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Everything posted by AndyAndyAndy

  1. What I find worst about them, that you are near you destination, like 5 minutes away, you take one wrong turn on the Express and when they finally spit you out on next exit you are 1,5 hour away from you destination. Of course, if you know what are you doing they can be probably great shortcut. But if you accidentally use them, not used to them, you are screwed and you even pay for that.
  2. Whenever I'm driving in Bangkok my worst fear is that I take a wrong exit and end up at toll both. No such nonsense up here in Isaan. 😃 And wife screaming randomly generated left/rigth turns based on her reading a signs or GPS doesn't help it at all. 😵‍💫
  3. Problem is that white car has that government badge on the front, so he thinks he is in right. But other driver drives BMW, so he thinks he is in the right. Unsolvable situation. 🤷‍♂️
  4. You're making a weird faces when I'm asking if the photo was generated by AI. But Look at: 1. text at sign, what language is even that? 2. symbol at sign, what road sign is that? 3. what's with people faces 4. what with their siluet? I don't think were are looking here at real photo of the accident scene.
  5. Was that image generated by AI? 🤔
  6. Jews at it again. ☹️
  7. What? You can literally open the file and see what is inside. How to decode the image data is publicly known, otherwise it would not be possible to make programs to view the images. And you can tell if any additional data are stored there.
  8. Ever since digital cameras existed photos contained Metadata. That's nothing new. What's preventing you from removing them before posting?
  9. Yeah, don't post a photo. Better to write a wall of text. That will solve the issue.
  10. Why are you so insecure about Thai dudes to the point of belittle them? I find them always extremely friendly and trying to be helpful no matter what. Even when they see you having Thai girlfriend/wife. 🙂 Especially when they see you having Thai girlfriend/wife! How would you react in opposite scenario, black male with girlfriend/wife of you nation approaching you? Would you be as welcoming as them? And seeing that more and more are landing at Suvarnabhumi every day? Would you be as cool as they are to us? No need to be mean to them. They are cool dudes.
  11. "each animal priced at a staggering 2,500 baht" when I bought my purebred dog I paid 8,000 Baht and it was with no papers, I would expect a little bit more if it's really a precious endangered species worth going to prison for 🤔
  12. Who are you to dare assume a river's gender? Maybe it's a pinky girl! 🤬
  13. 500 Baht fine and 3 wais, let's go! 😃
  14. If your pitbull is such a good boy why is he locked in a cage and has a heavy duty collar on him?
  15. There's a literally screenshot from a security camera. If they would provide even a 2 seconds recording it would be absolutely clear if she went voluntarily or not. So all your speculations are useless. As we don't have access to even most basic information available. All speculations.
  16. OK BRO 🤣
  17. Acer is garbage. If its working notebook go for Dell or Lenovo. But it won't be 5000 baht as Acer.
  18. Who do you want to report it to? To police? Well, they already know, because they are usually running it. 😑
  19. What an inspiring story! Can't wait I will have to show 50,000 Baht cash, 500,000Baht in bank, 30,000 Baht go home ticket, 100,000 Baht insurance on arrival because of this inspiring <deleted>.
  20. Been here 10 years, never happened to me. Difference it's maybe walking down the Soi 6 every night and living in Isaan village.
  21. People who murder other people are generally "Nobody will want to know you, help you, or trust you." to begin with.
  22. See? If you didn't have Acer it would not light up in the dark. 😉
  23. Why does it matter how deep the water is? Once it is deeper than your body height it's all the same.
  24. Why not buy a good one? I have 12 years old laptop that I'm using 8 - 12 hours a day. Of course it didn't cost under 10k. You could go with something like Lenovo T series. It will survive nuclear war. Or even a flight in a checked in baggage. If you choose something like Acer you will be here 2 years later again looking for a new laptop.
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