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Everything posted by garygooner

  1. While Bangkok certainly does have great malls, hotels, restaurants & Thailand has some amazing resorts & beaches ..... don't forget top 3 for road accidents.
  2. If people want to continue wearing a mask then what's the problem? It's up to them. It doesn't affect you. I'll continue to wear on the BTS/MRT for now.
  3. Check out 'UK passport renewal in Bangkok' by ajarn.com. Very useful info. I got a bank statement from Bangkok Bank recently showing address in English. It's accepted by VFS.
  4. Most important info missing: How long was he planning on staying? How long did he tell his mum he was going to stay & then return home?
  5. Wow ... Back to the Future.
  6. If you are in Thailand you make the application in person at VFS in Bangkok or Chiang Mai. You have to make an appointment first. You then collect the new passport yourself when it arrives. (Someone can collect on your behalf)
  7. If you are planning to use an agent who will retain your existing passport until such time as HMPO see fit to issue your replacement passport, So an agent could hold your current passport for around 10+ weeks!
  8. Beaches/temples ... daytime. Bars/clubs ... evenings. People do both. IMO 2am is late enough.
  9. Just another idea that will simply go away. Seeing construction workers packed into trucks every day, some having to stand.
  10. It is what it is. I'm more than happy watching games on the weekend in the evening. I don't mind missing very late midweek games. Just watch highlights on YouTube. Actually much prefer watching a game on TV in the evening on Sat/Sun than in the afternoon in England.
  11. Same old same old ... Bikes on sidewalks, speeding, polluting vehicles ... Next week all forgotten!
  12. I think the air hostess' name is Anna Conda.
  13. Yep ... 34 laughing emojis was about what I was expecting!
  14. Rather watch Gillingham vs Stevenage! zzzZZZ
  15. And will that card say that your package is now at 'so and so' local P.O waiting collection?
  16. Someone who stays in the same BK condo as me asked if I knew about EMS packages. I told him I'd try to find out. His question: He'll be receiving an EMS package soon from Pattaya to his BK condo. Does anyone have to sign for it? If he's out can a condo office worker sign for it on his behalf? What happens if he's out & the office is closed? Thanks for responses. I'll probably see him again in the next few days.
  17. Haven't been to the P.O for ages. I take it sending a letter or package abroad is now no problem again.
  18. Thanks again for all the replies. I am referring to the payment form that is sent to the UK with your application. I guess, go to your bank, check that your card is activated/verified & can be used for this purpose ... and then later hope for the best and check your account to see if payment has been taken.
  19. Thanks for the comments. I simply wanted to know if anyone had used their Thai card for payment and had a problem or not. Of course I would visit my Thai bank and ask if I could use my card for this purpose, but after they tell me, "sure, no problem, we just activated it for you" I still wouldn't believe them completely.
  20. Surely many people have used their Thai credit/debit card to make payment. I'd like to know if anyone has ever had a problem and if so how was it sorted? I know you should check with your card provider first. Thank you.
  21. How long will they keep your passport for? Do they send it to VFS? Thanks.
  22. Hopefully cash will still be around for a long time to come as a back-up!
  23. Has anyone had a problem using their Thai credit/debit card for payment?
  24. He's not fully vaccinated yet. 2 Sinovac 2 Astra 2 Pfizer ..... Still needs 2 Moderna & a J&J top up!
  25. I understand wearing a mask indoors in busy places like the BTS & MRT. However, if some people want to continue to wear outside It's up to them. It shouldn't bother us at all.
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