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Posts posted by mark131v

  1. 10 minutes ago, Beachcomber said:

    I thought they had sensor cabled buried in the road as you approach a junction to trigger the lights in your favor in this kind of situation.




    In general at night or when it's quiet in the UK just flashing your headlights triggers the lights to change wouldn't really describe the Thai way of using traffic-lights (or absolutely anything on the roads for that matter!!) as an advantage or a better way of doing things....

    • Thanks 1
  2. 2 hours ago, KiwiKiwi said:

    Just an opinion, but this 'complicated' matter turns out, with a little thought, to be fairly simple.


    Prayuth needed to be sure of a supportive judiciary in the long term. So he fixed a whole bunch of 'grace and favour' luxury homes in a 5-star location for their tax-payer funded enjoyment. Total bill to the people of Thailand: 1 billion baht. Hence the comment from one of the judicial support units 'cancel it if you dare'.


    And people say he's honest and has clamped down on corruption. How did he manage to save 100 million baht on a soldier's salary?


    That'd be a story I'd enjoy hearing.



    Succinctly put and I think you have hit the nail right on the head, everything is about face with nepotism and cronyism running rampant


    Unfortunately the apathy coupled with the 'I'm alright Jack' attitude that is so pervasive means nothing will change until the reset button is pressed, not gonna hold my breath....


    The complete hypocrisy of the leadership here never fails to take my breath away, they truly have no shame....

    • Like 1
  3. There is very little on the Thai roads that will out accelerate a 3,5 or 600 and it has been mentioned by people far more knowledgeable than me that the best way to get skilled at something is to progress through different stages...


    What exactly do you believe a 1000cc brings to the party that makes it the only thing you would use on the Thai roads?



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  4. 1 hour ago, Tom Parkinson said:

    I live on Sukhumvit, so I get refused by taxis or offered set price multiple times daily. I’ve long since stopped getting too worked up over it. Life’s too short for that. 


    But it that doesn’t mean I condone the practice. It’s simply not worth much of my time and effort to complain to the authorities. 


    What I would love to see, however, is a phone app with the following functionality.  A taxi driver fails to respect his DLT obligation. I pull out my phone, tap the app, which turns on my camera. I take a picture of his plate. The app then brings up a number of check boxes (“Refused fare”, “Would not use meter”, “Abusive or rude driver”, “Dangerous driving”). I touch the appropriate box and then the “Send” button. The app would then send an email to the DLT complaint hotline (is there really such a thing?) and also upload the information to a web site that would keep a running (and searchable) list of offenders. 


    Anybody skilled led in app development?

    Bloody hell, you should patent that as there is certainly a market for it in land of scams, wonder whether it could be made to work with other thieving lying scum bags, endless options really....

  5. I wonder what it must be like to be one of the junta, to be so completely blind to their own ignorance and hypocrisy and so confident in their inalienable right to say and do whatever they want with absolutely no regards for the right and wrong of what they do, must take years of indoctrination to get that level of self righteousness, scary as <deleted> really.... 

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  6. 9 hours ago, Cadbury said:

    It is probably classified except for a few who are close to the PM himself. Steven may well be one of those and privy to the contents of this arcane document. I realise it is an unhelpful suggestion but if you ask him nicely he may be inclined to give up some of the secrets it holds.

    Nah don't think he would be able to tell us too much in the way of secrets but I bet he might treat us to another picture of his favourite little man in a all his martial splendour with his many hard earned medals......

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  7. 7 hours ago, eggers said:

    When is Thai Gov't going to get serious about having her& her brother extradited back to Thailand!!! ....both, she & Thaksin are convicted fugitives!! All the BS about protocols, etc, any other crims would be well & truly rounded up!! 


    Hhmmm, what to say...


    Same government that stole power illegally at the point of a gun? that one..


    Same bloke who promised there would not be a coup? you know little fella likes to wear pastel suits


    Same fellas that installed all their mate in all the positions of power?


    Seriously are those the ones you mean.....seriously,  a wind up surely, no.........


    I would do yourself a favour and buzz the nurse it's time for your medication....

    • Like 1
  8. 1 minute ago, robblok said:

    They did however catch many red shirt terrorist who could not be caught by Charlem... wonder why he could not catch them... maybe because they were on his side ?


    Those subs were a waste of money and there are many other faults of the junta. So I don't support them but their actions in bringing to justice the Shins I do applaud. 


    Now let democracy come back and we can sit back and see everything repeat itself again... corrupt leaders... other people wanting to be in power.. violence.. and so on. 


    I have accepted that there are no good guys in Thailand (that get into government). So i just go with the flow commenting on whoever is in power.

    What you and your old mates in the junta fan club continue to be unable to grasp is Thailand has swapped one corrupt leader for another, problem is with this lot there are no checks and balances and other than through bloodshed no way to remove them either......surely that isn't a difficult thing to grasp

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  9. 1 hour ago, tryasimight said:

    Very easy to call someone a coward from behind a keyboard. So, pray tell,  share with us all your achievements to date in progressing the Thai people's from so called serfdom? 

    I did reply and then thought, nah cant be arsed feeding you.....

    • Like 1
  10. 3 minutes ago, tryasimight said:

    From what I recall pre and post coup the vast majority of incidents involving barrels of guns was from the red side of the political spectrum.  I don't recall the army shooting anyone. 

    Aaah, selective memory again, are you going to run out the line about the RTA being forced to intervene as well? 


    Figure RTA is not specific enough so a more appropriate description would probably be cretins in green, sorry for any confusion....

    • Like 2
  11. Big brave hunter needs to make sure it is completely harmless before he approaches


    I truly despise these poor examples of humanity, true there are scumbags everywhere but unfortunately in some societies they rise to the very top Thailand appears to be a case in point


    They have the opportunity to do the right thing but there is no way they have the wherewithal or scruples to do that...

    • Like 1
  12. On 09/02/2018 at 8:46 AM, Just1Voice said:

    How many chances are they going to give him?  Let him keep trying until he finally comes up with an excuse they can buy, then say, "Oh, he's not guilty of anything." 


    No one has that many rich friends, with all those expensive watches, that they just let someone borrow. 


    He is untouchable, if he was to be treated as a normal person that would set a precedent where the other hi-so's could be punished for their sins, not going to happen they will just spout lies and procrastinate till it just goes away....

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