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Everything posted by lopburi3

  1. Believe that is total cost including lens?
  2. Not sure what service UK provides - US provides certificates of death that can be used as death proof for insurance/pension/bank matters in US to next of kin.
  3. Text only (in caps only) at 60 or 100 WPM is not faster than 2G.
  4. Because they are charged with contact with next of kin (which often is in home country) and providing assistance to them regards remains.
  5. Turn off the phone except when you need to receive SMS or just don't answer unknown numbers. And in most cases they just call and hang up anyhow - their policy says they have to call so they just make the call for record. I am also of the smart phones are nonsense league but have Nokia 3310 4G for sms and calls when required but with data turned off. They do not need to be on charge cord every day like more expensive phones and easy to use and hold (not basketball size). And the sound quality is better than most smart phones. Real model is about 3K but workable clones only about 400 baht (and probably not 4G but not an issue until it is stopped).
  6. Believe any death outside of hospital requires (but no first hand experience).
  7. Actually use the income method (but also have 800k in account) and get letter from BBL on ground floor as believe they want the current balance as of the day and this bank knows requirements and only takes a few minutes to obtain (but if need the yearly statement will take several days for that - that I obtain from my local branch a few days early).
  8. As said you just ask for. Test results can be printed by doctor assistant prior to leaving to pay (and a medical certificate can also be obtained providing diagnosis signed by doctor if wanted/needed) - just ask. Medications list will be on a detailed receipt - just ask when making payment (you want detailed receipt - you will get the normal short computer receipt along with A4 size detailed receipt which lists everything). There is no charge for above. Additional medical records/scans and such are available at small or no cost (no cost if required for insurance).
  9. He is talking about obtaining an extension of stay - if one year requested it is valid only until the expiration date of presented passport and if transferred would remain that same expiration date. In the past you could extend with six month remaining and when transferred into new passport they would add six months to make it a full year - but that was long ago.
  10. Suspect you are talking about the special offer to new customers of phone for as little as 5 baht? This is not for current customers from my reading and conditions clearly state a new DTAC number is required to purchase discounted phone - item 4 of terms and conditions:
  11. Save the tape for use on taps that thread directly to water pipe. Not needed or good to use for washer sealed connections.
  12. If you have lost moisture you might be helped by shots to replace (although not cheap - cost us 24k each last week for Hyruan 60mg/3ml) which seems to have helped wife (over 80 - but perhaps too early to know for sure) as was unable to walk Monday and since only slight pain in one knee (was both knees Monday). As has kidney issues normal NSAID was questioned by pharmacist and replaced with Locoa transdermal patch which was used second evening when some pain in one knee and it was relieved immediately. I do see black sesame oil capsules being advertised as a non medical supplement and seems to be some basis for calms it may help.
  13. In most cases it is cost of air conditioning that drives electric bill and that varies by person and location and weather (as few cook with electric here - and toaster or hot pot is not on that long). Refrigerators likely place a distant second. Fans and led lighting is minimal.
  14. Believe Golden Years is the best in Bangkok - been around for many years now and have full facilities for care. https://www.goldenyears.co.th/en/
  15. But is was not required - you could do the same with any passport and they provided a 13 digit number based on that.
  16. If you are asking can they sell at a lower price the answer is yes - many things online will be priced lower than at stores. Seems that unit sells from 22-2600 on Shopee from reliable sellers. Check how many sold - how long seller been online - any special cat such as Mall or Preferred if in doubt about reliability of items. Obviously if only 1/10th the cost and such will likely not be what you want - but often there is a good savings.
  17. Not suggesting they limiting content - the issue seems to be that they have full access to everything on any device so everything is at risk and your comment on Taiwan could be the trigger to actually read what they may have already downloaded from your computers/phones.
  18. Which from reports puts all and sundry onto the Chinese data base for eternity.
  19. Why? From reporting he was wanted in the UK so was using a false passport to avoid authorities.
  20. Yes but that is true for just about anyone getting service in a government hospital - most charge everyone the same price (except for a handful of exceptions) - if register with pink card or passport makes no difference.
  21. From newspaper reports today there will be an increase in September from 4.00 to 4.72 per unit and surcharge will increase from .67 to .93
  22. Skin cancer is normally a dermatology issue but few doctors in Thailand have much experience with it as it is not common among Thai. As for oncology only see one doctor listed full time on BPH web site.
  23. Click on the "follow" box at top of topic to get menu and option to have no notifications if already getting.
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