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Posts posted by mark131v

  1. I had to get a Nigerian visa for work and used the Nigerian Embassy in Bkk, I actually found the Embassy to be straightforward but highly bureaucratic with paperwork and a random Nigerian fellow who was in the Embassy himself for something was a real help to me


    I had heard all the stereotypes and expected he would want something in return and when I offered to pay for the help he refused so a few of the racial profilers on here are wrong and the Thai propensity for xenophobia masquerading as security is not surprising


    By the way that fellow was the only Nigerian who I had conversed with in Thailand so in my case 100% of Nigerians in LoS have been friendly and helpful.....

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  2. 49 minutes ago, ELVIS123456 said:

    Most things have already been said - so thought I would add something different.


    Anyone that does get a 'big' bike (rent or buy) in Thailand, needs to be aware of another road 'rule' that many Thai drivers (especially in big trucks) will try to 'impose' on you.


    In the Thai road rules, riders of 'bikes' are required to keep over to the left side of the road and allow cars/trucks to pass (not take up the whole lane).

    This rule was in play when bikes were all small 'scooters' and despite the recent increase in the number of larger bikes, many Thai drivers 'demand' you move over if on a bike (big or not).

    I have seen many Thai drivers trying to 'push' riders of bigger bikes to the left, so that they can get past - the riders usually just speed up and get way ahead of them.

    Unfortunately, many of the riders are newbies from western countries and they think they can take up the whole lane like they would at home.

    Experienced riders of big bikes in Thailand know not to let any car/truck get close behind (speed up or move over) and never ever 'argue' about it.


    Especially important if/when they do allow 'real' bikes on the freeways.

    That Merc/Truck driver will 'demand' you move over, because you are on a bike - whether you are doing 120Ks+ or not.




    Anybody who is holding up traffic should be moving over anyway but will never happen unfortunatly


    I ride every day and in  general Thais do have a respect for a bigger bike and so long as you arn't riding like miss daisy there is no problem, never had a problem on the motorway or normal roads other than the same cretins you get no matter what you ride/drive....

  3. 10 hours ago, humbug said:

    just constant diatribe from Junta,Democrats and other Democrats like this treasonous person who doesnt fool anyone by saying he is no longer a democrat. Democrat party always come to power with the help of the junta

    Agreed, he has never been a democrat it is just a cruel fluke that his party was named as 'democrats' they bear absolutely zero democratic actions and their deeds are the polar opposite of democracy


     Suthep and the other hypocrites and liars wouldn't know democracy if it smacked them in the face....

    • Like 2
  4. 4 hours ago, josephbloggs said:

    I've lived here for 24 years if that really matters to anything.  Please explain to me the glorious logic behind your statement.  Foreign media ignored the advice of counsellors, child psychologists and an official government request to leave the kids alone.  They arranged an orderly, sanctioned Q&A session where questions were pre-screened by professionals to ensure they would not harm the boys mentally or their healing process.  Thai media respected the request.  Remember the youngest boy is 11 and they had spent two weeks in pitch darkness and have been through an unbelievably harrowing and traumatic ordeal where they didn't know if they would ever emerge to see their parents.  I would say that, unequivocally, the government is acting in their best interests.


    So, please do explain how the government is missing out on money here and how you justify saying such a thing.  Explain it to me in clear sentences and without using lots of exclamation marks, without bringing the PE teacher in to it, and without generalising Thais as being greedy.  Just tell me how this government request - adhered to by most - has anything to do with money.  It is such a ludicrous thing to say that it can only come from a very very bitter place.


    Then, if you are feeling up to it, please also tell me how you react if the foreign media had followed protocols and the Thai press had broken them and conducted interviews on the side against all professional advice and possibly to the detriment of the boy's wellbeing..  It would be because the Thais only want the money, right?  Be honest with yourself.

    The Thai authorities care absolutely nothing about these kids, nothing, zero, zilch....


    The only thing they care about is control, they want a lap dog media that is scared of prosecution and attitude adjustment, it suit's their purpose as the powers that be want to continue in their own corrupt self enriching bubble


    Hi-so Thais and present master of the trough are absolutely terrified by the foreign press, they cannot control it and it does not care about face


    I think their real fear is that foreign press will start shining a light on Thailand as there is lots that would raise a few questions about the powers that be and the present corruption, nepotism and sheer hypocrisy on show every day in LoS....

    • Thanks 1
  5. 51 minutes ago, bannork said:

    The head of a government has a duty to show public concern for that country's citizens. 

    When he talks to those citizens who are suffering in a particular crisis or disaster, is it not human to express sympathy and empathy?

    If you want to bring politics into it, Thaksin slaughterd 2,500 people in the drugs war, far more than Prayut killed at Rachaprasong.



    Thaksin and Prayut are both weasels but the massive difference is Mr T was elected in free and open elections and even though his policies where violent and possibly criminal he had the authority of the people to lead and implement them...


    Little P lied and lied and lied again, he repeatedly said he would not commit treason and steal democracy in a coup then promptly did just that...


    He has continued to lie for the last 4 years and I reckon he will keep on doing it until his masters erase him from the equation or the people finally have enough, wont hold my breath for either as the complacency of the people here is mind blowing...


    There is not an ounce of honesty, decency or empathy in the creature, he shows time after time that he is an ego maniac with delusions of grandeur but is also very, very dim


    By his actions again in this time of national crisis he proves once more that he completely lacks any compassion or empathy for these people in their hour of need but also confirms that he completely lacks anything remotely resembling common sense or even a basic grasp on leadership..


    To be expected really, Little P keeps proving he aint the sharpest arrow in the quiver but you would think after four years he might have learned to employ a PR adviser to stop him having to keep looking like a dick and having to constantly remove his flip flops from his mouth



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  6. 4 minutes ago, Fish Head Soup said:

    Possibly a three strikes and you're out system for the homos. Heavy fine for first offense and then jail term for repeat offenders, and if they become persistent offenders then the ultimate price to be paid for their offending.

    Bloody hell mate there are a few pattaya lady boy frequenters who are on borrowed time if you was in charge....


    Do you seriously believe that someones sexual preference should be on a par with kiddy fiddling, rape and murder?


  7. 6 minutes ago, Expatthailover said:

    So in disagreeing with the findings you are able to get in a good old thai bashing tirade.

    Well done you.

    Usa still has capital punishment. Are you saying the usa is honest, professional, efficient trustworthy or incapable of all of those criteria?

    They clearly are still getting convictions wrong.

    Blimey fella you and Matt96 ought to get together as you both clearly live in a parallel universe where the buffoons in brown and the judiciary are not an incompetent, corrupt self serving institutions...


    Hope you and your family never end up on the wrong side of them but then again where you are they clearly aren't the same as the RTP, RTA and judiciary who the rest of us who have removed our rose coloured spectacles  see on a daily basis flaunting their incompetence and ineptitude 


    Clearly delusional........

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  8. Ah, sounds like there is a potential other perp out there, can't help wondering if he wears a green or brown suit or is a good  person...


    Quite sad to have these thoughts every time the powers that be and the buffoons in brown are mentioned but unfortunately they prove positive virtually all the time and after all dead men tell no tales...


    Rip to the murder victim and hopefully they got it right for once but I wont hold my breath on it....

  9. My wife drove on her Thai car licence and I rode on my Thai bike licence whilst doing the UK one's, I think if I remember correctly you have a year to update to the UK one but it is legal to do so but it does cause issues with insurance and makes it very expensive


    The benefit is you can ride or drive without L plates or use the car without me having to be with the missus but it is just a bridging move allowing you to get legal with the UK licence. There are quite a few places where you can just swap the foreign licence for a UK one but for obvious reason's LoS aint one of them, tbh I was quite surprised that they give you a year seeing the absolute shambles that is Thai driving...


    I had used a Thai driving licence to rent a car on one holiday years ago as my UK one had the wrong address on so it's all legal and above board and there was no need for IDP as there is English translation on the Thai licence

  10. 'Lt. Gen. Sansern Kaewkamnerd said people should not get emotional about the issue and that the minister should be considered innocent until..........'


    Loads of things you could insert there in order to increase accuracy, personally I like ' he cannot fill sufficient brown envelopes'


    unlikely I know as he and his cohorts have been at the trough for a while now so the bungs should not be an issue but I reckon that is the only way he will ever face any form of justice from the other good people presently in charge, who says crime doesn't pay....

  11. 32 minutes ago, MekkOne said:


    Because the lean angle is limited on this bike so you don't have any benefit from the double wheels on the front on high speeds, it is a good solution if you driving a scooter in a town like Milan or Rome where tram railways and stones paved roads are everywhere and you can actually have a more comfortable and safe drive (Piaggio was the first developer of this technology Yamaha just bought the patent from them so not much investment, at this point I think you didn't watch the video with much attention). I will add that the heavy front (the guy says it in the review) make the bike pretty slow in the weight transfer during cornering so again a motorbike got better handling of this tricycle, I can make sideways on the gravel and downhill with an Honda Dream and with the same bike it's not difficult to make wheelies when you're going uphill. I make my point as I genuinely think this tricycle is a hoax, Some 'Jay Leno' guy that want to have it in the garage to show it in some TV show in 15/20 years gonna probably buy it, but it belong in a technical museum not on an alpine road. Cheers.

    Yeah I watched it....


    I had never really thought too much about this contraption, the little I had thought was it was the bastard offspring of a songtaew and a proper bike now I am re appraising that somewhat


    It's not my cup of tea but anything that pushes evolution is alright with me, personally I cannot stand Harleys and the whole cruiser/chopper thing but it has a place same as this does, your probably right I don't think it will be popular but it certainly aint a tame castrated toy


    I reckon somebody will have really good fun on this but like I said it wont be me...

  12. 2 hours ago, canthai55 said:

    They are a solution looking for a problem.

    ADV bikes more of the same.

    And the extra traction with 2 front tires is a myth.



    Yamaha have obviously spent a fortune on this, I don't understand the reasoning but I am willing to give it the benefit of the doubt, I have no idea why they have gone this way but I get it, they have rewritten the market, MT03 O7, 09....


    Maybe the Japanese market is different, no idea but if you look at Yamaha you would be an idiot to think they are not right on the money, never would ride a 3 wheel bike though.....

  13. 22 minutes ago, yellowboat said:

    That changes depending on which way the political wind is blowing

    He gets so worried over such things.  If they are distorted, he should just set the record straight without whining and hand wringing. 

    True that....


    All comes back to the fact he is a bit dim and has a very high opinion of himself, probably started to believe the faecal matter his minions keep whispering in his ear


    Believe that happens a lot when you are surrounded by fawning sycophants and nobody has the strength of character to point out where you are wrong...


    Big problem with the juntas style of 'government' and that special Thai version of democracy is that nobody is allowed to put you straight so the 'leader' starts to believe in his own godlike infallibility....

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