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Everything posted by mark131v

  1. They love a bit of big stage grandstanding, absolutely love to extoll meaningless drivel to the other third world incumbent's with zero intention of implementing anything, Thai face bottled...
  2. So is he saying it isn't quite as bad for men? Is that why only the male drugs guy was murdered and his female accomplice allowed to live by the Ferrari guy I have no idea if something is being lost in translation but it appears thought process's, morals and scruples are very, very different amongst the Thai elite....
  3. Solve covid you say? Is there no end to this pillocks quest to try and make himself look better or perhaps a little less inadequate, pretty sure he will fail due to him being an absolute cretin...
  4. Nah she has just plucked that out of thin air!!! Speaks volumes when the so called head of education is so obviously bullshiiting and making stuff up Clearly she like so many others in high positions have absolutely no shame and no honour Thailand is doomed to keep making the same mistakes until these dinosaurs are eliminated and a new merit based system is implemented, shan't hold my breath...
  5. Prudes and hypocrites seem to be some of the main things holding back Thailand, these two guys would seem to have more in common with the next generation and the precepts of Buddhism than the boring, corrupt stick in the muds that want to turn Thailand's clock back a thousand years....
  6. Well that's the top 1% sorted, that galivanting and shopping ain't going to do itself...
  7. More deflection from the buffoons in brown, their hypocrisy and false platitudes are amazing coming from the most corrupt entity in town, tossers...
  8. Sorry mate but I don't agree, very many of the elderly and vulnerable are unable to isolate they live day to day and for that reason alone they should be getting the available vaccines first and especially the vaccines that are effective against delta I understand what you are saying but every vaccine given to a healthy kid especially the proven Western vaccines is one that a vulnerable person cannot have Kids in the main manage really well even if they get covid the vulnerable don't they deteriorate then die and those numbers worldwide confirm this, giving vaccines to healthy kids is a waste of a vaccine that could save a life and all done to pretend they are actually doing something...
  9. And once again the people in charge show their complete disregard for their elderly and vulnerable Thailand has many thousands of very vulnerable people who at best have been vaccinated with a less effective vaccine and at worst nothing at all yet they choose to do their own thing again and vaccinate a group proven to be at least risk, you really couldn't make it up Buffoons the lot of 'em....
  10. A couple of words spring to mind, deluded and self-serving, wonder where they came from...
  11. I don't think it is anything to do with AZ vaccine per se I think it has much more to do with honesty and clarity both of which are on the endangered list where Thailand is concerned...
  12. I am afraid that's what happens when you are proven liars and shysters I believe some of the neighbours refer to the kingdom as Lieland and that tells you all you need to know about why nations are sceptical of the numbers and vaccination data In the immortal words of Nelson Muntz...
  13. To be fair mate they are just progressing with their usual level of day to day incompetence...
  14. Is that the same as a <deleted>eocracy if so it is clearly working as the <deleted> all seem to rise to the top!!!
  15. Really hard to understand this level of ineptitude! They have been shown by the rest of the world how to run a vaccination programme but have still managed to get it completely and utterly wrong They have been shown time and again what works, what doesn't work and what's a complete waste of time The idiots in charge have repeatedly shown they ain't fit to run a bath let alone a pandemic it would be hilarious if it wasn't so serious, <deleted> muppets...
  16. It is absolutely criminal that the idiots in charge are trying to push for this whilst the vast majority of the elderly and vulnerable receive nothing, the only upside is it's just more smoke and mirror's to deflect the fact they have <deleted> all to use due to their own incompetence...
  17. Your not wrong but then again the good folk have made a fortune from it!! Still struggling to understand the mistrust of AZ though and the fact the Japanese have given it away rather than use it AZ are the only producer who have been selling at cost and not aiming solely for profits over all else, of all the producers they have shown the most compassion and probably done more to aid the poor countries Reckon it must be down to the seed of mistrust sown by the EU since proved absolutely false but the taint has remained, a shame really...
  18. An absolute unmitigated disaster with a side order of abject stupidity is probably nearer the point...
  19. Looks like India has given something very useful that will be really helpful to the sick, the Chinese not so much!!! Good to see the CCP still get top billing in the press release though can't be seen to upset the overlords...
  20. So he should! his total ineptitude has filled a lot of the beds there and a many graves, hope he is ashamed but I bet the self absorbed egotist isn't...
  21. Oooh goody another proclamation from the great leader the Thai's are so lucky to have such an experienced proclaimer pity he is totally <deleted> at bringing his proclamations to reality.... unicorns, fffs he is a special one...
  22. 'The never-ending struggle against the drug trade in Thailand and the culture of impunity around it' The never-ending struggle against military interference/ corruption/ nepotism/ injustice/ torture/ petty mindedness/ murder in custody in Thailand and the culture of impunity around it Blimey that headline covers most everything that is wrong with Thailand...
  23. Oh dear the morale police have spoken, damned if they are going to let a bit of good morale get out of control gotta stamp that <deleted> out quick and get back to being miserable and downtrodden....
  24. You just know that the people making the proclamation are more than likely using knock off versions of Windows bought for Bt 50 from the market, same as every other Thai organisation...
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