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Posts posted by mark131v

  1. Thought this well written article might shine some light on this subject plus it highlights Thailand leading the world in yet another subject


    They have become the last of their kind obliviously the rest of the world has it all wrong!!!



  2. 14 hours ago, jchfriis said:

    It does have ABS. At least mine has.

    Good to know and I reckon that would make it a good contender!!


    I know the one in the Europe has but when I was looking at the 300 a few years ago ABS was not even an option with Benelli seems they are evolving nicely....

    • Like 1
  3. On ‎3‎/‎5‎/‎2019 at 4:03 PM, jchfriis said:

    Have a look at the Benelli Leoncino 500. I think it fits your requirements and you might like it. It's easy to ride, enough horsepower and plenty of torque.

    I have one and love it.

    I believe the Benelli 500 is a good bike and it gets some good reviews worldwide so there certainly don't seem to be too many quality concerns as of yet


    The biggy for the Op though in my opinion would be lack of ABS, realise that's a bit marmite but honestly would anybody choose to use a car without ABS nowadays?


    Personally anything that marginally helps when learning or participating in death race Thailand can only be a good thing...


    CBX or MT03 would be top of my list as both are comfortable and pretty upright with about the same power i.e plenty for starting out and having a bit of fun...

    • Like 2
  4. Really don't think you can go wrong with Shark, even their cheaper models are very highly rated:




    Cost to quality to safety rating are very high if they fit your bonce then you won't go wrong


    compared to their more pricey jap counterparts:





  5. In the news for all the wrong reasons, proper good job the powers that be are doing...…..




    Just cannot seem to help themselves, then again when your an uneducated buffoon who is only in the job because of their family's name rather than through anything remotely resembling skill then that is inevitable, worryingly that seems to fit for all levels of Thai society.....  

  6. 2 hours ago, pornprong said:

    Why do you think there was a coup in 2006 and another in 2014?

    (let us not forget just how vocally pro-coup you were/are)


    Do you think the Junta has anything to benefit by falsifying and/or exaggerating claims of "Shin" corruption?


    (Look at the nonsense in the link below - and it is the best the Junta has on him)




    Why do you think coups always move Thailand away from democracy putting more and more power into the hands of unelected appointed elite apparatchiks?


    (1997 constitution all Senators elected, 2007 constitution 1/2 Senators elected and 1/2 appointed and 2017 constitution 0 Senators elected and all Senators appointed)



    Which Thai administrations are subject to more external oversight - elected ones or unelected coup Junta's?


    (Compare Yingluck's treatment by the NACC and the courts to the way both these "independent" institutions handled Prawit and his watches or the Rajabhakti park scandal or the Iconsiam "corruption tower")



    If one were to summarise your position having read several years of your posts, it would be this:


    All the misery, missed opportunities, oppression and suffering that the Thai people endure under unelected Junta's is worth it because at least the "Shins" (the people's choice) aren't in government.


    How silly!


    If I have a hero, it is not any individual, but the process of democracy and the effect it has on opening societies.


    Why are you opposed to democracy and how is your alternative better?

    Nail on the head!!! post of the week...


    I too have listened to all these excuses from the same old posters making excuses about their acceptance and support for a blatantly corrupt regime that does absolutely nothing other than maintain the status quo and allow the elite to steamroller any seed of democracy, truly sad the sheer delusion being displayed by some on here

  7. Tanks, helo's, subs bloody hell them hi-so's must be really worried that the populace are going to be upping the ante post the fixed election if they ever get around to holding it


    Glad they aint wasted all that money on useless <deleted> that will be u/s through lack of parts and maintenance though....

  8. 9 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

    Gets much more pathetic when the 2 sons of Kamnan Poh were appointed by Prayut as political officials. The eldest son is now the adviser to Prayut and his brother given the job of assistance to another cabinet minister. Real swamp in junta land. Corruption reform???????

    Says it all really, bunch of lying self important hypocrites, only a cull of these creatures and their ilk will give LoS a chance to climb out of the dark ages, won't hold my breath as the apathy of the populace is breathtakingly. Guess you really do get the government you deserve after all....  

    • Like 1
  9. I spent 20 years in the military and served In Iraq and Afghan and many other places we killed dogs to stop the spread of rabies when setting up FoB's that was done because it needed to be done


    I never ever saw cruelty to animals quite the contrary local dogs and pups have been adopted by units back in Northern Ireland and all the way through to today, scum like this creature would never survive in a real army

  10. 1 hour ago, Tchooptip said:

    As said many posters all these morons of Thais can't bother to put a helmet. They could at least try to take example on us, the farangs. For we at least  respect the laws, we are not so stupid as these idiots of Thais  ????

    December 29.jpeg

    The main reason that is there is it is quite unusual to see, you can go onto any road at any time of day or night and see untold number of the locals doing this and much worse


    Some things you just cannot hide and yep there are cretins all over the world but Thailand is really, really good at doing stupid stuff that kills thousands of their countrymen every year

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  11. 10 minutes ago, ocddave said:

    Actually, the people themselves are the problem, these two idiots are just the product of the ignorance and apathy of the Thai people. They willingly give money to Temples that practice a perverted form of Buddhism, one that worships money, which they think is buying them a better life after this one. They willingly worship the elite HI-SO's like they are gods. Corruption is accepted, especially so if they themselves get to enjoy some of the spoils. They couldn't care less about following laws or rules, and will openly fight any attempt to enforce commonsense ones, especially if it effects them. This a "Third World" country , mainly because the people want it that way, they don't want to enter the First World, and will openly fight it.

    Have got to agree,what you say it's all true!


    but, there's always a but.....the majority have started out with decades of indoctrination and an abysmal education system enforcing the hi-so's lies. Thailand was never likely to be an incubator for free thinking and innovation exactly the way those in power want it, but these lying, self serving, hypocrites need to be purged and punished if anything is ever going to change...

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