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Posts posted by mark131v

  1. 3 hours ago, greenchair said:

    Emergency vehicles have been traditionally red around the world. The reason is, it stands out and is recognised internationally as emergency vehicle. 

    Let's face it, they added the extra hours but the real goal was to change to lemon yellow. 

    Just shows how childish and sneaky some people are. 

    Red? maybe in the US but certainly not in the UK and most of Europe....

  2. Need to get myself signed up for this fellas other words of wisdom........


    Honestly though <deleted>!!! talk about stating the obvious, don't really need to be an astrologer to work out lots of people are going to die on thai roads today, tomorrow, next week next month or next year


    Retarded habits no training and a completely ineffective plod make that an absolute given every single day.....


    edited to give an  early RIP for all the other meaningless  dead and damaged people that will happen  this weekend and every other day due to complete lack of giving a shit from the RTP and other assorted cretins in charge.....

  3. 6 hours ago, tropo said:

    There are no improvements visible in Pattaya. People (Thai) are sourer than ever... but I live IN Pattaya, so what would I know. I certainly don't make assumptions about other places I don't know anything about. I don't understand why Thai people in Pattaya are becoming less pleasant than usual, but it could well be because there are fewer drunk "european" tourists walking around. LOL


    The comment about "drunk European men walking around with no shirts" is absurd. Apart from the fact it's a beach resort, the military government hasn't made walking around Pattaya with no shirts and/or drunk illegal, so the only reason you'll see less of them is that there are fewer tourists of nationalities you obviously dislike. There are certainly far fewer Russians around these days, but that has nothing to do with Prayut. Perhaps you included Russians in your "european men walking around with no shirts" group? Fortunately for you, there has been a major increase in Chinese, Indian and Middle Eastern tourists to compensate for the fewer "european ' tourists. They don't normally walk around shirtless, so you will probably enjoy their company more.


    New Immigration hassles are no improvement for thousands of perfectly legal expats. By increasing the number of ridiculous "hoops" they have to jump through, all they are doing is making them feel unwelcome and many are leaving. That could be another reason why people like you notice fewer shirtless Farang around Pattaya. I haven't noticed much difference as the change has been gradual and ongoing for many years, starting well before the 2014 coup.


    I have noticed more rogue cops after cash payments on the streets. This wasn't expected as we all thought police corruption was going to be stamped out. It was all talk.





    Well said!


    As stated many times before the present rulers have only enriched themselves and their cronies, they have done the sum total of fucj all to sort out the country or heal any rifts


    Amusing to hear the anti democracy people on here (Steven I am speaking about you and a few other cretins...) try to justify a blatant power grab at the end of a barrel of a gun when the instigators have failed massively in their stated aims, gets clearer every time they speak as to what they really think....



  4. 50 minutes ago, jenny2017 said:

    Please do not bring shame to the noodle shops, at least they know what they are doing !!:shock1:

    You are correct, I would like to offer a sincere apology to all the noodle stall workers out there as you plainly are experts in your field and do a sterling service to the nation!


    I am now stuck as to just who other than toad face and the other members of the ruling elite are indeed as inept as the current master of the trough....

  5. 2 hours ago, stephen tracy said:

    Agree with everything you say except the pat about Prayuth being a general. He is only a general in name. He likes to play at being a "soldier" but he's not really a soldier, just another corrupt part of the establishment that used his status as a senior military figure to amass enormous wealth.  And then go on to prosecute others for doing the same,

    Absolutely correct!


    The sheer hypocrisy is staggering and every time he opens his mouth about just about anything he proves he is a dimwit and totally unfit to run anything more complicated than a noodle stall


    I think it was Churchill who said 'better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt' or words to that effect, the glorious leader could learn from that but his arrogance and lack of common sense or a moral compass means he wont....


    Really glad I am not Thai....

  6. 42 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:

    I am very sure that nationalist fervour and xenophobia directed towards "the others" can be ratcheted up a few more notches as a means of distraction, before that happens.


    That is a stock standard historical response in these situations.


    Be careful what you wish for.

    Ain't wishing for anything but the only way this can end  is messy, the little general and his minions have ensured this by their actions.....


    We have a country ruled by retards who have been told they are superior to their countrymen from birth, no education or scruples needed they just believe they have  a god given right to be at the head of the trough....

  7. Looks like the glorious leader is making absolutely certain there can never be a return to any semblance of democracy


    He has absolutely guaranteed that the interests of the hi-so are paramount no matter what the serfs vote on, problem is with things like this there is only one way to get back power and that entails blood and bullets, I have a feeling that when the peasants wake up there is going to be a reckoning that will destroy the country....

  8. 5 hours ago, rkidlad said:

    One man with all this power and authority - if only they had a word in the English language for this kind of person. 

    This works pretty well I think...


    1. the practice among those with power or influence of favouring relatives or friends, especially by giving them jobs.
      "his years in office were marked by corruption and nepotism"
      synonyms: partiality · partisanship · unfair preference · preferential treatment · special treatment · preference · favour · one-sidedness · prejudice · bias · inequality · unfairness · inequity · discrimination · positive discrimination · reverse discrimination · nepotism · keeping it in the family · looking after one's own · jobs for the boys
  9. 6 hours ago, webfact said:

    The nation’s anti-corruption organisation gave itself the top marks among five independent groups in its integrity and transparency assessment report released on Thursday.


    Well who'd have thunk it........


    Obviously have zero shame or integrity but hey it is only for consumption by the serf's and when there is such an effective un-education system in place it may well fool a few....

  10. 1 hour ago, NardRunner said:

    I'll just put a couple of things to bed while I'm on here for 5 minutes.


    1; The intention of my run was purely charitable. I do not seek fame, benefits or media attention etc. Yes, of course it was a personal challenge! 60km a day is not to sniffed at and I knew this 6 months ago when I began to plan and prepare for this event. I believed that if I push my boundaries, I'd be able to raise more money for my selected charities.


    2; All donations made have been done online direct to the Siriraj Hospital bank account or deposited in the collection boxes I've brought along the way in the support vehicle, to which Siriraj Hospital have the only keys. At no stage have myself or the support team handled any of the donations. This was established prior to the event for the exact reason as the gentlemen above has kindly highlighted. Any audits may be done through Siriraj Hospital


    3; Yes, I was more than prepared for this run! Serving 15 years in Her Majesty's Royal Marines has taught me the basic concept of preparation and planning (please don't make me state the 7 P's).

    I was running 50k very comfortably several times a week self supported (carrying my own supplies and water) and through the hottest parts of the day. I have run ultra-marathons in the past, including a 120k race in Southern England. I'm no stranger to long distance runnning. The actual event run broken down meant 30k in the morning and 30k in the evening with support and missing the hottest part of the day. Something that I was achieving well during the first part of the event.


    4; I was not rescued at any stage! I admitted myself to hospital when I identified the signs and symptoms of Rhabdomyolosis. ALL costs of any medical intervention were paid for by me, as is the case in any hospital in Thailand.


    5; I knew from the first day that the only thing that would stop me completing this journey was injury and/or illness. Unfortunately I've encountered both. There are some things you can't plan for. I relied a lot on luck not to catch any of these up in the 14 days, my luck ran out after day 5.


    6; I did not notify the media about my intention to complete this jaunt. My sponsors took care of that.


    7; There we're so many involved in this event. My support team, my logistics team, the city halls from each town en route amongst others. Yes, I do feel very sorry that I can't make the stated distance in the stated time. I do feel I have let people down and I am frustrated that this event has been hindered by injury and illness. 


    You're all entitled to your opinions of the event and myself. Please at least bear in mind one thing, from my first step at Bhuping Palace, my intention was purely to help others. I'm sorry this may not come across as such.


    At no stage have I or anybody on my team described myself as 'Heroic' or any other associated word. I went out, I tried my best, I did not succeed. I managed to raise some money for Siriraj Hospital and the Royal Marines Charity, which was my intention.


    I hope this clears up a few points ladies and gents? 


    If anybody has any other quessies, please don't hesitate to get in touch.



    Some proper keyboard warriors on here Royal who have never been involved in anything bigger than themselves and absolutely nothing for you to apologise about


    Stay safe Chris and hopefully a few others will get their hands in their pockets 


    Mark S



  11. Could work in Los as they do not seem to care if an helmet is safe or not but I would never wear anything like this, I believe this is just a box ticking exercise to stop getting a fine and pretend you are actually wearing an helmet....

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