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Everything posted by lopburi3

  1. https://www.thaienquirer.com/39189/marchs-inflation-levels-hover-around-13-year-high-over-rising-fuel-prices/
  2. Old? If I can have this handler at 180 will be more than happy.
  3. Indeed and not just Samsung - have had about 3 brands and all had apps that I did not want (most) but could not be removed - expect this helps pay the bills. As have no real need for such phones returned to my Nokia 3310 (real model - lots of clones) where don't have to worry about data/battery issues and have good phone volume.
  4. You beat me - mine 6.3 on April 1st and cost was 590 Baht in major Bangkok hospital. Staying steady from 2 years ago - even eating some ice cream each day.
  5. You are in a year old thread - but if using Bangkok Bank long stay as reason cut off is normally about 0900 Thai time for deposit same day at 1400 and tomorrow is a bank holiday so first chance would be about 1400 on 7th. If not using BBL/long stay not sure of your country normal wait - but from USA it is often less than 6 seconds in my experience.
  6. There is no marriage visa. The non immigrant O visa is used for marriage one year extensions of stay. So if you can obtain from Embassy that saves 2,000 baht and provides a 90 day entry and once here you just need to extend your stay before that 90 days expires (or 150 days if you obtain a 60 day extension to visit wife). Extensions cost 1,900 baht and for marriage will require 400k in your bank account for 2 months (so want to take care of that deposit soon after arrival).
  7. Be careful with terms - each foreign bank account must be listed if total if total bank balance of all accounts at any time meets requirement for reporting. So you do want to have a list of accounts/highest values together before you go online. But as said it is simple and only takes a few minutes once you have the information ready.
  8. In my one time experience it provided the most refreshing wake up I can recall, really felt like I had a great sleep but was only a few minutes. Believe there was an anesthetist controlling the IV but done in dedicated exam room.
  9. Yes it is fine - wife and I did so 3 days ago (3rd Covid in Feb) - Vaxigrip Tetra Southern at 826 baht from major hospital.
  10. And that make-believe put us on the moon and keeps us in space? Or is that all make-believe too in your mind? ????
  11. Actually for this time of the year those are indeed very low temps - just getting below 30c at night is a treat for early April. Normally look forward to mid April showers for a bit of relief - there is more to the water throwing than freedom to attack - the plain water actually feels good in April.
  12. Actually believe official low was 22c for Bangkok but indeed is nice for early April. Record low for 3 April in Bangkok was 24c (2009).
  13. Actually he posted a screen shot and it was specific to SCB not being an option. As that screen shot mentions via ATM guess it is not direct online payment as Shopee allows? You have to go out to use an ATM? In 2017 direct payment via Bangkok Bank online was allowed until late 2018 when BBL was not longer an option so changed to CC.
  14. In hope that it may help others will also say Scott multi size kitchen towels work very well for pat drying the area around stoma. If you lightly dry yourself with normal towel one or two small Scott towels quickly get area very dry for new bag. Cheap and effective.
  15. Perhaps too much information - but using the 5585 bags I take off in shower and then remove old adhesive using fingers lightly while running water over area - takes about 1 or 2 minutes to clean skin for new bag. Many say no need to remove adheasive but find this works well and skin stays in good condition - just do it lightly as water will do most of the work. A quick press down around stoma for new bag to adhere.
  16. I buy from Shopee and find this brand the best - larger plastic tube - change weekly. Second link is same seller/item on Lazada https://shopee.co.th/(Urine-bag)-ถุงปัสสาวะ-Urinary-Drainage-Bag-2000ml.-(ขายยกแพ็ค-10ชิ้น)-i.45399807.2314841677 https://www.lazada.co.th/products/urinary-drainage-bag-2000ml-10-i357528953-s701098793.html?spm=a2o4m.searchlist.list.72.5d4545e9S0AbvC&search=1 The 5585 should come with adaptors to fit bags if you order pak of 20 - should have mentioned that - sorry - direct connection can be made but not as good as using the adaptors. Pak sales normally include about 4 of them. I normally buy from Medical Smile seller as stock seems to be fresh and in good shape.
  17. That is the brand I could not use but very popular - tried several of them and none would seal properly if lie on left side and ostomy nurse could not help. Did get about 4-5 day use from two piece type Yes maybe my skin but have not had any such leakage issues with Coloplast. Most drug stores can also order for delivery.
  18. As one with Ileal conduit stoma can affirm lack of many having much knowledge. Mine was done at Bangkok Hospital and there were only two nurses with any experience but that was there full time job - and they did not seem to have any knowledge beyond what that hospital provided bags. I could only sleep on right side for two years as seal would leak if turned over but were hard to remove. Finally found Coloplast 5585 on Lazada and that has been a lifesaver for last 3 years as although one piece and change every other day they do not leak and very easy to remove. You may be able to find some support on internet but have no knowledge of any Thai specific. You might want to have mod move this to medical section as Phuket is likely too limiting. As for supply I use Lazada/Shopee for buying bags and night bags.
  19. Indeed there are issues with the new website - most of all regret loss of "my favorites" for my shopping list but they seem to be using a new data base for items in the new system so probably could not be ported. My Tesco link still works fine however and no loss of data (although there were periods of specific category loss for week or so since sale but they seem to be allowing use of both web sites. I note on new web site you do not have option to amend an order as before - more like Tops now. But you can cancel and get immediate credit card refund. Have not used for delivered order yet. I believe the Thai ID card request is only required for some membership program - not for general use.
  20. Not mentioned in OP but could be a positive factor - the issue is not being rich as much as it is that many Thai fail to return from such visits. So the more that can be shown to support return the better. If you are BF and have been working long term in Thailand and visit is to meet your family that might also help. Perhaps if visit to US is not a viable option an easier alternative would be for family to visit Thailand.
  21. Indeed you do - even if your address is foreign. And expect months of reminders next year if you decide not to use them (and no easy way to opt out).
  22. With government signature it may well be accepted (you might have to get it registered with MFA to make it internationally legal) - if not there should be other options (my wife had no BC and only official document had been burnt in school fire when she was a child so alternative was lawyer making an official document from those living in area that knew her and family. Fully accepted for USA immigration (which we did not do anyhow).
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