    PAI !,

    Klap bahn ! )     that always confuses them    


    Try doing the opposite. Get off and call them over. Show that you are friend so they don't need to be nervous. No need put the bike between you and them. All of your current actions show fear and make you look hostile. Having a snack even better for you. Otherwise one or two of the dogs, possibly the youngest will be brave enough to come over and check you out.  They'll sniff and then wander off. Don't try to touch them, as they are still nervous and don't know what you will do.

    If you have a snack, you can leave it and step back enough for one of them to approach it.


    Then you will have friends. They will remember your smell and your kindness. People who are cruel to animals are missing something. 

    It is only their fears that they see. So they are blind to all other possibilities. 

    Just change the movie from Cape Fear to one of the buddy genre.


    I've walked into communities with no foreigners wherein the dogs start howling, barking etc. I just get down and call them over. Alpha comes within a few metres, sees no danger and wanders off. Most of the others do the same.


    Shaking a stick only makes them think that now they really have to protect the community.

    You don't need a stick, they are already afraid of you. No dog wants to have to deal with an angry human. We are bigger, stronger and will kill if threatened. They would much prefer to have you as a friend.





  4. Just now, Cake Monster said:

    The current defensive Toy is a copy of a Magnum .45

    It holds nearly 200  Ml of Ammo, and its concentrated effective range is 6,5 M, with a spray pattern of nearly 2 M Diameter at 9 M.

    So if the shot is not really good on the incoming attack, there will be a good chance of a spray burst getting some effect before the Beast gets close.

    I also can get off abut 4 shots per Second

    I have found that the Dogs do not like even the small amount of spray because their Noses are so sensitive.

    Only a few days ago, a pack of Soi Dogs attacked a little 7 year old Boy, just 60 M from my House.

    The little lad is going to be badly scared for the rest of his life, so I have little sympathy for any distress that I may cause an attacking Dog.


    Absolutely fine if the dog is actually attacking. 32 feet+ away is not attacking. It is simply cruelty to animals.


    Your fear not not give you the right to attack nature's animals. 


    One or twice repelling a seemingly dangerous animal can be considered normal. But eighty times seems abnormal to me. 

    That tells me that the OP is the one attacking the animals and not the other way around. She confirmed it with glee. 32 feet+ away is not an attacking animal.



  5. 5 minutes ago, Why Me said:

    Darn thing's behind a pay wall or a "free" (gimme your CC) trial. But I've been reading about this elsewhere too though the Western press hasn't been giving it much play.


    I have a lot of respect for Russian STEM. Them's smart people even after a whole generation was lured west after the collapse of the USSR.


    Heck, I'll be happy to take any approved vaccine. I've been stuck in Thailand now for months. I need to travel. The vaccine certificate should get me past the IOs.



    A top Russian official has said the country's coronavirus vaccine is nearing the end of clinical trials and is likely to get approval in mid-August – potentially making it the world's first approved vaccine against the disease.

    Russia currently has at least three vaccines in development, and President Vladimir Putin, who chaired a conference call on the pandemic on Wednesday, has said developing one would be a matter of national pride.

    One of the three vaccines is nearing the end of clinical trials and is likely to be approved next month, Tatyana Golikova, a deputy prime minister, told the meeting.

    "We're planning to give it a state registration in August 2020 as long as there are clinical trials for 1,600 people following approval," she said, adding that Russia hopes to begin manufacturing the vaccine as early as in September.

    Russia's previous announcement about fast-tracking clinical trials has raised questions about the safety of the new vaccine.

    On Wednesday, President Putin assured the nation that it would not be used unless it is proven to be safe. "We have to be absolutely sure about the vaccine," he said in televised remarks.

    "This is what we're going to proceed from before we make further decisions on coronavirus vaccination."

    Ms Golikova's remarks follow a CNN interview with the head of Russia's sovereign welfare fund, which bankrolls research and development for the coronavirus vaccine at the Gamalei Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology.

    Mr Dmitriev said on Tuesday that the Gamaeli Institute is looking at August 10 as the earliest date to get approval, potentially making it the world's first approved vaccine.

    "Russia will have got there first," he told CNN, likening the country's coronavirus research to the successful launch of the world's first satellite by the Soviet Union in 1957.

    The fund's spokesman confirmed Mr Dmitriev's remarks to The Telegraph but would not offer further detail. He has said he hopes for Russia to produce about 30 million doses of the vaccine by the end of the year.

    Russia has also struck manufacturing deals with five other countries and could be producing up to 170 million doses abroad this year, he said.

    Mike Ryan, the executive director at the World Health Organisation, said earlier this months that "there is a long way to go" before the world gets its first approved vaccine.

    The British Government, in the meantime, has signed a deal with pharmaceutical giants GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and Sanofi Pasteur for 60 million doses of a potential Covid-19 vaccine if the tests prove to be successful.

    The Gamalei Institute is a reputable research centre which has developed clinically approved vaccines against Mers and Ebola, but it has faced criticism from the scientific community after its director revealed that he and other staff self-administered the vaccine way before the start of human trials.

    Mr Dmitriev, a close ally of President Putin, has also said he and his family have tried the vaccine.

    Earlier this month, the UK's National Cyber Security Centre revealed that a Russian hacking group had attempted to steal vaccine research from the University of Oxford and Imperial College London.

    The Gamalei Institute, which announced a successful end of the first phase of human trials just days before the NCSC's announcement, vehemently denied a suggestion that Russian scientists might have benefited from the hack.


    You can read the whole thing via the Yahoo link

    • Thanks 1
  6. Interesting that the OP mentioned psychopaths, as I did not want to be the one to mention it.





    Zoosadism is pleasure derived from cruelty to animals. It is part of the Macdonald triad, a set of three behaviours that are considered a precursor to psychopathic behaviour.


    The OP seems to take extraordinary pleasure in counting and recounting the amount of times that she has attacked animals more than 32 feet from herself. 


  7. 20 hours ago, Don Mega said:


    I wonder who owns #14 on the list...


    Let's take a closer look. It's in the Thunder Castle Stadium area, the grounds for the Buri Ram United. Chairman of Buri Ram United is Newin Chidchob, the de facto leader of the




    whose 'official' leader is Anutin Charnvirakul. So transparent.

    • Haha 1
  8. 10 minutes ago, RichCor said:

    OP, for MMS to function properly the phone's APN:MMS (Access Point Names : Multimedia Messaging Service) settings need to be properly configured to communicate with the wireless provider's system.


    Many wireless providers will store these settings on the SIM itself, and the phone will automatically retrieve them for use. Else, if the wireless carrier is still providing the service and your subscription contract includes the service, then you can find the required setting in the providers support website or local knowledgeable phone shop can enter them for you.  


    As possibly already mentioned, the DTAC website user support section contains the following for setting up MMS:


    MMS setting: MMS setting on mobile through OTA.

    There are 2 ways to do this.

    • First method: Through web site http://vas.dtac.co.th/ota

    • Second method: Through USSD

      1. Press *772# from the mobile you want to set then dial.

      2. will receive 1-3 SMS for setting (a number of SMS for setting depends on individual mobile detail).

      3. Then save the SMS. Enter 1800 if your device requires a password.

      4. After saving the setting SMS, you can enjoy EDGE/GPRS and MMS service immediately.

    After you have saved OTA, restart your mobile before using MMS.



    EDGE/GPRS is not free. So leaving it connected at 1 baht per minute can eat all of your credit. That's why people would disconnect from the Internet in the past.

    Now of course we are used to 'always on' connections with unlimited data, in so we can leave it connected permanently without fear of the credit disappearing. How quickly we forget.

    The OP is on to a hiding for nothing if he doesn't screw his ears back on and take note of the advice that I have given to him.

    • Like 1
  9. 43 minutes ago, steven100 said:

    I believe AIS and the others don't support MMS  anymore hence you won't be able to send photos unless you use LINE app or Whats app or similar , however the receiver has to have the same app on their mobile.

    So you cannot send using your network provider even if you had a connection.

    You cannot send via LINE app or similar unless you have either WiFi or service provider internet connection.




    You can send photos/videos via email too, if the potential receiver doesn't have any communication applications installed.

    Sadly, the OP doesn't seem interested in moving his knowledge and experience forward.

    The phone is more than capable; https://www.gsmarena.com/samsung_galaxy_a01-9999.php


    • Like 1
  10. On 7/23/2020 at 7:37 AM, salsajapan said:

    I am also looking for cheap Indian, do they exist ? I do not ask good or anything special, they all sell exactly the same food, even if few of you can understand this, but i want cheap ! Please !



    Why insist on repeating the fallacy of them selling exactly the same food? Are you in their kitchens? Seems rather odd that salsajapan, SePl and scoupeo are using exactly the same phrase. Related?



    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  11. 55 minutes ago, Felt 35 said:

    Sure I'm sub normal in most fields and actually (was) only a Nerd in one specific area, a sports hobby. However Im not moving either forward an backwards due to a question about sending a picture with a new phone. We talk about sending /receive a picture now and then which was possible without spending time and money on add on packages or Internet connections, its not possible any more, ok fine. ???? Subject closed.


    In addition to this, you can also send and receive pictures for free using your existing Internet connection at home, via WiFi.  

    So many options open to you. But it seems you are not open to any suggestions.

    So perhaps best for me to draw and line under this one and to make use of the ignore list to stop me making the same mistake again.


  12. 17 minutes ago, Felt 35 said:

    Sure I'm sub normal in most fields and actually (was) only a Nerd in one specific area, a sports hobby. However Im not moving either forward an backwards due to a question about sending a picture with a new phone. We talk about sending /receive a picture now and then which was possible without spending time and money on add on packages or Internet connections, its not possible any more, ok fine. ???? Subject closed.


    No one stated that it wasn't possible. This forum is infamous for people not listening to advice unless it conforms exactly to what they already think. Learning something new is anathema to many.

    You ALWAYS needed an Internet connection to send your pictures and paid for it. In those times it was GSM/GPRS. You still had to set your old phone up for an Internet connection, albeit GPRS. But over the years things improved. The difference is that we now use a faster and cheaper kind of connection. 


    Look at the speeds involved:



    GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) 2G -- 9.6Kbps
    GPRS (General packet radio services) 2.5G -- 35Kbps to 171kbps

    EDGE (Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution) 2.75G -- 120Kbps to 384Kbps
    UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunications System) 3G -- 384Kbps to 2Mbps
    HSPA (software upgrade to UMTS, theoretical 42Mbps) 3.5G -- 600Kbps to 10Mbps, averages 1-3Mbps
    WiMAX/LTE "4G" (theoretical 100Mbps) -- 3Mbps to 10Mbps average, 20Mbps+ peak download speeds.



    So sending a 1 MB photo, if it were possible(DTAC state the picture has to be considerably smaller) utilising GPRS could take anything from one to four minutes. 


    On a typical 4 Mbps mobile connection, two seconds.


    So the subject may be closed to your mind, but not to anyone else reading the thread and trying to glean important information.


    In Europe you can easily pay the equivalent 20 baht for sending a single low quality picture message domestically over GPRS.

    Contrast that with being able to send up to 1000 pictures on a single GB 'volume' of data.


    If you want to remain in the dark for the rest of your days that is up to you. But don't let it be said that we didn't show you the way to do what you stated that you wanted to do in your very first post.



    one thing I had hoped for was to send/receive a picture now and then to relatives in Europe and also receive pictures from my better half who have a bit more active/ social lifestyle than I have. However I'm very disappointed (no the phone is excellent) that I not can send /receive a picture...


    So no need for disappointment, as you would be paying to send over GPRS anyway. It's not free. So why the objection to paying for a faster internet connection?

    I gave you the option of a single payment of 30 baht to stay connected, forever. Yet you still baulk...


    It was also you would alluded that the alternative was postpaid, which was again way off the mark.


    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, stouricks said:

    Good! Pay for your Seedbox, install filezilla etc etc. Download via IDM direct to OneDrive, there it is, available on all your devices.




    I have no idea what this has to do with what I wrote and why you quoted my post.


    I wrote that there is no need to install any software at all. You can download direct to mobile phone and/or PC without any need to install any software. So how is what you wrote connected to what I wrote?


    There is at least three separate software installations involved in your scenario. Filezilla, IDM and OneDrive. This forum is just amazing....

    • Thanks 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Dart12 said:

    Maybe because I can't read Thai...and that is just a picture in the first post, not a link to where it's offered.

    And there is no Truemove offer link posted anywhere in this thread either for me to check out, or I would.

    I can google "offers" all day and never find the ones being shown here.  So it's not as easy as "google it"


    Yes it's a picture that states clearly the package, cost and the USSD code to subscribe to the package. 

    Did someone here recommend Truemove H to you? I have no idea why you attributed it to me. 

    Who suggested that you Google it? The codes for DTAC are in the first post. If they can supply 10 Mbps at your location there is no need for any more questions.



    • Like 2
  15. 2 hours ago, OneeyedJohn said:

    Sorry, u know the difference between a computer and Australian........

    ...............................U only have to punch information into a computer once.


    This forum is one of the worst for getting people to follow good advice. The usually want to install a program that does everything fro them or take it to a shop for the simplest of maintenance.

    It's like they absolutely refuse to learn anything. Not everyone mind you, but a very high proportion. 

    I think they've grown up on a platform of stolen software and relatively cheap labour costs in Thailand. So often look for the quick fix, instead of actually bothering to understand what they are doing.

    I guess that's why you have a Loader activating your Windows 7 Ultimate. A throwback from the old days, but absolutely not necessary and outdated, as you can activate for free without the need for such a crude and not altogether successful hack.

    The local places are still using hacks to activate Windows. 


    So save yourself the situation wherein your installation of Windows suddenly deactivates itself after six months. 

    Just do the job cleanly yourself. Then you know exactly what is on your PC and that it is running optimally to your needs. Takes a few minutes of your time.


    • Confused 1
  16. All unnecessarily complicated. But I tire of telling the same people to use a SeedBox only to come back to see that they took no notice.


    SeedBox can do this without the need to install any software to your PC or mobile phone in the first place.


    No more from me on this subject.

    • Thanks 1
  17. 5 minutes ago, MJKT2014 said:


    Originally derogatory, the term "nerd" was a stereotype, but as with other pejoratives, it has been reclaimed and redefined by some as a term of pride and group identity.

    Ref: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nerd


    If you are claiming it with pride as your identity then more power to you. He can use it when he wants to describe you. 

    But that doesn't mean that it is acceptable generally. I'm sure that you did not miss "redefined by some".

    There are many words that people use to describe each other, that are not acceptable for general usage.


    Out of interest, have you posted anything in relation to the topic or have every single one of your posts been off-topic and argumentative?





    • Thanks 1
  18. 1 hour ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    MMS = SMS with Pictures. It's the same function on every phone like Messaging.

    If you just write text it's a SMS, if you send a picture is a MMS.

    For the user is looks pretty much the same but they use different technologies and different setting.

    But I don't think there is any phone out there without MMS - at least in the last 20 years or so.


    Seriously, don't encourage the MMS route. It's a route to nowhere.



    MMS setting: What is the highest capacity (KB) of a mobile to send and receive MMS ?

    You can receive – send not more than 650 kb per MMS within dtac network and not more than 500 kb to AIS, 300 kb to Truemove (including picture, voice, message and video clip). However, it also depends on the phone models of sender and receiver.


    So pictures may have to be reduced in size before attempts at sending. As to whether it will send abroad and the cost involved, I don't know.

    Perhaps better to help the OP to understand how things work best currently.

    • Like 1
  19. 2 minutes ago, Felt 35 said:

    So why is as described by another poster not possible anymore to do as this "did you try using the messaging/SMS using the SIM card that does it for me, no need for internet.... just out of curiosity how did you send photos using your old phone, whatever works then,  should work as well now"

    I did similar until approximate 1-3 years ago both from and to Europe with my old Samsung. Last time is approximately two years ago sending a picture of new passport to my bank abroad!



    Yes, you can use MMS to send pictures, but the other party will also need MMS to have MMS enabled to receive them. It is also a very slow method.


    So just add the data pack as suggested to make life easier for yourself and perhaps open up new avenues of communication for yourself.

  20. 8 minutes ago, Felt 35 said:

    Well then I apologize but English is not my native language and if tech Nerd is derogatory then this is how we see a Nerd where I have my roots: A nerd is a person with a special area of interest who also have above-average knowledge/interest and understanding in this area.



    But there was no need to utilise such an expression at all. First language or not. Would you call your Doctor or your dentist a Nerd? Of course not. Because it would be insulting.

    Perhaps the people advising have a normal level of knowledge with your level being sub-normal.

    We don't know. Either way, not a nice way to ask for help, buy insulting the very people who might help.


    Anyway, let's move on. You have all the information that you need to move forward.

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