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Posts posted by Eindhoven

  1. 38 minutes ago, Logosone said:

    Didn't stop Sinatra from leaving.


    It's not about her. It's about you. Are you happy living with someone like that? Or would you be happier with an attractive, fun, sexy 18, 25 or 30 year old (or indeed 40 year old if you're 90 for the very fit silverbacks).


    He won't be happy if he leaves his daughter in a bad situation and cannot get to see her. 

  2. On 7/17/2020 at 4:10 AM, AlfHuy said:

    Thanks a lot for your help.

    I just asked her.

    What she basically wants now, is to recover contacts she had on her old SIM card.

    She bought a while ago a new phone and new SIM card.

    She put her old sim in her phone just to see if she can recover her old contacts but nothing. It is requesting a pin or other code.

    In regards of her Android phone, it was an old one. She can't remember her old emails password as she was always logged in, when she accessed her email.


    Basically all she wants now, is to recover her old contacts from the sim.

    I don't know if this is possible without knowing a Puk or whatever.




    If her old SIM is still alive the network should be able to sort that for her.

  3. Bear in mind I am referring to people with families. Single men can play the field. But family men have sons and daughters to protect. That often means placating the wife.

    So even if you are totally peed off at her attitude, make her feel better about herself. It's not about you, even if she makes you think it is. It's about her and how she feels about herself.

  4. 6 minutes ago, AlfHuy said:

    My GF, close to 40 is having the same issues.

    Constantly talking about her friends have farang who give a lot of money.

    They live all abroad and have a brilliant life.

    I told her, come on, give them a call NOW. A video call and not this <deleted>, showing off on messenger and line.

    Make a video call. I want to see this villa with pool, ask the to show their bank book.

    EVIDENCE and not just stupid talking.

    Guess what. There is never a video call. The girls are just busy or internet problems. There is no villa. They probably live in a 40m2 apartment with an old VW Golf from 2001 in front of the door.

    I told her: your friends all went with old men. They moved abroad. Now, most of them live in a small apartment and the very good farang doesn't give anymore any money. 

    Would your friends talk about this? NOOOO

    That's about losing face. All their friends and family would have a lough. The ladies went to richmen farang land to live the life of a princess and sent millions to the 'entitled' family.

    Reality is different. They live a very modest life and very often are very unhappy but won't talk about. If talking about, they would loose face as it was them who went abroad.


    I told my GF. You know what? Do not waste anymore time. Go out and find this sponsor who gives you a minimum of 50k Baht a month in pocket money. Go, go now. They are queuing in front of our condo to take over.

    You think she left? No, even when I offered to pack her luggage. No sign of her moving out.


    They test us over and over again.

    Show them who brings the bread home. If they think they are in charge, send them to get a job. Happy, if they make 12k a month. This brings them back to reality.


    Talking to a Thai is almost impossible. They have mostly not the intelligence for a productive talk. Problem solving is not known by thais. They have the capacity to focus a maximum of let's say, 15 minutes, then game over. They look away, look at their phone, walk away or start to talk about something totally different or start to blame you for whatever is passing their minds.


    My GF now knows, never more to ask for more money. Starting to talk about her rich friends with farang boyfriends or husbands, I start to prepare her luggage and call a taxi.


    They test and test us over and over again.

    Do not give to much importance and if they want to punish by not coming to your bedroom, easy. I lock my bedroom door and tell her, that other mother's have also good looking daughters.




    If no children, no need to put up with that.

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  5. Just now, Kadilo said:

    What advice does anyone need?


    Its not rational or normal behavior for a woman of any age to behave like this and no one should have to put up with it. You do t need anyone to tell you that.

     If they won’t talk, want to change, seek help or become aggressive you dont need anyone to tell you it’s time to get on your bike. If you do then that’s probably why you are in the mess in the first place, because you’re too weak to deal with it yourself and the reason why she’s walking all over you thinking she’s the boss. 


    No need to talk to her. It won't change anything. Just make her feel better about herself.

  6. Just now, Kadilo said:

    If he used his brain this would be the last place to come for relationship advice. 


    Not really. I think my advice is good. Some other advice here too.


    Perhaps some of those who posted immaturely initially, will take some of it on-board and give romance a try before giving up on their partners.


    Silly story. I've adopted a family of dogs. Papa, grumpy and cautious, Mama, demonstrative and vocal and Puppy, very loving. Papa growling and grumpy initially towards family. Probably hangry and stressed. But Mama has a way of disarming him. She does this little dance, so cool to watch and a minute later the whole family was rolling around on the ground laughing and happy.


    Now with my support, they are a super happy and protective family. 


    The OP has to forget about who is right or wrong or bad/good and simply disarm his partner. 

    She isn't going to get less angry if he leaves her, ignores her or beats her.


    Just win her over.





    • Haha 1
  7. Come on guys, you are supposed to be helping the OP, not arguing with each other. 

    If by a slight adjustment, the OP can bring peace into his life, that doesn't mean that he is giving up his manhood. On the contrary, it means that he has added another string to his bow. 

    He is in control. No different from those first dates when you want to make a good impression. You don't think of it of losing your manhood, but of being a hunter. So how is it different to modify your behaviour in order to get what you ultimately want...peace?

    So choosing to stay and keep your family together should be the utmost priority, until you have exhausted every avenue. If it proves not possible, then make plans. But until then, smart moves make a man. He doesn't need to use his fists in every battle.

    Better to use your brain.

    • Like 2
  8. Try helping her to feel better about herself. It's an uphill battle, but see how it goes. Even if you don't think that she deserves it. Bite that tongue. Take her some flowers. Change the film you are in, from a horror to a romance. Women don't want reality, they like fantasy. Tell her you love her ears, her nose.... whatever. Turn her anger into a smile by disarming her.

    Don't think about being equitable or reasonable. Just give her a fantasy for a while. Compliments etc

    Suck it up for a while. See how it goes. It's definitely worth it if it stops the disruption to all of your lives..

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  9. 12 hours ago, BananaBandit said:

    Fair enough then. 


    In case I eventually decide to sandbox it:   Where is the best place to download my sandbox?


    Is  sandboxie.com  okay?


    I have Windows 7, in case that makes any difference (though i suspect it doesn't). 

    If Windows 7, SandBoxie is the one for you. Personally I think archive.org will be fine. But no harm in having that extra layer of protection. It allows you to open particular programs in the SandBox too. So you can open Adobe Reader in the SandBox. It's a bit more fiddly and even if you choose to not use it most of the time, having it may prove useful.

    For instance installing a new program. You can install in in the SandBox in so that you can scrutinise the installation options and choose or eliminate unwanted add-on choices. Once you are confident that you have made the right choices, delete the SandBox and install it normally, making the correct choices. Running it firstly in the SandBox means you can make as many mistakes as you like, as it doesn't end up embedded somewhere in your main install. 


    But from anything from archive.org, a simple virus scan before opening should prove sufficient.

    • Thanks 1
  10. Just now, Blue Muton said:

    If you re-read my post bit about the turning should become clear.


    You are confusing an air fryer with a halogen or convection oven if you think heat comes from above.


    conduction is thermal transfer from the pan where it is in contact with the food.


    Erm...the heat does come from above with the air fryer.

  11. 10 minutes ago, Blue Muton said:

    Well the hot air heats the pan (as well as the food). Heat is transferred from the pan to the food, that thermal transfer is called conduction, whatever Philips say about thier particular model.

    Oh ok. I thought you meant that the pan was heated from below. In that case the normal convection oven does the same, if you put a baking tin within.

  12. 9 hours ago, Dumbastheycome said:

    Can someone  explain the difference  between an "air fryer" and a  "convection" oven in function?

    I have one of  those  cheap glass bodied circular convection ovens which I  find  great for  pizza and  baking  cakes. Have never attempted potato fries.


    I make chips thus; Wash potatoes, leave skin on. Wrap in kitchen towel. Put in microwave for four minutes. Slice into the desired shape and the toss in olive oil or your choice of oil and then season. Pop into convection oven either placed on wire grill or in baking tin. Around 200 Celsius should do it.


    Something in between chips and crispy roast potatoes with a fluffy inside. Tasty anyway.


    Frozen fries here are an abomination.

    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, Blue Muton said:

    A couple of others have answered but seem to have missed the main difference. Yes, they both work primarily by convection (although the would be some radiated heat from the lamps in the "convection" ovens and yes, they both have fans that assist with the convection but those are similarities and you asked for the difference.


    Aside from the fan a convection oven has no moving parts, the food sits where you leave it, if it needs turning you have to do it yourself. In an air fryer the food is constantly turned so that it cooks more evenly. The food is heated by conduction from the pan as well as by convection.


    Doesn't seem to have conduction as you suggest: https://www.philips.co.uk/c-m-ho/cooking/airfryer-top/airfryer-xxl

  14. 23 minutes ago, TSF said:

    I'm just squeezing the last out of this laptop, probably by the end of this year I'll have bought a new laptop with SSD. And I'll probably never need to put the backed up system image on between now and dumping this old machine.


    Nonetheless, I'd still like to know what has changed and why? I'm puzzled why I could once do something and not now?


    But you aren't squeezing the last out of the laptop. You never seen it perform as it should. Spend 600 baht on an SSD and shock yourself with the difference in performance.

    You likely won't even bother with a new laptop, unless there is a mechanical problem with the device.

    600 baht vs the cost of a new laptop.

    The laptop with which I'm posting is more than thirteen years old, but is fitted with an SSD, so still does everything I need promptly. It was a waste of time with an HDD. Wouldn't even bother to use it.


    • Thanks 1
  15. 49 minutes ago, Don Mega said:

    The missus booked a room in our fav hotel on Koh Samui for next weekend.


    the "40% discount" discount represents a night rate 10% less than when we stayed this time last year.


    Did you contact the hotel direct to ask them the best price they could offer this year. Wouldn't be surprised if you could undercut the 40% off in the first instance.

  16. 1 minute ago, Orton Rd said:

    4.5 million people bitten by dogs a year, a goof channel for anti dog propaganda



    Oh...in that case you are right and we are wrong. (rolling eyes)


    Are these wild dogs that are biting people or dogs that have owners? Often you'll find that it is someone's dog that does the biting. 

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  17. 17 minutes ago, Stocky said:

    Hardware has an expectation?




    Yes. It will have Drivers specially designed to work with the hardware. He will also get to use Windows 10 in the way it was intended. Otherwise, what is the point of having dual boot??

    Just wipe the drive and replace it with Linux Mint. If you are going to have it on a dual boot basis, fix it instead of complaining about it.

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