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Everything posted by ChaiyaTH

  1. I just do it Thai style, my face and arms / legs have a good tan but I usually always keep a shirt on so it is entirely white elsewhere. The tourism and sun tan thing is weird one tho, they always go for the red lobster to then lose their tan 2-3 weeks after getting back. I never really got the purpose of it, if not maintaining it after as well. Is like going to the gym just once a month.
  2. Correct it is almost more about the ongoing atmosphere and business itself than it even is about the alcohol specifically to satisfy people lol. I do not even drink frequent anymore, just once per 1-2 weeks. Yet I do know and care.
  3. It has nothing to do with alcohol neither it is 'just a few days', you have no idea how many proper days business owners lose alone. Not to mention tourists coming over for X days in particular cities to then find them as dead zones due to this. All while none of us are even 'buddhists' and even locals know their ways to get it, most local places will even sell it as if nothing happens as soon you are out of the bigger city or centers. Last but not least, the repeatedly focus on 'tourists and alcohol' being the issue rather than Thais killing each other on the roads with 20k deaths a year. Or the fact that most domestic abuse and debts come from lao kao behavior on farms. Man, I would smash these politicians, you not even need to prepare for any debate. They are like kids. They can barely think on a 3D level let alone a 4D or 5D level which they are supposed to do. No wonder they fear any new wind arriving.
  4. Soon you need to apply for a EAC to be able and drink outside designated tourist areas. It is called the Expat Alcohol Card.
  5. Designated areas, WTF is this even supposed to mean? That you now plan to treat tourists as jews during world war 2 by telling them they can't have alcoholic beverages outside their areas? Jesus christ. I really thought Thailand was changing for the better finally since a small year, in terms of the tax story going quiet, the visa's being easier again. And now we litteraly just get the same BS AGAIN. Time to open up the relocation plan bookmarks folder again. These people are nazi's.
  6. Why are these people so stupid? You could at least just ship it in smaller packages by sea etc instead, not flying with it yourself in person... Or at least then just try to smuggle high end THC oil or something, weed has a huge volume to bring around. Would by default pop up for baggage checks.
  7. Incorrect, can call any landline or mobile numbers just depends what you pay for.
  8. This is no issue at all, that will already be provided within Teams when the transition takes place, as I mentioned twice before in this topic. Same this is already available on Google Voice alternatively as well. Nobody else needs VOIP, this is some old people chit chat talk. People use simply Whatsapp or FB call for that. Seems some people and many people here are so bored in life that they want to discuss and debate small things that are decided or solved already.
  9. So with other words this topic says zero except that Trump his golden visa works out excellent so far. Which is no different than any other western countries having similar programs too, so there is no debate around that itself either.
  10. Nonsense troll post again... sigh. What would you do in 4 hours? Absolutely nothing as you will need just near 1 hour for a taxi one way already. You use your brains and stay at or very near the airport at most or you simply book smarter to have a full day.
  11. Totally clueless.. if they can't even realize this part of the pie by now, nothing will.
  12. What mistery, heroin overdose with likely fentanyl being the cause. Or suicide Or both.
  13. Gets very obvious that this forum is infested with old leftish people who live mainly under a stone. You can see this with all the things taking place, similar to covid etc. Their opinions are worthless, they dislike facts and truths ec. Well, it is going to be a tough few years to come for you type of guys then.
  14. That meeting and photo was before the actual theater started.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJ9iHTuYnbc
  15. Yes he would side with them, maybe you have to learn the difference between official meetings and informal meetings. When Musk would need to appear for the congress or something he also needs to suit up. Just to give one example of this BS posts all over the media since it happened. And by the way, ffs, it was not even Trump or Vance saying this themself.
  16. Because this type of tourists you mean? Else you said nothing relevant... Only solution to fix the trash generation globally would be WW3.
  17. Just training the obvious visible muscles + tattoos to the max seems to be a big ego compensator nowadays. When you then talk to them it is like you talk to either a teenager, idiot or both. Guess it's as populair as 'everyone is a business owner' and 'trader' nowadays. The fact this guy had no t-shirt on while walking there at around 10:30PM already indicates enough. Then add the subjective judgement based on the shoes, shorts and tats and the picture is quite complete.
  18. Is not urgent, just to keep your account fully functional is the urgent part. You would need to sign a paper + ID at the branch otherwise. I ignored requests from Kasikorn for this as well and all still works fine.
  19. Untrue, you can also use it as VOIP, and this will be easier once they shutdown Skype. What you think? That they are stupid and would shut down a functional Skype with paying customers without having the full functional replacement? Get real... Microsoft Teams Phone supports VoIP phone calls to anyone, whether they’re using a landline, mobile phone, or the Teams app. By default you obviously can only call other people in Teams, that is the same as it is with Skype too. Alternatively you could always use Google Voice for this too.
  20. Doesn't work like that you have to contact the staff of the media companies itself and pay them. An agent would actually be what you need.
  21. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-teams/voip-voice-over-ip
  22. I mean to survive perhaps none of it is sustainable neither do they build any skills outside of making videos and promoting their <deleted>ty products.
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