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Posts posted by mark131v

  1. 10 hours ago, yellowboat said:

    Jackboots looking desperately for a technicality to protect the coward at government house.  Such fragile people running Thailand.  cha cha makes the whole government look weak.  

    The whole government ARE weak, every last one of the money grubbing uneducated, corrupt, lying hypocrites. Scum pure and simple putting themselves before everyone and everything. They have no redeeming features...

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  2. 1 hour ago, drgoon said:

    I tried the link.....


    This site can’t be reached

    csgcheck.dcy.go.th’s server IP address could not be found.






    Normal <deleted>!......yep....


    edited we are a global community so just add whatever phrase you think fits best in <deleted> bit...




  3. 8 hours ago, nervona81732 said:

    This whole CV-19 is a global hoax brought to you by the corrupt Globalists. Get over it. FM don't protect you from anything and CV-19 is unproven as in { not isolated } as in i.e. purified , which is a 70 year standard for labeling viruses and further more the the human geo nome grows stronger with exposure to virus's and bacteria. Natural body defenses mandate this. Obviously you sheeple believe the narrative and live in fear of dying. Probably because your old and compromised and take massive amounts of big pharma meds because your too lazy to take care of your own health. This CV-19 is nothing more than a seasonal flu which has mutated just like the body over comes exposure to such. I only wear a mask because mandated and NEVER put it over my nose because I KNOW I breath oxygen and breathing you own Co2 puts you in a HYPOXIA mode meaning your O2 ( oxyegen ) level is drastictly diminished which lowers your immune system hence you have vunerability to sickness. Figure it out ( SHEEPLE ) you have been deluded by your masters into brain washed slavery of your mind. No thanks ( not me ) enjoy your servitude to the globalist and their selfish minions. Cheers.

    Do you wear a tinfoil hat all the time or just at weekends...?



    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, rasmus5150 said:

    I'm surprised that Thailand has not used the excuse.:


    "If we ban monkeys, we will have to use poor Burmese immigrants instead."

    That was what Yinn said on another coconut topic she pretty much stated there would be lots of poor Burmese getting injured from falling out of coconut tree's!!


    Problem is she wasn't joking and with the usual simplicity of thought can't see the irony of what she is saying....

    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    And, as we all know, the virus doesn't affect those of rank, such as Prince Charles and Boris Johnson. Very respectful, the virus is. Every day I just shake my head at the utter stupidity of people here. You might expect it from those with a poor education, but these people lead the country and its future is in their hands.

    Problem with this is the elite are still in a poor no one fails education system whether they paid in Thailand or not and unless their parents sent them abroad probably more so, everything is for sale!! Don't reckon any of the present bunch of muppets at the top of the trough score very high on the old intelligence quotient.....

  6. The fact they even need to enforce this speaks volumes!


    'The draft is intended to curb enforced disappearance committed by state officials, improve the justice system and fortify human rights in the country'


    The last bit makes interesting reading too!


    'The United Nations has highlighted 86 high-profile cases of enforced disappearances in Thailand. Wanchalearm, who was abducted by unknown assailants in Phnom Penh early this month, is one of at least nine Thai political activists who have disappeared abroad since the 2014 coup. Two later turned up dead in the Mekong River'


    Wonder how long they can drag this out before they quietly shelve it, truly morally bankrupt.....

    • Like 1
  7. 1 minute ago, timendres said:

    From the post that I linked:

    The only question now being, who is stating the correct policy.

    Yes I know and hopefully that's the case!!


    Thing is though this is the latest information from DPM Anutin the wise, I have no doubt things will change again but the point of commenting on a link is to have a read of what the latest information is


    Most of us know this is the hub of U-turns and misinformation but you can only go with what the latest rumours say until the change them again...

    • Like 1
  8. 1 minute ago, timendres said:


    Did you bother reading the full article, guess not so I will make it easy for you:


    'The first group contains diplomats, consuls, representatives of international organizations, shipping agents and foreigners with work permits.

    The second group includes Thai returnees and the third group concerns foreign patients, except COVID-19 patients, who want medical treatment in Thailand.'


    your welcome....

    • Haha 1
  9. 17 minutes ago, BigC said:

    You just dont get it


    If you want to clean up corruption  that means enforcing all the rules not just the rules that fit that person.


    So if you want to be a grass make sure you yourself  have never done anything  wrong

    Your right one of us doesn't get it....


    You are bringing in first world morals to a third world institution that is rotten from the head down, a place where any dissent is stamped on and where bodies turn up in barrels and bullying and intimidation is rife


    I have conversed with many a cretin on here but with some it just ain't worth the effort so I will count myself out of this one!

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