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Everything posted by lopburi3

  1. Believe you are talking Thai family members rather than allowing high quality tourists to house sit? If not I would not even consider it. A home is not an Airbnb. But there are pet hotels available at some locations now that might work - although at a cost.
  2. I would always protect point of use water heater run with RCCB as well as having on unit itself - often that wire is exposed at some points.
  3. At some point common sense should take hold - long hair dogs have no ability to cool themselves and Thailand is not a logical location for them. Thai native dogs make sense for large breeds but toy/chihuahua types for inhouse and long life. Advertising should really be marked as such.
  4. What office? That can make a difference in time required - as can one persons absence.
  5. Because there are more people using system. Because we just had a week without workdays. Because gates are open after 3 years so busy. Because. I would wait at least a week, or longer if done over holidays.
  6. I suspect you just sign up again with the new email address and then make normal report.
  7. Only if you did not pay more to use CC - which in Thailand has often been the case. Obviously if using for business it can make sense even if paying more as clear receipts/path. But for most homebodies not worth the month or so free interest at risk of paying more; and the interest hit if forget to pay on time. As with most such things - it fits some better than others.
  8. Why exactly? Have had not issues in my lifetime carrying and using cash and normally get a discount for using cash rather than cards.
  9. 1. AliExpress - do you even need? I stopped using years ago when same items became available on Lazada at reasonable price (at first they were higher). 2. Able to us US debit cards on Lazada. 3. As pointed out above most Thai debit cards can be used if set up for such - credit cards much harder to obtain unless working here.
  10. But there have only been about 3 workdays since you submitted - normally takes at least that amount of time and with all the holidays there would be a much larger workload. As long as it is still listed as pending would not be worried yet.
  11. The key to finding issue is to turn all breakers off when you lose Safe-t-cut power and reset Safe-t-cut - then turn on one breaker at a time until it trips again. Reset and turn on all other breakers except the one that tripped. Then look at what does not have power - something on that breaker is causing cut off - likely outside outlet if immediate at start of rain - or something else getting wet fast. As for some items staying on they often do not put everything on Safe-t-cut.
  12. No for last time - you are on a permitted to stay - it is clearly written in your passport as such - as are all extensions of that permitted to stay. The visa is just a guideline for the length of that permitted to stay when you make entry. It is the permitted to stay stamp that allows stay - not the visa stamp.
  13. Agree many misuse term and thus confusion. But just as an example I entered Thailand over 20 years ago on a non immigrant O visa. That was the last visa I obtained. I am still here. I am not on overstay. As long as you do not stay in country longer than your most current permitted to stay date you are not on overstay.
  14. The time for a visa is from issue date to entry date *time period to use visa". The type of visa has a normal permitted to stay period (that immigration provides on entry). That time varies by type of visa from several weeks to a year. But that time is always subject to immigration officer approval and stamp for permitted to stay. If you stay longer than the permitted to stay stamp allows you have overstayed your stay (visit - nothing to do with visa used for entry).
  15. The fine is for overstay of your permitted to stay stamp that is printed into your passport. The visa allows you to the entry gate - once there you are refused entry - or allowed entry with a permitted to stay stamp. Visa does not allow either entry or stay - only to present yourself at immigration gate for processing in accordance with that visa conditions.
  16. In this case my immediate concern would be other countries officials as a red stamp is a red stamp when they can not read it. Free and loose works - until it bites. If able to keep legal believe that is what should be done even if it costs time/money occasionally.
  17. It is not likely to be regarded as a positive notation by any border crossing or consulate visa officer of any country however.
  18. Poster did not say a 60 day extension was not available. Only that the 30 day tourist entry extension was not available on non immigrant O visa entry.
  19. Indeed number transfer is available - but if using DTAC suspect TRUE would be easy as same ownership now, and True has many packages - some with internet/TV and phone together. Although you may need a 4 year degree course to figure them all out.
  20. There are many packages but believe all are based on phone number rather than being a family. Sorted by pre pay or post pay and on usage type/amount. If you using DTAC suspect you are getting several SMS messages a week promoting some plan or another (although will be in Thai).
  21. OK - you are in Thailand and file your 90 day report two weeks early (as many of us do). So report is filed and often accepted before 90 day stay. Nothing to do with not being in Thailand - although you could leave day you filed and not be here for 90 days.
  22. But it is possible to do a 90 day report before you are in Thailand 90 days since last report was the point of his post. And that is true.
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