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Everything posted by mark131v

  1. They are what they are, scumbags one and all...,..
  2. Oh gawd really? You that gullible that you believe this fella was too ill to start his 8 year sentence, he is so I'll he has been moved out of clink after 12 hours? Really? Honestly? Come to think of it I have a lovely bridge for sale in London if you're interested....
  3. You are 100% wrong, nothing should be off the table when you're dealing with scum like Thailand's present leadership
  4. Good, of all the reptiles in charge he is the one I despise the most, hoping for karma and a long lingering illness...
  5. Waffle, waffle, bs, nowt wrong with the malingering bastard but then again unless you are a complete retard we already know this, bought and paid for....
  6. Ironic really judged and sentenced by a judiciary that have been unable/unwilling to bring any judgement on a junta that toppled a democratic government.....
  7. Can't argue with that!!
  8. You can explain to them but unfortunately you can't understand it for them, a truth I have realised over time....
  9. Sorry then your cynicism of government had an American feel to it, apologies.....
  10. I'm guessing it will contain a significant number of liars, cheats, corrupt relatives and various other neer do wells. Same same but different.....
  11. The clues in the name! You u have to look really hard to find a party who's been more blatantly anti democratic Their behaviour has been 180 degree polar opposite of democracy for many years...
  12. Integrity, honesty?? Unfortunately I don't think he is very familiar with those concepts judging by his recent behaviour
  13. Pheu Thai has betrayed the very democracy they’ve claimed to uphold for years. The emperor has no clothes, and the ugly truth is there for all to see: Beneath the veneer of political rhetoric and theatrical performances to the electorate lies nothing but corruption, unethical behavior, and immorality. The Pheu Thai Party is a sham, filled with charlatans. The pantomime can stop now; no one is fooled anymore. from the op, succinctly put I think....
  14. Gawd blimey guvnor you a yank by any chance.....
  15. I truly hope you are right but the establishment is not going to back off until they are forced to back off That cannot happen by legal means as that avenue is bought and paid for so the only route is through disobedience or violence There's no other way to affect change, if they wait to vote it will be exactly the same, the reptiles in charge will change the goalposts again, like I said I really hope I am wrong..
  16. Completely agree! What is going on is a charade their behaviour and that of all the parties is beyond the pale, disgusting but unfortunately not unexpected...
  17. Change has never been easy and the longer you put up with it, turn a blind eye, ignore, accept, stay silent the harder it gets Needs real root and branch change and that will not come without significant pain Unfortunately I think they have missed their chance and really didn't want it bad enough. I hope I am wrong.....
  18. What do you expect, they are Thai males of the hi-so caste so what else can they be! They know and care nothing for their people or their country, they care only their own self importance and self enrichment, it has always been obvious to see if you care to look....
  19. Amen to that!! Very good summing up of exactly what has been forced on the people, reprehensible disgusting behaviour, then again if you aren't willing to fight for change after decades of same old, same old some would say that you get the government you deserve......
  20. And that right there folks tells you all you need to know about 'thai democracy' Is there a snake version of 'birds of a feather flock together' if not I reckon there should be....
  21. Are his lips moving again? Lies and drivel his actions speak volumes....
  22. It would appear he is highly qualified in treachery and the complicated way he lied to his voters would indicate to me that he is more than capable of enrichening himself and his backers at the expense of the serfs Can only hope there's a price to be paid but I ain't holding my breath just yet...
  23. Oh I think you will find a lot of behaviour here is predictable, corruption, nepotism, the chance to do the wrong thing at virtually every opportunity, yes much in Lieland is predictable.....
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