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Everything posted by lopburi3

  1. Believe we still have confusion - my mention of immigration is at an immigration office after getting stamped in visa exempt or on a tourist visa entry- not making change on arrival at airport as believe you read it. Sorry.
  2. True for on year extension of stay - but new procedures within the last decade allows conversion of a visa exempt or tourist visa entry into a non immigrant visa entry at immigration if meeting requirements and this costs 2,000 baht - during the 90 days this new visa entry is valid it can be extended for one year and continued to be extended using normal TM7 extension procedures.
  3. Are you talking as rep for FEP/Blue or actual travel insurance from GeoBlue? Under previous two overseas provider services (AXA, GMMI) paperwork seemed to have taken only hours to be approved with preferred hospitals for FEP/Blue.
  4. You sent Thai baht or USD? Or do you have a USD Thai bank account it was deposited into? Normally there will also be an exchange rate variable involved (where Wise is normally a better deal).
  5. The exchange rate fee in 200-500 bah amount it taken out prior to entry into local bank account register. It is a Thai fee that does not apply to Wise transfers.
  6. I have no such pension - not from UK.
  7. They advise you to contact the inpatient department for Emergency: Emergency case please contact Call Center Tel. +662-056-3333 press 1
  8. Had workers make shower/install heater for maid room a few year age and they installed exactly wrong input/output to heater. But you get a higher level medal for doing on a previously working unit.🙄 Admit I took their word for it not working and ordered a new unit before checking a few hours later. As any rate just had an old unit fail last week so that extra unit which had been in storage for few years now operating
  9. You do have the top control turned on (the temp control also turns it off at full ccw). Green light stays on even when heating temp is turned off.
  10. Japan uses both 50Hz and 60Hx supplies so transformers are built to handle the increased requirements of 50Hz. Stepdown transformers as often found in mass market USA will be built for 60Hz operation only to save a few cents in production. In turn they may overheat. https://www.controleng.com/articles/why-do-50-hz-transformers-cost-more-than-60-hz-transformers/#:~:text=Operating a transformer at 50,under certain circumstances%2C unpredictably so.
  11. Actually funds remitted from outside Thailand would be subject to an additional 1/4 percent fee in range 200 to 500 baht taken out by Thai bank. Wise uses payments from account already established in Thailand to avoid this extra fee - have no knowledge of XE. So what lands in bank and actually lands in your account could be a bit different.
  12. Sorry said wrong - they had an Letter of Credit for OP treatment - normally that have inpatient LOC available at some selected hospitals and may open at others on request.
  13. Are you talking FEP or normal? FEP is a special Federal Employee Program with non standard policy. FEP had such a LOC system for a few months about 7 years ago when using AXA for overseas claims available for special group but hospitals (Bangkok Hospital I know) pulled out and do not believe was available when GMMI took over overseas claims. Currently understand Bangkok Hospital accepts LOC from GeoBlue (but not sure if for anything but inpatient) and say there are along waits for approval (more than 3 weeks when asked in Feb).
  14. Indeed total mess - but the one large inpatient bill of over 700k (which had to mail) was paid within the required 30 days (so guess that was a positive point) - others have not been and several rejected due they unable to read fax, misread or just incompetent. Email system changed last December and I have not been able to use (unknown error - which they say they know have issues - just fax or mail). Have tried every month and still fails.
  15. Cost for ACH pull from bank account to Wise account is $1.30 for $1,000 transfer. But these take about 3 business days now (transfers to Thailand could be a week with holidays) so having a Wise balance allows immediate transfers.
  16. $1,000 from Wise account at 1009 Thailand time today received 36,283.93 baht in 10 seconds (a $2,000 transfer would have been next day however). Transfer details Amount: 1,000 USD Rate: 1 USD = 36.5375 THB Wise fee: 6.94 USD
  17. The problem is a newbie can not have a local bank account. And Wise card is higher percentage than many other cards when used for cash in ATM. Most newbies will use ATM card for at least a few months but try to have low fee/and return of ATM charge type if they can. As said above Wise card is high percentage fee to obtain cash at ATM. But one size does not fit all - some people will not be that concerned about the extra 3 or 4 percent costs (especially if for only a limited time),
  18. The link from Jai Dee is Thailand source sale on Lazada with product warranty if that is worth the higher cost to you.
  19. I also posted a higher priced unit at 800 baht from same seller was available and more to your cost range.
  20. And what I posted are plug in units and sold on Lazada. The 800 baht unit would appear to be in the price range you want. These are not Bluetooth. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/jbl-quantum-50-i4258011128-s16857791826.html?
  21. Not sure if wired earphone like below is what you want or not but I have used JBL for last few years and bought below last week and very happy with them at 238 baht from Lazada. But at 80 plus do not considere myself a Connoisseur by any means - but they do sound much better than others I have used. Others by JBL also available from same store at 800 baht might be more to your likking. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i1065088123-s2382996380.html?
  22. Can only report get full speed using BMAX B3 571/577 Mpbs now on what believe is 500 internet (old 50 Mbps plan True increased speed in March - but same contract).
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