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Posts posted by mark131v

  1. Mate that is the cost for a week of medication on top of in the region of another 60,000 baht for CT Scan and all the rest..

    like I said the treatment regime is 6 weeks initially but with treatment for a further 6 weeks after that

    I have had the insurance for me and the family since 2011 without making a claim so to find when you do need it that it is not worth the paper it is written on is a bit off really, like I said if it helps someone re-evaluate and saves them going through the same as me that can only be good.

    Also all the gumpf about the brokers helping and assisting is just noise as well that has been very painful

    I hear you with what you say of BUPA and that was what kept me with ACS but to find out that actually the cover was none existent in my case forces you to have another look, maybe that is the reason it is more expensive the fact that I would be covered in the case of a life threatening emergency in Thailand and not left bitter and twisted as I am now.....

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  2. Mate I am in good health and condition but believe you me Pulmonary Embolism can hit any of us especially if you travel by plane, to treat it it needs to be diagnosed to diagnose it requires scans,ecg, ekg etc etc the medication required in the UK is 6 weeks of treatment and the tablets are in the UK for a 14tab pack is GBP 29.40 (1 Tablet twice a day) in Thailand it is Baht 4500 for what is essentially a weeks treatment to stop the condition worsening, you need it so you have to pay it so beware like I said it can happen to anyone and is not an uncommon condition and if like me you think you are covered you need to think again. Certainly didnt expect this bill when I was sat in emergency unable to breath and dont expect any help from the brokers either, like I said an all round shitty experience....

    • Like 1
  3. From an earlier e mail to the insurance company and broker and something I have asked numerous times but never received an answer to...

    Direct question - are you telling me that emergency treatment if required in Thailand is not covered??? this is a direct question that is important, if you say that I am not eligible for emergency treatment what is the point of Insurance coverage???

    • Like 1
  4. I know what you say about outpatient only and agree with you however emergency treatment is covered and I have checked the small print many times this is what it says on emergencies:

    Emergency: a term used in the event of an accident, natural catastrophe, the beginning of sudden worsening of a
    serious illness requiring immediate measures and medical treatment for the Insured or one of the Insured's
    dependents. Only medical treatment given by a doctor, generalist or specialist or hospitalization occurring within
    twenty-four (24) hours of the direct cause of the emergency shall be considered conditions necessary for
    It doesn't say you need to be hospitalised and there are many conditions that are life threatening and don't require hospitalisation but if untreated will kill you, allergic reaction etc
    from the schedule on emergency treatment:
    Emergency treatment worldwide (trip of up to seven
    weeks) 100% of actual expenses
    I have pointed this out but they are treating worldwide as somewhere other than where I live ie Thailand
    I am simply pointing out that if you hold ACS insurance Module 1b then you are not covered for any life threatening emergency treatment whilst in Thailand unless you are subsequently bedded down in the hospital, this to me seems <deleted> to be honest and makes you question the entire point of having insurance if it does not cover you for life threatening emergencies of which my complaint most certainly is
    My experience of the whole situation from the Broker to the insurance company has been poor so if someone learns from my mistakes it is good, also if somebody rethinks how they would like to be covered in case of an emergency then that too can only be good....
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  5. Mods I know this relates to Insurance but I think it should stay general as it may relate to many members on here who wont necessarily check in the insurance board as they probably think they are covered...

    Brief background I recently had to attend hospital with difficulty breathing as a long term resident I have cover for myself and my family through ACS insurance which I got through one of the sponsors on the site, long story short I was diagnosed with blood clots on both lungs and given treatment to stabilise the condition all seemed straight forward......

    Tried to claim back the costs and I have been told that because I was not bedded down in the ward then I am not covered for life threatening medical emergencies in Thailand. Seems crazy to me that I hold insurance have had a life threatening medical emergency requiring instant treatment and this is not covered though if I was on a trip to somewhere else it would be...<deleted>...

    Like I said make sure you read the small print and do not rely on the insurance brokers who if my experience is anything to go by are pretty much useless, I will be getting on to BUPA as no point paying thousands of $ for stuff that does not cover you....

    The clots where probably caused due to working offshore and having to endure long flights every few weeks so anyone who is doing that should be doubly careful as Pulmonary Embolism is a common complaint and if it can happen to me it can happen to you

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  6. .

    Sad to say its just another example of the Thai mentality......think only of themselves. Amazing to me because there are also many examples of the giving thoughtful nature of Thais ...But when it comes to their cars and driving ......they seem to only think of themselves....

    How do you know the car is owned by a Thai person?

    Sad to say it's just another example of taking any occasion to bash. Seems you only think of yourself as having a true, caring personality.

    'nuff said


    Seems like the apologists here live in cloud cuckoo land...I can go 5 minutes in a car and see ample evidence of Thai me first attitudes I don't even have to look for it, some is probably down to ignorance but the majority is just a don't give a shit attitude and lack of consideration and manners....

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  7. I love these soft openings it's such a thai thing, does anyone else do it? It's like we're completely not ready but what the heck let's go get some $$$$ :-) And 1290 for 1 day really? That's steep.

    Yeah, lots of places round the world do soft openings- common business practice- you do the soft open to iron out kinks, make sure everything's running smoothly. Some businesses in the USA- like those in gambling industry I think- are legally required to have soft openings so officials can observe them to see they're being run properly.

    I went to the soft opening of the new Marriott in Rayong that was well worth it and much cheaper than normal prices so I think soft openings represent good value providing it is done by a reputable company...getting 17 months of use for the price of 12 at the water park seems pretty good to me too but again each to their own....

  8. I went yesterday with the family and have to concur that the service was excellent, price wise it is expensive if you pay on the day but actually I think the annual pass options are pretty reasonable especially if you live local and make good use of it, on the whole a really good day out and definitely one of the better options to kill a few hours each week

    The price for the Platinum Annual pass which gives unlimited access to a family of 4 was B30,990 but when you consider it is valid till 31 Jan 2016 I think that is good value we also received free food and drink vouchers and some money off vouchers for other food outlets and the like, there was also no double pricing if you are a resident and present your driving licence which is nice

    Most of the slides are open already and there where surprisingly little in the way of queues, they appear to take safety seriously which is also a refreshing change to the norm. The only downside I saw was the fact that the passes are individual so my kids cant use our passes to take their friends but I guess they have their reasons...

  9. Just a wild guess but maybe the good doctor only granted you a one-year cert because you gave the nurse (and him) some 'attitude' tongue.png

    Dr Newin in Rayong usually gives a two-year cert if you have a heartbeat and 2 legs and 2 arms rolleyes.gif

    Yep you are right buddy it was a very wild guess....

    Saw the Doctor for about 1 minute then received the certificate just before leaving so no time for any 'attitude' with anybody and when I asked about why he got all defensive

    From the reply I have received from the Norwegian regulating body if anybody else thinks they have been ripped off (more than usual!!) drop me a pm and I will pass you the guys email

    Dear Mark

    I am the right person to contact in this issue.

    Todays health regulation says that at a age of less then 50 years is Health certificate valid for two years. By next week, actually, will this regulation be changed to that health certificates every second year also for seafarers of more then 50 years. This change has been made due to new STCW code and to be in consistence with most flag states in the world. This new regulation will be implemented 1st July this year. This is the general answer

    Please send me the name of this doctor. We are very interested that all our doctors work in accordance with Norwegian intention of the health regulation. Thank you for informing us

    Best regards


    Head of section

    Working and living condition unit

  10. I asked about any changes to the Noggi OLF and the OGUK medicals at Bangkok Pattaya a while back and got nothing back so I thought I would pass on my experiences from today...

    I went in last week to find out the score and after a lot of head scratching I was advised that BPH do Norwegian medicals but not the OGUK ones, they were unable to tell me how long the medicals lasted for or anything else really other than it is on the 5th floor and costs Bt 7,900, they also advised me not to eat or drink anything from the night before and they also warned not to drink any alcohol for a couple of days prior to coming in as well

    Attended for my appointment this morning bright and early and got through by about lunchtime, the medical itself consisted of a round robin of various examinations concluded with a very rudimentary Doctors examination, on completion of this I received a certificate for 1 year, I queried this with the Nurse as It is meant to be good for 2 years, long story short even though all my results where good the Doctor can pretty much do as he pleases

    I had a chat with him about why he had only issued a 1 year certificate when ordinarily unless you are over 50 or have some serious pre-existing condition it is meant to be valid for 2 years, basically he said because one of the blood results was very very borderline he recommended me to see him again in a years time!..I work as a medic offshore so I have a bit of knowledge about the subject of medicals in different parts of the world as well as medicine itself but when I mentioned that to him he got all defensive and when I asked about specific levels he clammed up

    In summary I would not go to BPH for a medical again even though it is convenient as I reckon it is being treated as a bit of a money spinner with very little you can do about it, I was told that there is a Doctor who does the OGUK at Bangkok Hospital Rayong or else Bumungrad so I will try them next time.....

  11. You could always get it lowered. Very quick and easy. I presume the rear suspension is adjustable the same as the 250. Would take the shop about 5 mins to lower both the front and rear.

    Cheers mate I will have a look into that, am i right in thinking the 300 is basically the same frame as the 250? looked at a CB500F but due to the weight and her size it was a no go, I think the 300 will fit the bill nicely, she has an RKV 200 at the moment which is OK but a bit slow so hopefully the 300 should be able to stay with my CBX easy enough during normal riding....

  12. Thinking about getting one for the missus and will check it out when I get home but was just wondering if anyone knows off the top of their head if 5 foot bugger all would be tall enough for the 300, really wanted a 500 but no chance with that...

  13. I do not particularly care whether you agree or not but for me a person whose entire income including the house they live in being provided by other taxpayers free of charge is already a burden on the state. As I said life is not fair moan all you want but people have given you lots of advice on where to go next, you have chosen not to take any advice and instead to come back arguing that UK Plc should instead re write the rules that lots of other people have to abide by even though you are not actually adding anything to the tax pot, in a perfect world everyone would have everything we want, guess what the world aint perfect and never will be...

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  14. Doesn't matter where you live or what passport you hold all that matters is that you want to bring a none EEA spouse to the UK to be with you, there are rules about who is deemed as able to do this and it is stipulated that if you do not meet certain criteria or that if you or the spouse are or may become a burden to the state then permission will not be granted, seems straightforward to me that if your income is purely state benefits then you do not meet the criteria and your spouse would certainly become a burden on the UK taxpayer, not what you want to hear but life aint always fair and as a British citizen personally I think that is the right decision

  15. The options to get your wife to the UK as I have seen over several different posts are firstly to apply for a UK Settlement visa as a British Citizen, you have already tried this and it did not work as you are deemed as unable to provide adequately for your family as your only income is benefits from the UK Govt

    The other option you have brought up is to renounce your British Citizenship and apply for Irish Citizenship and then go through the Irish system and the EEA method, it still appears to me that your only method of income is through UK Benefits so I am really struggling to see how you can suddenly provide adequate support for your wife and family as an Irish citizen when your sole income and housing is paid by a country whose citizenship you will have renounced

    The only other option I can see is through the Surinder Singh method of you moving to another part of the EU as a working self funded person for a given period of time to qualify, seems you cant do this as your only income is UK Benefits and you cannot work, see the common link here.....

    Will be interesting to see how this ends up but as they say on Dragons Den, I am out...

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