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Everything posted by lopburi3

  1. Actually having the ability to schedule an order and add last minute items was a great feature for many of us who used Tesco Lotus home delivery. Loss of that plus favorites list is a major negative in my mind - will be unlikely to use after being a customer since it was first available. Yes perhaps only 10k a month loss for my business - but suspect others will be shifting orders to other providers.
  2. I have about 20 such extensions and have never been asked for anything at CW - have no lease as live with wife - extension is for retirement so she not with me and no marriage information provided - until they required TM-30 about 4 years ago nothing was asked other than map to home and now they just copy that receipt and 90 day report receipt.
  3. Know that Dr. Anna is go to for skin cancer so if true this is a huge loss.
  4. CW accepts TM-30 receipt for proof of residence - and that is a required document - so no need for Yellow Book for that office. As for DL have no renewal myself.
  5. Just FYI ordered a 1.2k item on Shopee Sunday afternoon paid by iBanking - order canceled by seller on Monday (due already sold) - refund by Shopee to my BBL account Tuesday afternoon.
  6. You can still use Thai Government Hospitals as a paying customer if needed financially - but much better to have insurance and a choice. There is also a factor of our taking queue spot from those that the system is designed to serve (but that also applies to Thai using pay for service facilities). For day to day care this is likely not a big issue - but for major surgery it can be.
  7. No - local district office requirement is Thai language - just as with marriage. Nothing to do with MFA. And a Thai passport is also in Thai as well as English.
  8. Thai hospitals offer free (30 baht) care to any Thai who is registered for their coverage area or are referred to them. SS is an entirely different system and offers a choice of hospitals and retired do qualify if they keep service AFAIK. Thai government hospitals do not require a SS number to get pay for service healthcare, which i believe you stated getting recently.
  9. Using a government will almost always be much cheaper than a private hospital - but everyone is able to use such a facility on a pay basis. As for foreigner surcharge very few even bother with that - in almost all cases you will pay the same as a Thai of same means if Thai using non assigned hospital.
  10. That is the letter of account ownership and current balance - but since requirement to maintain 400k all year and 800k for 3 months after and before extensions many immigration offices have required a one year statement to prove this. That one year statement is also a standard requirement for those using income from countries that Embassy will not provide letter of income (a lot of us).
  11. In no case would advise use of contrast outside of hospital as if adverse reaction time is critical. No information on type of MRI machine or size. Be aware MRI have advanced along with CT so what was used yesterday is not what is expected today. Also be aware that you may be in a very confined space for an extended period of time (mine are almost 3 hours) so new machines with larger area are preferred if more than 80-90 kilo. Some people will not be able to tolerate such enclosure for any period of time, that is an advantage of CT where time is much shorter. Suspect most people should consult doctor first - and he can determine if CT or MRI is the best choice for symptoms.
  12. Which begs the question is it wise to use Wise? For USA, and expect some others, it may be better to just make a Swift transfer.
  13. There is no need to make transfers of more than 50k - I use Bangkok Bank and all last year used 2 transfers each month of about 45k.
  14. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/information-for-british-nationals-intending-to-marry-in-thailand/frequently-asked-questions#:~:text=No.-,13.,be recognised in the UK.
  15. I am not new to Thailand and well aware that few if any public hospitals are actually using such a system - yes authorized but as many such things not required and not being used - some have more expensive direct contact with specific doctors (open to all) at a higher price and a handful will charge foreigners a higher price. But in general everyone pays the same price if not covered by free treatment. And I am also aware that many Thai patients paying for treatment will provide items in appreciation of service (which most foreigners will not be doing).
  16. Not in my experience March-June this year. Or any other period of up to about 3 months. But this might depend on number of transactions - my account is only used for deposits and transfers to payment account so not many transactions involved.
  17. As said - avoid any such facility not in hospital if use of contrast material as there is risk involved if have reaction.
  18. An MRI for what? That makes a huge difference in price. For my procedure it is about 3 hours in machine. And I have had two family members nearly lose their lives getting tests from much larger medical facilities due to inattention by staff when providing contrast material. For one it was a passing by nurse that saved his life as imaging people were not paying any attention. If contrast is to be used be very selective.
  19. Am no expert but if that severe would have expected UK to have found it - they did do the flashing dots on wall or computer to check your field of vision? I would go to another facility to double check and get another opinion as IOL can really help a lot of people if you do have cataracts. A trip to Rutnin might be worthwhile even if you decide to have another facility so any procedure.
  20. That might be if glaucoma is very advanced (little side vision) but making what you can see clearer might well be worthwhile. I have both glaucoma and IOL (but glaucoma is minor and under control). As for cost you will pay many times the price for a stent (and most do not question that - even when it might well be questionable). But it is our call what we want to do.
  21. Is this upper and lower? Is this contrast (cancer check)? Have not had recent CT but for MRI I paid about 50k several months ago for what I listed when all included. Current model CT/MRI equipment is hugely expensive and life is short so if of current model from a facility not operating 24 hours a day the price is often quite high.
  22. Actually currently being sold and attaches to faceplate screw. Another type has a wire/spade terminal to put under screw. You must consider our NE home was built in 1775 so had a few old electrics - but in USA suspect there are still many homes with the old two prong outlets, even if not up to code.
  23. The went to Chinese Union Pay - when pushback brought out MC as option - now have full house with UP/MC/Visa branded hospital and such/American Express https://www.bangkokbank.com/en/Personal/Cards/Credit-Cards
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