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Posts posted by mark131v

  1. 1 hour ago, ravip said:

    Are you blind?

    >>> Thank you very much for your extreme concern about my health. I appreciate it very sincerely. Thank you.

    You are welcome, always been taught to not judge the afflicted even if it is just afflicted with naivety or stupidity

    1 hour ago, ravip said:


    civilised world's military...

    They are generally intelligent and...

    most Western militaries are morally superior...

    >>> Just a small example for you, as I am genuinely convinced that you would have missed what happened in Libya, Syria, of WMD, Sadam Hussain and other thousands of acts committed by your morally superior militaries.

    Yep I was in the UK military for 20 years was involved in some of places you described in Iraq, Afghan and others but you see that's military doing military stuff


    Always worked within the law and never involved in a coup or threatened or persecuted my own people, never did anything that I am ashamed of whilst in the military and never served under a morally bankrupt commander, politicians are a different story

    1 hour ago, ravip said:

    Ever heard of the multi national companies, Big Pharma etc.?

    Don't wear a tinfoil hat even at weekends

    1 hour ago, ravip said:

    Please Google Collateral Murder WikiLeaks (July 12, 2007, Baghdad airstrike) and see how the morally superior act! 

    WikiLeaks was regarding Iraq, Afg, Syria etc during terror/warfighting operations in an active insurgency with Isis, AQ and the Taliban, it's out of the realm of tin pot army's oppressing their own populace for their own ends, feathering their own nest's at the their nations expense, apples and oranges really


    The things you are talking about are generally not driven by the military it is above them unless you are a general in a 3rd world junta then it is you who makes these decisions as there is no rule of law or parliamentary system because you have already destroyed that then stifled free speech and any dissent

    1 hour ago, ravip said:


    If you cannot see that I would suggest medical help...

    >>> Sir, it is obviously NOT me that need medical help urgently - The first contact would preferably be a psychologist IMHO.

    I would beg to differ but to each their own

    1 hour ago, ravip said:


    Thank you for your valuable opinion, but let's not go off topic and waste time.

    = The End =

    Okey dokey...

  2. On 8/15/2020 at 4:33 AM, ravip said:

    Only i Thailand? Would 'other' countries 'Chiefs' pass a moral test with flying colours? LOL

    Are you blind?


    I wouldn't want to point out the obvious but for some people it is necessary, most of the civilised world's military do military stuff and follow their governments orders


    They do not overthrow governments or routinely kill, murder or disappear their own people. They work to a rule of law and do not make a new one whenever they like, lawyers and stuff do that!


    They are generally intelligent and able to open their mouth without directly inserting their feet into said orifice and do not offer veiled threats to their populace whenever they feel threatened


    Don't know if you noticed but this cretin and his lying, corrupt, nepotism riddled ilk have done nothing other than line their own pockets and meddle in politics. They care nothing for their people or their country, they are a disgrace and morally bankrupt


    If you cannot see that I would suggest medical help, in answer to your question I do believe the military hierarchy of most Western militaries are morally superior in every conceivable way than the Thai version

  3. 'However, he will avoid the disciplinary examination if the OAG accepts his resignation and makes it effective before the current due date of August 18'


    Course it will be accepted that is a sure thing as nobody in authority wants to open that particular can of worms, they've all had their grubby mitts in there right up to the elbows.... 

  4. Remember a conversation with one of my marines before going to Iraq wrt anthrax vaccination


    Bootneck: I don't want to get the vaccination..


    Me: Fine, but if we are exposed to it you will die and I will have to watch you do it without being able to do anything about it...


    Bootneck: You having it doc?


    Me: Yep..


    Bootneck: Which arm or do you need me to drop my pants?


    I will be first in line to get a vaccination 

  5. Not bothered reading all the comments and apologies if it's been mentioned but I believe that anybody who wants to do any travelling will need it whether they want it or not bit like some places won't let you in without yellow fever vaccination


    For right or wrong I think this will become a prerequisite for international travel and a lot will depend on the paranoia of the country, fully expect LoS to be right up there   

    • Like 2
  6. Seems strange there are so many topics that have been blocked straight away, why is that?


    Many things being discussed in the press overseas wrt people being arrested relating to the student protests, Reuters and MSN are both respected so why are their reports being blocked?


    Are we allowed to discuss this on Thaivisa or is TV more of a commercial interest?


    Surprised the Thai news people have not mentioned the arrest of the student demonstrators, does smack of a bit of a dictatorship or the fact people are keeping the truth out of the headlines...


    Most peculiar....





  7. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/thai-police-arrest-two-leaders-of-student-protests/ar-BB17GlTA?ocid=msedgntp


    Just seen this Reuters report on MSN and it looks like the gloves are off, problem is the world is watching and the buffoon's in brown and their backers in green don't appear to be very smart if the red bull debacle is anything to go by, could get a bit messy


    'It said that Anon was wanted for breaching article 116 of the criminal code by "raising unrest and disaffection" in a manner likely to cause a disturbance and lead to people breaking the law on July 18, when protesters gathered at Bangkok's Democracy Monument'


    Appears there's no level the junta wont resort to in order to keep the Hoi-poloi in their place in order to protect the head of the trough


    Interesting stuff ahead methinks...


    Mods I did try to put in Thailand news but it wouldn't let me....

    • Haha 1
  8. 2 hours ago, Justgrazing said:

    You couldn't make this up .. 


    Don't get much better than that does it .. thieve a dead man's possessions to cover your own backside .. and he was running in an election .! Is that not as good a reason to ban him from ever running again .. 

    I think it just shows he will fit right in, already shown he is completely happy to do absolutely anything to cover his own back, <deleted> the mans a natural....!!

    • Haha 2
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