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Everything posted by lopburi3

  1. Do not have smartphone but perhaps sync of email issue - on my home computer it is within a few seconds but perhaps phone have setting to limit usage?
  2. Register for account from your current address and phone. You can have accounts in other countries.
  3. Yes, it has changed a lot - they are not normally used unless required today. This is due to both side effects (admittedly unlikely but can be very serious) and more important overuse and bacteria becoming resistant (as these are the last ditch drugs for treatment). In no case should anyone be taking on there own as it appears some of us may be doing. And yes I am old - but it is the only drug I have ever had serious reaction from. As Cipro can cause a lifetime of hurt would not be taking as first choice at any age when it is not required. There are safer drugs for most things.
  4. At 80 baht each they sold 2.4 million first day - that's a lot of baht. Sorry can not answer app questions as still run a Nokia 3310.
  5. Local news reporting he was angry as money did not come out of ATM no mater how long he waited. Not sure if that means malfunction or he had no money in his account.
  6. But how many such lawsuits are made? A handful at most - a fraction of the slip and fall suits of our motherland.
  7. I am not talking bank letter - funds for condo purchase require a different document but have not done myself. But as others have said likely this was an ATM card fee. Should be fine if she doing the buying in her name. As Wise is limited to under 50k baht to many banks now it might require a lot of transactions. Often better to make $50k type transfers by direct SWIFT from home bank but make sure send USD for conversion in Thailand.
  8. If she is buying there should not be any reason to list that reason as she can buy from any money that is hers - if you were buying as a foreigner (condo) then special paperwork would be required so suspect the 300 baht was to cover that cost.
  9. Believe you may have misread - he has not been charged by Thai end. But there is a Wise charge (although normally the good exchange rate make it among the best choices for normal transfers). Just log onto Wise to see actual costs for any amount.
  10. That is a key requirement for tests that require fasting (such as current blood sugar) so something you have to do on most checkups (although they may just be proactive in case doctor wants to make a last minute test that requires fasting).
  11. Not sure what you have ordered but I order at least weekly and have not had many such issues with either Lazada or Shopee. Yes some orders trake a few days longer than the normal 10-14 days but very few and most were due to Chinese lockdowns causing delay rather than actual flights. That said it has become much harder to shop Thailand source and even when listed as Thailand many are drop ship (pre-order) from China so not real advantage (often takes longer in my experience than direct China orders). Have also seen items sit in Thai customs for a week so perhaps some of issue is local (although not sure I place much trust in delivery status entries).
  12. This must be a joke if you are talking legal lawyer shysters. The USA has that title now and forever. Thailand does not even come close.
  13. That would be if a normal transfer - Wise is not a normal transfer as funds come from an account already in Thailand. Suspect you will find there was no charge when you actually check the account.
  14. And also very dangerous for many people - the reason they are considered emergency use last resort medication (like biological war) in most countries. Should not be used because cheap.
  15. Was not aware that was the intent - it sure was not mine.
  16. Yes but it reads like a drug reaction list - just about everyone would have at least one of the symptoms on a good day. But as you did not get can hope it was just another shot from the hip that has been rescinded.
  17. Although I agree danger is minimal this was reported 6 days ago and appears official - sure does not read as playing danger down in my reading: https://asia.nikkei.com/Spotlight/Society/Thailand-asks-inbound-travelers-to-report-monkeypox-symptoms
  18. Did you read this? https://coconuts.co/bangkok/news/prayuth-thai-will-become-world-language/
  19. Yes but suspect he can order the tests and review with you - easier than trying to do directly with hospital and that way he can maintain your records for long term care.
  20. Agree - my bills were hospitalizations/operations including CT scans which were almost private hospital cost so worthwhile. At any rate would submit and hope for the best. If you have a dedicated doctor at the private hospital might be worthwhile using them as tests don't mean a lot without doctor review (even Google is not that great if multi issues). Check if there is a government doctor providing private pay service if want to use local facilities. Often they moonlight at own clinics or have a pay path.
  21. I have had rejections of a Bangkok based government hospital bills in the past - had to have them provide detailed translations (extra cost and probably only available as senior nurse was SIL) - but a more recent event in another Bangkok based government hospital was accepted as written. Believe a key is having doctor provide a medical certificate (just as in a private hospital) as Thai bills do not provide any diagnosis and insurance needs that. Be sure to include copies of all test results. The more paperwork the better; as false claims is a major issue.
  22. The statement covers the entire period - bank book may not if not updated frequently (consolidated entries). With new regulations on amount in account this becomes an issue.
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