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Posts posted by Eindhoven

  1. 4 hours ago, Kadilo said:

    Let’s face it, a lot of Thai women have lying to a fine art. Some can’t even be honest about what sex they are. Who the f.uck are they to judge anyone? 

    With the greatest of respect, it’s ok you being derogatory with some of your cliches (re dogs and fleas.....pretty disgusting things to say imo considering there are guys on here married to ex sex workers) but your missus could quite easily have been a previous sex worker. You would never know. If you think you would, you’re delusional. Of course you will say never. Smarter guys than you have found out a  lot worse cos they had they head shoved too far up their own a.rse. 

    My take is, I treat everyone the same. Whatever their background, previous history, good or bad and judge them as a person for myself. You, or I have absolutely no idea what their previous life was like and what may have taken them down a certain path. It’s called the past for a reason. If you have not got one it’s cos you have not lived. 

    I have more respect for someone who is honest and admits they have done things they may regret, or if they don’t regret they don't need to explain to me or anyone else their reasons. Truth is they are probably far more interesting to talk to and have more life experience than many. Of course you would find it uncomfortable and embarrassing because you think you are above these type of people. Others might find your missus a total bore. Each to their own. 

    My family would welcome anyone I chose because they would respect my choice irrespective of their history. If anyone chose to disrespect me or my choice then i am quite happy to stay away from them whether they be friends or family. 



    It appears that you misunderstood the analogy.

    It meant that if you jump into a pool of sharks hoping to find a friendly dolphin, don't be surprised to fmeet a hungry shark.

    Going to Pattaya to find an honest woman is a big risk.

    Another meaning concerns the association. People judge you because of your association.


    So the rest of your post is moot. In fact I lived with a sex worker as a teenager. So you have grabbed the wrong end of the stick if you think that I'm judging. Especially when I already wrote that I don't and also have sympathy for those with the best of intentions.


    My 'missus' is not Asian.



  2. 10 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    I generally avoid Muslims as well, they ain't that friendly.

    I'm not friends with hotel receptionists either, that's a step down from 7-11 staff (who are required to have attended school until age 15).


    What are you talking about? I visited Malaysia before I visited Thailand and found the people super friendly. I had families inviting me back to their houses for dinner and I was only chatting to them at a train station, as an example.

    Your erroneous beliefs appear ingrained. Women takers. Muslims unfriendly. No.


    Even Malaysian Immigration. All smiles and welcome. Thai, no.

    I used to work behind the reception desk with my Thai friends just for fun. 

    Obviously you are a bit annoyed with Yinn, but she is voicing her opinion. No need to involve ordinary hard working people in your spat.

  3. 1 hour ago, Kadilo said:

    In Yinns defence it must be difficult iF you’re a hotel receptionist and you’re seeing ladies coming and going earning more in a couple of night for banging customers than you’re earning in month.


    It’s only natural you may be a tad peeved and look down at them. You’re not gonna be inclined to invite them round for dinner are you. 


    The price pf morality i guess. Some have it some want the money. 




    I'm sure Yinn is not poor and even if she is, so what? She still isn't choosing to sell herself.

    It's not just about morality. Sex work affects more than just your morality. 


    I may have more money than the sex workers and I wouldn't invite them for dinner with my family either. What would we talk about? The weather?

    Uncomfortable and embarrassing. Awkward silence or lies when asked about their occupation. 

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  4. 24 minutes ago, Yinn said:

    The hotel I work part time, uni holidays + new year high season before is not sex tourist hotel. Is family hotel. Couples. 


    But we see sex worker a lot in the town. 

    We not invite them for dinner because peeved the money. It because


    1) the customer so old, ugly, fat, etc. It look weird. Not nature.


    Some old, ugly, fat Thai man use the sex worker same. Up to him/you.

    Discreet ok. Never see.

    But farang In the plaza, street, tourist kids, Thai kids, etc. pity.


    I think if you see young, handsome 20 year old guy act same that with Grandma Fatty in the plaza. What you think? Not nature.


    2) the behavior of the worker is not good. They know there behavior is not polite. They not care.


    *Nobody think sex worker is rich, peeved the money. If they rich, they will not be sex worker, sure. Most is Issan.


    To the OP, IMO 2 things good idea make your life happy in Thailand.

    1) have real girlfreind

    2) learn speak thai. (I want to say before, but some members this also sensitive issue) 


    Make it easy for you make freinds, like that. 

    If you choose another country, I think my 1 and 2) same


    Freinds will help you in thailand. 

    Good luck.


    I don't speak Thai and I still made Thai friends('i' comes before the 'e'). It's really comes down to who you are.

    I can make friends anywhere. 

    Of course there are many here who came to meet a local woman, but didn't take or didn't have the time to nurture a real relationship.


    For me, I really returned for the beaches, food etc Local women never came into it and still don't. 


    But on the other hand, I understand many guys here have had bad experiences in their country and really just wanted someone who cared about them. Sadly many of these guys leapt from the frying pan and into the fire.


    So again. I am not so quick to judge. It's not just good or bad, black or white.


    I also see your side. Maybe that's why it's so easy for me to make friends. I am friendly. ????



    • Confused 1
  5. 10 hours ago, scammed said:

    4 GB RAM & 4000 mAh battery is budget performance, will be insufficient with more software updates,

    and the battery will with predictable decay not keep the thing running without constant recharge at all time.




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  6. 10 hours ago, LukKrueng said:

    Basically the number should be valid until the "valid until" date, in your case June 2021. If there is no credit balance on the sim you will only be able to receive calls and sms's. AFAIK, every topup extends the validity by 30 days, regardless of the amount. Maximum validity 1 year. 

    So I'd suggest contacting AIS to cancel the data package and keep the number as a normal voice sim, and just before you leave Thailand topup as much as needed to get the 1 year validity. You can later topup from overseas using a bank app if you need longer validity


    Nope. If no credit, he will not be able to receive calls abroad, only SMS.

  7. Maybe it appears that I am a bit blunt, but I deal with many of these issues every day, so no time to get bogged down with unnecessary actions etc.

    I look at the problem and come up with the quickest and easiest solution and then move on.


    Because you appear to behave illogically and take the long way around everything, it takes time away from me helping others if I decide to help you.

    So I just give you the best, quickest and easiest solution and then move on to the next person.


    So don't take offence, I just have to be efficient.


  8. 1 hour ago, KhunHeineken said:

    I had some free time, and was impatient to wait on the post.  No need to make it a personal thing.


    I don't see the difference between a fresh install on a HDD and then clone to SSD, or a fresh install on a SSD and clone to a HDD.  I guess some data could be corrupted during the cloning process.


    Anyway, I have since got to bottom of this issue.  The software involved is paid software, not free software.  I emailed the company and explained the issue and requested they email me the software, which they did, as a zip file.  They did this, and the software installed trouble free.  I emailed the company back telling them they may have a problem with the direct download.  


    I have since downloaded and installed small test programs with .exe setup and they installed no problem.  I then uninstalled the software as it was just for testing purposes. 


    When troubleshooting Windows 10 being unable to run .exe files, I discovered a lot of information about this issue, which was an issue that I never ended up having. 


    It was just an unfortunate coincidence it was the last program I had to install, and thought something had become corrupted.  


    Not being able to run .exe files is yet another Windows 10 bug that I had never come across in other versions of Windows, despite discovering I didn't actually have the problem.


    The SSD is good and I will be looking at upgrading my other machines in the near future.  



    I have no idea as to what it is that you are going on about.


    Why are you talking to me about cloning? There was no need to clone at all. Just you taking the long way around as usual.

    Too many words in your posts to no avail. I just like to get to the point and move on.

  9. 3 hours ago, stouricks said:

    Are you saying you can have a DATA package without a SIM? No, when you refer to 'SIM package' I think you are meaning a 'Call Package'.


    You don't need to try to tell me what I think. What you mean is what you think. But you have got it wrong.


    I wrote exactly what I meant. How can 2 baht per SMS & 1 baht per MB be a call package?


    Think before you Submit Reply.


    It is the SIM package.


    Do you see the SIM packages there?: http://truemoveh.truecorp.co.th/package/prepaid?ln=en


    They are the basic offers that come with the SIM. Whereas if you choose a Data package, that is an add-on. When the Data package runs out, it defaults to the SIM package rate. 



  10. Just now, dastott said:

    Thanks again. About roaming, AIS says it’s free to ‘apply’ but of course costs extra money to use. I was not planning to use the number overseas but I could still receive calls and SMS from the bank if I apply (but not pay for) for roaming?


    It doesn't cost anything to use. You are confusing Roaming with Data Roaming. You don't need data switched on to receive SMS. So you can turn that off on the SIM before you leave. 

    Disable “Internet service”: Press *129*1# and hit the Dial key (Free of charge); Enable “Internet service”: Press *129*2# 

    • Thanks 1
  11. 25 minutes ago, Nanaplaza666 said:

    I would look


    Erm...are you on the right thread? The reply that you have quoted was in reply to a rather unpleasant post by Don Mega. So unless you are Don Mega, perhaps you can explain why you are posting on his behalf.


    Perhaps you have just made a genuine mistake. For this reason I haven't quoted your post in full, so that you can go back in order to edit your reply if necessary.


    • Like 1
  12. 2 minutes ago, asiacurious said:

    Does it not depend on the package terms and conditions?  The package I have is a data only package that requires 200thb per month top up.  You may be right that the number remains active.  But it could also be that it doesn't.  Which is why a call to AIS is a good idea. 


    No need. When you cancel the pack you will see the validity date via the App. If perchance it changes to an earlier date, all you need to do is to top up 20 baht at a time at an AIS machine or 12 baht at a time at a Boontherm machine, up until it reaches a year of validity.

    No need to have a data package connected.

  13. Just now, asiacurious said:

    Does it not depend on the package terms and conditions?  The package I have is a data only package that requires 200thb per month top up.  You may be right that the number remains active.  But it could also be that it doesn't.  Which is why a call to AIS is a good idea. 


    No. Data package is not linked to the SIM package. The SIM package is completely separate from the data package. 

    Example of SIM package. 99 satang per minute for call. 2 baht for SMS. 1 baht per MB for data. That is what is linked to a SIM. Data package has no bearing on that.

  14. 2 minutes ago, asiacurious said:


    The particular package I have is a data only plan.   If you stop paying on it (without paying a fee to keep the number active) then you would loose the number, yes?


    I did not consider the option of cancelling the plan but keeping the number, so yeah, that might work.  I'd stop by an AIS store of call their support number. (1175)



    If you're able to cancel the data plan while keeping the number of course.  If you can't cancel it then... ???


    No. The SIM validity is not linked to the plan. That's why you can have a SIM with no data package at all, but still with up to a year of validity.

  15. Unfortunately, you are being given some confusing replies. You can cancel the package and take note if the validity period has changed. If not, you need to do nothing. If so, you can go to a Boontherm machine outside 7-11 or Family Mart, and do multiple 10 baht top-ups(costing 12 baht) until your validity date maxxes out to July next year.

    If you are not back by July next year, then you can top up 20 baht via your banking app or apply a package that gives you 30 days of extra validity for 30 baht, from your existing credit.

    • Thanks 2
  16. 18 minutes ago, dastott said:

    OK, so if I don’t top up for each month then I lose the number before June 2021? I am not sure when I can return...


    The package is a pre-paid monthly unlimited data package using a Tourist SIM. There is no contract AFAIK.



    You do not need to do anything. Your SIM will stay active until the date shown. 

    The only issue is that it will soon eat 200 baht out of your credit. 

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