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Etaoin Shrdlu

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Everything posted by Etaoin Shrdlu

  1. I think many hotels only allocate a portion of their rooms to Agoda. Agoda can exhaust their allocation before the hotel is fully booked. You might try contacting the hotel directly and asking.
  2. Exactly! Also, some insurers will refuse to work with a client who tries to go direct after getting a quote from a broker.
  3. Brokers are typically paid a commission of about 15% of the gross premium. It can be a bit more for some lines of insurance, but for a construction policy this is probably pretty close. You may or may not get any cost relief by going direct to an insurer. Insurers in Thailand can't directly discount premiums or rebate what would normally be paid as commission to a broker. They may be able to use a slightly lower rate, but that may not be the case in all circumstances due to Thailand's regulation of insurance rates. Going direct to an insurer is kind of like being your own lawyer in a court of law. You can do it, but there are downsides, especially if you need help with a complex or controverted claim. A broker will also have market knowledge that the policyholder probably does not and can place the insurance with an insurer that has a good track record of paying claims and offering lower premiums.
  4. Yes, it would appear that the Sathorn District Office would require a taxi ride from BTS. I don't know whether proof of property tax payment is required at the Land Department when transferring title to a condo, but I would operate on the assumption that it is. Even if it isn't, it would seem the proper thing to do to clear outstanding property taxes. They aren't that high in any event.
  5. Nothing wrong with this at all. Even Media Studies is preparation for well-paid jobs in professions such as public relations and advertising, let alone print and broadcast journalism.
  6. I seem to recall that there was a myth floating around many years ago that Boon Rawd used formaldehyde as a preservative in their Singha beer. This was probably a result of the hangovers produced when drinking the then-6% alcohol Singha. There was no truth to this rumor and Singha is now down to 5%, so I think this myth can be busted.
  7. Almost half of the adult US population pay no Federal income taxes, so I don't really think that this proposal shifts the cost of student loan forgiveness from the rich to the poor. The ones who are complaining (Republicans) represent the 1% and the 0.01%. They're worried that their tax money will be used to educate those who then may be able to see through their culture war nonsense and grasp their ulterior motives. The real problem with Biden's plan is that it does not address the high cost of an education in the US, it only provides a small amount of relief to people who happen to have outstanding student loans at the present time. Education cost increases have far exceeded the rate of inflation for decades now, making a degree without crushing levels of debt impossible for many. Something needs to change.
  8. Sathon District Office 59 Soi Chan 18/7 Thung Wat Don, Sathon Bangkok 10120 02 212 8112
  9. Here you go. Agreement-For-Bringing-Peace-to-Afghanistan-02.29.20.pdf
  10. Air ambulance or similar dedicated, chartered aircraft with specialized equipment along with medical staff are extremely expensive. I don't doubt that this could cost upwards of GBP200,000 from Phuket to the UK. The plane and staff would, of course, have to make a round-trip or possibly also to and from a third country. Medical repatriation on commercial flights where the patient and equipment occupies several seats and may be accompanied by one nurse or other medical staff can be much less expensive. I suspect they were seeking the first one, but that is usually only approved by insurance companies if medical facilities and skills in country are inadequate, or possibly if the covered cost to evacuate and treat in home country were much less than the covered cost to treat in country. The article is short on insurance details.
  11. Some policies may have wording to the effect that if the insured is eligible for coverage under a government medical scheme, the insured must first seek coverage from that scheme. But requiring the insured to seek treatment only at government hospitals would be quite the exception.
  12. I don't see anything in this that stipulates use of government hospitals only. There is a requirement to notify the insurance company if the policyholder is admitted to hospital or is likely to incur more than GPB 500 in outpatient expenses. I think the reference to "private hospital treatment" may be intended to address non-emergency or elective treatment which would not be covered under travel medical policies.
  13. And this is possibly the problem. The insurance company will decide whether air ambulance or similar evacuation is medically necessary. Usually such evacuation is only authorized if appropriate medical care isn't available in country. The article did not state that the doctors said adequate treatment was not available in Thailand. Not much detail in the story as to the issue with the insurance.
  14. I think this might have been fueled by Chinese money coming into the kingdom, perhaps before the Chinese government put limits on the amount of money that could be taken out of China.
  15. Have lived in Thailand longer than any other country, including the US. This really is home.
  16. Weimar Germany did indeed have a supreme court (Reichsgericht) and a constitution (Verfassung des Deutschen Reichs) which came into effect in 1919. The latter was essentially gutted in 1933 under the Enabling Act ( Gesetz zur Behebung der Not von Volk und Reich), basically a much more thorough way of subverting civil rights and justice than packing the court system with reactionaries the way the Former Guy did. But also in Germany in the 1930s, just like under the Former Guy, competence and qualifications were unimportant, but absolute loyalty was. Same strategy.
  17. He isn't a conservative. He's a populist demagogue. The parallels with 1930s Germany are chilling. Remember, the little Austrian guy with the funny mustache also came into office via elections. Later he subverted the entire system, sort of like what the Former Guy tried to do.
  18. He'll go after "degenerate art" next. Just like his predecessors in 1930s Germany.
  19. I checked "very likely" only because I'm not a fan of absolutes such as "always" or "never".
  20. Anton Chigurh?
  21. When the Land Department calculates the taxes due from the sale of the house, it will factor in how long she owned the house and whether it was her primary residence. Her name would have to be in the blue house registration book for it to be considered her primary residence. Taxes are higher if the house isn't unless she's owned it for a longer period of time. I don't recall the exact details, but this information is available online. The idea is that one's residence should be taxed at a lower rate than a dwelling that is a rental or second home. So, yes, it does make a difference if she is recorded in a house registration somewhere else. Are you sure she's really paid the mortgage with the money you have given her? Perhaps her motivation for getting out from under the mortgage is that the bank has started to pursue her for non-payment.
  22. You'll need to change to the the Google Play Store in Australia. https://support.google.com/googleplay/answer/7431675?hl=en
  23. I would suggest you talk to an insurance broker and ask which insurers offer the best coverage at the best price. There can be quite a bit of variation in coverage levels and pricing as well as in attitudes towards paying claims. In general, the local operations of foreign insurers tend to be more professional in their conduct and claims attitude. But use a broker. Don't try to sort this on your own.
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