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Everything posted by ChaiyaTH

  1. Service charge is the worst of all if you ask me, as that is a mandatory fat percentage on top of the usually over priced menu. And I am pretty sure that even it is called a service charge, the wages etc are based on it too. -- Hence it is a failed american concept.
  2. Stupid with their money = stupid to them, as they have less than 300 baht a day to live off. So much even you will be gossiped about by that type of people then too, as you are not living in a bamboo hut. Likely they think it is stupid from you to use a swimming pool, wasting water, stupid to drink beer instead of cheap lao kao, stupid to not eat rice only as its cheaper bla bla bla.
  3. Those are just the cheaper and local Thais, yeah obviously to their understanding they would bad mouth if another person tips royally. But the same people gossip and bad mouth anyone they like, on a daily basis, anyways. My inlaws village they also always know how I should spend my money and live my life. Decent or better doing Thais would certainly not bad mouth you for having tipped, they actually admire you if you have a lot to spend. Same as they would give you a better treatment when wearing brand clothes, even it is totally unjustified. Anyway, tipping culture is a failed American concept and not good at all. Better to get it stopped entirely and have better wages for service staff from the owner. However tipping for work done good is nice to do, if deserved.
  4. If you tip to expect some smile or thank you, you tip for the wrong reasons in the first place. You either give a tip because you think they deserve it, or because you can bribe them that way for better service or a good seat (if you are a repeating customer at some place). To give a tip of 10 baht on 190 baht laundry, obviously that makes you look like a fool. That is more like insulting someone unless you clearly mention it as 'just keep the change' but certainly not as 'a tip'. Regarding the massage place, she wanted to know as that would define the finish you would get. Go to a proper massage place if you do not want that. I guess as usual, it is the OP being the issue here, same as to say you would feel pressure by mates in a bar to tip, i guess you got the wrong mates then. To go on-topic: I tip way less often lately, due to the fact this is not standard with promptpay, came across one nice foreign owner who did allow to transfer more manually, and he give the tips in cash to his staff. Thais actually rarely tip or just leaving the coins in change, so it is not exactly like one needs too anyway.
  5. Haven't done that in years except when hotels did it themselves, agent handles the yearly extensions so if it came up it only is like 1400 baht fine anyway, a lot cheaper than having to do that 10 times a year.
  6. I think it is less worse as there are many things, where you could be setup for or bribed for anymore that easily, now Thailand is more developer than for example a country like Cambodia. Sure plenty of things are still corrupt regardless but it is pretty easy to stay away from the majority of risk factors, specially if you would ignore the casual traffic police fine without a receipt.
  7. Plenty of single mothers providing milk and more, I'm not worried.
  8. Just get a private taxi for 1500-2000 baht, outside of traffic jam, and have no worries or stress at all.
  9. Passwords are shown like that on the visible side, that does not mean they are encrypted and has zero to do with general security. But as you are the expert here, who can't retrieve it's own wifi password, I leave it to you. Byeee ????
  10. There are always exceptions, and a pro would indeed not behave as a casual bar girl for money. However, if you can't notice those red flags along the line, you are lost to begin with already hehe.
  11. Select show characters checkbox, you can always see wifi passwords in plain text. Both windows and mac. So no, not as you expect.
  12. It will be digital indeed, as well low cost and fast, but certainly not decentralised. In fact, we will be seeing decentralised digital currencies issues by central banks sooner. That aside, many new type of payment processors or banks like N26, do indeed take over the business. The existing big players already own most of those small companies, directly or indirectly, by investments. So eventually they just continue but with the new tech. Does not mean there is no space at all for DeFi or Crypto in general, the strangest niche industries can be worth billions. But if you look at for example how much USD TRON (TRX) has been moving with issues, on a daily basis, quite some time now, while the price is still really low, proves there is no need for expensive coins to offer solutions. But let's keep the masses investing regardless, as the cash helps to drive innovation and progress. The masses lose their cash anyway, if it isn't crypto it will be taxes or something else.
  13. From my experience it is girls who are in it for other reasons than love, usually always avoid kissing, unless perhaps very drunk already. That does not mean they can't do the vacuum suction kissing below the waste though. Then in terms of Thai women who date for love, I always had passionate kissers. So I guess it is the OP being the issue with the girls he dated or met so far, and/or their intentions.
  14. If you could assume to get 50 dollars monthly support, per child, once they are raised, making 100 of them seems like a plan for retirement.
  15. If you just need to pull a teeth it does really not matter at all, where you go. Will need to wait or see another specialist for an implant later on anyway. Else you might be waiting for appointments longer than needed too.
  16. So the real question here is, for anyone a bit serious, do you believe Bitcoin will only be 20K in 5-10 years from now. The answer is no, so you start to buy around here and anything lower is considering a bonus. Long term stock investments average to go down 40% at the worst point in time too, when you pass trough a crisis. Bitcoin does what the financial markets do, but in a higher speed, same same but different. If you wanna earn 20% + per year consistently, start a business. You should have enough to be happy with 5% a year.
  17. I'm in crypto since 2016 but didn't bother to waste 5 minutes on that coin or any of the other <deleted> ones. Mean while laughing at the fanfare ranting again 'this is the end' while it is just a repeating cycle, where we keep ending up at higher stable lows, to eventually rise to new all time highs. Short term thinkers and people wanting to make a living with small funds is the real issue often. Imagine me trying not to ROFL when people talk about big losses, if I look back at the period from 2016 to 2022 today (60% would still been plenty for that time frame). I see it as discount christmas periods to get some more, that might be for shorter time frames.
  18. 1000 dollar reward VS wood being logged for ten thousands if not hundred thousands, seems like a plan...
  19. There is no limit on the potency yet you are being illegal if smoking it as such, as well to carry it as a on-the-go drugs, as soon it was cut from the plant. As well for re-selling it, if applicable.
  20. Oh please common, just another round of mushroom copy business in Thailand after coffeeshops, barbershops and what else. With useless products almost nobody is looking for except this specific part being a temporary hype. As a 15 year long time medicinal user, former grower and more, I call it pathetic. It's like nobody has something to do or a single idea on their own, now it is crypto winter, everyone is gonna get pink unicorn money from this. The fact and truth is that technically speaking, all products that are in interest, are still illegal, as they always contain more than the 0.20% limit. For the medicinal products that do qualify, there are plenty providers, Thai only. Let me guess as the brains here are a bit slow, the next round of mushrooms will be growshops and smartshops. To then see 90% of them go bankrupt again, as they had no business plan in the first place.
  21. Not sure why people even talk about the money, just the fact of not having to go there for 10 years, would be worth 100K to me. I'd even pay that for 5 years upfront and then hassle free. I have a good agent that makes the process easy on a yearly basis but wouldn't mind it being every 5-10 years ????
  22. Not in terms of ignoring missing files, and usually need even more specific papers such as degrees or proof of being a professional etc. etc. I mean surely they would see a few missing documents missing if that would be about 1 in 20 hired people, if it brings in a lot of money, but that is another story.
  23. Just found this, seems rather expensive for cars: Chiang Mai Airport has a parking space with a capacity of 450 vehicles. PARKING RATES The parking rates at Chiang Mai Airport are the following ones: Rates 4 Wheel Car - 1 hour: 20 baht - 1 - 2 hour: 30 baht - 2- 3 hours: 40 baht - 4 to 12 hours: 100 baht - 13 to 14 hour: 200 baht - Overnight: 250 baht
  24. You can pay for long-term at the airport, not sure the rates for cars nowadays but I doubt it's crazy much. Motorbikes are free, mine is parked there now too. Not sure why you would bother if not parking there, as a taxi to the city is only 150B too.
  25. Excluding gasoline surely possible. Do mind gasoline is now average 50 baht per liter already.
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