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Everything posted by ChrisP24

  1. I suspect that for most people their worst day will have involved the death of somone close to them. Gamma, I hope that whatever yours was, that your healing process is relatively brief and that you recover soon.
  2. Skrill's parent company is based in Ireland so I assume they accept U.K. customers. Chime is based in San Francisco, not sure about them.
  3. Poppysdad, you might check out virtual wallets like Revolut, Skrill or Chime that also offer a credit card number (it's really a debit card linked to your wallet but payments are processed as credit card charges that don't require a PIN.
  4. Responding to just the OP and not any of the endless stuff that a thread about vaccination inevitably spirals into, personally I'm holding off for a while on another booster, and may end up just getting one annually as some others have also indicated. I've had three Pfizer shots (third one was a booster in December 2021), but then got covid in March 2022. Odds seem very high to me that it was omicron as that was the predominant strain at that time where I live, and my syptoms matched (severe runny nose for several days, some aches and one night of fever and chills). It was very mild and overall now I think my immune system is well-prepared at this point. And key: right now I can travel anywhere I want to go with the card showing 2 vacc shots + booster. If that changes then I'd go get another Pfizer booster if required for travel. Or if I had an underlying health condition that I thought warranted another booster, sticking with the same brand I've had before. An elderly family member has had two boosters. That's just me. As for others, I support everyone deciding on their own what is right for them, just as OP is doing.
  5. Maybe it was bad karma from failing to honk his horn as he passed the temple at the top of the hill. I only made that mistake once, out of ignorance, after that I learned to honk like a local every single time. And actually it did make me feel perceptibly safer. Also no hint of fire, not even once.
  6. Well, among a certain subcategory of locals, it is of course it is common knowledge here that you can live quite easily on 10k pesos per month, that is if you "supplement" that with a much larger income from a foreign sponsor. Even better is to have two or three sponsors who don't know about each other. ???????????? Among another subcategory of locals (and this is more common) another option is to cohabitate with many family members who share expenses. For yet another subcategory of locals, the long game is to educate your children so that they are qualified to work abroad and send money and balikbayan boxes back home to supplement your income. But of course, since in all fairness you don't fall into any of these subcategories, none of these are options for you, as you lack the experiential and family/cultural background to make any of these work for you. So, assuming that your unit also includes electricity and water, your 10k budget for food can work if you eat a lot of rice and are creative about where you source your protein. Think about things that you can catch if you are hungry and not at all picky. Watch the local cats to see what they catch and eat for inspiration. And when protein still runs short, maybe think of the cats again. Hmmm. Cats...... But if you can afford a maid then certainly the 10k must be just your food budget. I suppose that with a rice base, cheap veggies and the cheapest proteins that you can find or forage, it might be possible. More so maybe if you live on the coast where you can do some subsistence fishing.
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