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Everything posted by watthong

  1. British dry "SoH" often causes a "stiff upper lip."
  2. ca de'pend de quel cote' (wih some squigly underneath the first "c" and a hat for the last "o".)
  3. Be a peach and don't deflect. Btw, Obama ship has sailed and he's not coming back, sorry to inform.
  4. AG: Adam Kinzinger Sec of State: Pete Buttigieg Special SCOTUS investigation Chief: Sheldon Whitehouse. (Still looking for something for Liz Cheney...) And your input for other cabinet posts? [for Dems only - if other Party, you know who you are, please go to Mar-a-Largo for some sour grapes!)
  5. actually what's Trump feeling is acute "Buyer's Envy" (after experiencing painful "Buyer's Remorse" - of his own choosing of course...) What a roller-coaster of emotions for such an old man!
  6. You should have stayed off back a bit longer. Sounds like the wavering is still in effect...
  7. Sounds like Biden lives free-rent on someone's head. Quite a spacious place....
  8. Always count your chicks be4 they hatch, not a good habit. Just a friendly reminder....
  9. Talking of comedy. Here is the King of:
  10. Now we understand Trump predicamment when he started to pre-amble his statements with "I heard people say...." or "That's what I heard." I guess Trump was also tired of his cabinet, ie sycophants, asking for links left and right...
  11. "It is said..." You should be writing script for the next Games of Thrones reboot. They're always in need of outlandish plot development!
  12. Unfortunately, you were NOT invited in at the first place. (Here some sour grapes while you're tail-gating.)
  13. However 34 convictions on Trump permanent personal dossier would be a record tough to beat? Even world-wide...
  14. Like "Make America Great Again"?
  15. Only to young females of Ivanka age and up.
  16. And Trump chose the best ("We only hire the best people") Introducing JD Vance, aka PC ("please clap") Vance. So far seems like he's been in hiding at Mar-a-Lago, under lock and key? Proves how smart Trump is...
  17. "When they go WEIRD, we go WALZ!!"
  18. Harris is overly proud to show off her VP pick. So are we. Sadly Trump is not re his. Life is so unfair, right Trump?
  19. Indeed!
  20. Compared to Walz, Trump must be a man of very few words... (and hoping some of those very few words would make some sense, as much as "Person, Woman, Man, Camera, TV". Passed the cognitive test. And standing ovation from MAGA crowd. Easy peasy.)
  21. Correct ( that's why there're some of us praying she would NOT choose Buttigieg for this post. )Tim Walz makes just the right mix and starts serving his purpose right here and now the moment the announcement is made.
  22. Sounds awfully familiar. Just wondering which old hand is changing to a new avatar again? Anyone ventures a guess?
  23. I thought one of the rules of the forum is when a quote is taken down, all other quotes associated with it will also be taken down. However, although my initial response to them was taken down, all your "boys tampons" quotes you've been promoting against Tim Walz are left standing. Very nteresting indeed...
  24. Can't wait for you to go search for support on your "boys tampons" quotes you've been promoting. One thing easy to guess as to where you'be be heading for that search....
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