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Everything posted by lopburi3

  1. If I go to my account/my orders/to review/then select item can get to a page that allows a review to be submitted.
  2. Sorry - am getting that something wrong when try to access the page listing items that received but not reviewed yet. So currently no way to review anything.
  3. On Lazada? Last few days have tried and only get this:
  4. We have had issue with another delivery service and the last time after several days they marked it as delivered at a time there was 5 of us in house - no call or delivery and proof photo was a circle drawn on a paper. Sender refused to question and advised we have to use Lazada App to make claim - as low value and not have App - and already spending hours trying to find out what to do have decided to just let it go. But this seems to be more than one delivery service as have had another claim we refused delivery when here and no call and another return to sender as address unclear (and never calling).
  5. What may be required is a general electronic payment authorization in person - that does not require any specifics so no need for Thai account to sign that. But my experience was some 20 years ago so not sure still required as most things are electronic now.
  6. I suspect all will be fine - believe at some point, maybe now, we are just going to have to accept and live with these new virus threats rather than return to isolation. Thailand seems to be going that open route.
  7. It has been years since I had a watch but was always able to open with a pair of needle nose pliers.
  8. https://www.google.com/maps/search/bank/@13.8810858,100.5638147,243m/data=!3m1!1e3
  9. Hate to be negative Nellie but things are not looking good for any travel in the immediate future the way the tea leaves are lining up. Two items reported on forum today seem to indicate real issues (BA already saying no direct flight until late next year or later and information on new virus likely being much worse than previously believed) - these combined with current messed up entry situation are likely to make things even worse in the short term. In the 50's we ran to the air raid shelters - not sure what we do today. Need more than coffee today. ????
  10. Rather old news - this storm increased from cat 1 to cat 5 within 24 hours and is the strongest every to hit Surigao with estimated speeds of 240 kph and huge rainfalls and is currently still very strong as it passes just South of Cebu.
  11. Believe there is a download you make and then make a copy and keep in passport. Just sign on again to download and that provides you next due date AFAIK (not able to use myself).
  12. The seems to be some confusion on ownerships. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lazada https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shopee
  13. Item 14 laws and regulations at forum top. https://aseannow.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=567951
  14. Are you serious? In Thailand 3 phase is very much the exception and not needed for most residential homes.
  15. Might want to advise current monthly bill or units used? If you can provide both perhaps someone can determine if costing more per unit that single phase. Not sure of any extra expenses for 3 phase after installed so may not be cost effective and at some time you might want the extra capacity unless there is an extra surcharge. Believe has to be officially done with electric provider.
  16. As said if for use outside Thailand you will likely need to have your Embassy do the notarization (if possible).
  17. If he had 800k in account for the required 3 months after application for extension and 2 months prior to new application and 400k or more at all other times during year he is OK.
  18. Sure not elegant and suspect a lot of spillage - have used tongs to grab the chips but that not too great either - cheap unit for Tesco at least had a good basket like a deep fryer (but unit did not last long). Thought that such wire basket was normal in newer units but have not really checked so guess I am wrong on that.
  19. Yes it drips below but to remove you have to pick each piece out - fine for meat and chicken but not so good for chips. If you take tray out and try to empty the screen will fall out and any oils will get all over the places as sides are open for air flow.
  20. That appears to be a Tefal type. Have a Tefal and like it except not good for FF as no internal basket to remove fries without dripped oils.
  21. She had only good to say about airport officials - the problem was the foreign airline staff.
  22. Suspect it is more Thai politeness rather than not have a problem with it.
  23. As said everywhere outside of cities (one reason to live in a city). It is official policy/equipment and older than TV.
  24. Did you read the source? Indian. After 4 hours she was allowed entry thanks to airport officials - the airline seems to have been trying to get her to buy a new r/t ticket to obtain printout of the Thai Pass (which she had but airline claimed there was no printer in Bangkok Airport they could use to make a print out). The story was about non Thai airline - not bashing Thailand.
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