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Everything posted by twizzian

  1. With the new laws implemented, is it going to be an on the spot ‘Fine’ for her rather than Criminal court and imprisonment.
  2. You can run the video in all its parts, pt1 make a cup of tea, pt2 take a shower, pt3 water the plants. then screen shot the results.
  3. Probably began his apprenticeship as an online relationship scammer
  4. Did you eat some Liver with Fava beans and a nice Chianti..
  5. Maybe another Submarine deal on the way. With an Engine!
  6. A future ploy to start charging more for the fatties
  7. He not only held up the ambulance but also caused more inconvenience & probably blocked other drivers whilst lying in the road.
  8. It’s because older iPhones such as yours are not supported anymore and updates on my preferred transfer programs also do not support older Apple iPhones/ipods
  9. I’ve been looking to replace my iPod touch with an iPhone 12, but they are always ridiculous prices for such an older model
  10. So was the overtaking moped trying to avoid the already crashed girl or was it the usual cowardly carry on past scenario & clouted her head.
  11. Mine is a 2017 iMac do I get an age discount
  12. I think the judge calculated the age of that old crate and sentenced him accordingly.
  13. The new hairstyle is the reform they needed to increase their daily output
  14. The Philippines has nothing to do with this Expat issue here, It’s to do with Thailand and UK banks
  15. Sai Yok Elephant camp. A really nice experience, You make their food, feed them and bathe them in the Kwae river. The elephants seem to enjoy it too.
  16. I don’t think you can stuff much money in an envelope wealthy or not. Perhaps he should of made more of an effort to offset his son’s next terms US$ 4,000 to the victims, as we all know cash is king here when there’s an unjust death in the family.
  17. Yes what a horrible singing voice
  18. He probably already new the shocks were shot because he’s probably never done any maintenance and servicing throughout the poor cars life
  19. My regular order of 250g Dark Arabica beans from NL coffee, just hiked up ฿25, an 18% increase
  20. Absent of leave or Suspended from duty..
  21. I get bombarded with useless game ads or those horrendous Thai commercials, the ones where all the men have bright red lipstick and powder puff on
  22. I believe that you’re right. Several months ago my Pension provider wrote to me telling me as I live abroad they are no longer allowing the services of my Financial Advisor of which I had already invested £3,000 for his continued service, They decline to explain their reasons.
  23. More inactive posts on the agenda.
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