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Everything posted by AndyAndyAndy

  1. I was thinking about this yesterday, how would traffic stop even be initialized in Thailand? Since they are riding with the lights on always.
  2. I think Americans should be kept out of this topic.
  3. "In an unprecedented move to combat the soaring drug crisis, 340 tonnes of seized narcotics are set to go up in flames" So it is unprecedented to be destroying drugs seized by police?
  4. Pizza Company etc. is not even a pizza. They put like a sausage into a crust and all these weird things, that's not pizza. And for like a real size pizza you have to pay like 600 Baht which is crazy. Whenever I'm on holiday in Jomtien, there's a guy selling pizza in a market (around Soi 9) and has a wife selling same pizza at another market (around Soi 7). Great stuff! For 110 - 190 Baht you can get a full size real Italian style pizza. When I'm on holiday there I basically live on his pizza. I even have his phone number to give him a call to start baking and I just come to pick it up. Here in Isaan there is no pizza, there's just Pizza company which is weird and expensive no no, or Thai style pizza which is sweet cake, also no no.
  5. Yep, jasmine is much better tasting.
  6. Bro, I'm not reading anything that has more than two lines. What are you getting at?
  7. Yeah, they basically don't have model you ordered on hand so they send you something closely matching. Especially Chinese, they are selling on eBay, Lazada, Shopee and offering huge amount of products, it's usually a huge mess, not keeping updated etc. Their game is "can it be used for intended purpose?" It's a chair, it can be sit on, so you have nothing to complain about. You will probably get refund, but getting exchanged for ordered model will be hard, since they don't have it in stock.
  8. Maybe you should state your nationality. What I consider proper Xmas dinner might be quiet different from what you consider proper Xmas dinner.
  9. There aren't establishments aimed at farangs here in Isaan. So you would have to drink at regular thai places. Only exception I'm thinking of is Udon Thani that has 1 street full of bars and bar complexes similar to Pattaya.
  10. It's just 1:56, I bet if you race to nearest shop you still get a bottle of Sang Som.
  11. You sound boring.
  12. Thai IQ is the best IQ. Yes, your higher IQ might work in farangland, but this is Thailand. And you have to watch and learn from Thai IQ. Because this is not farangland.
  13. I originally thought that it was just a random video on YouTube that only a few of us would see. The fact that they broadcasted it on TV makes it so much funnier.
  14. Would be bery appreciated if you told me before the trip.
  15. Depends on the vehicle. I once drove 800 Km from Isaan to Bangkok on a 110cc motorcycle. Trip took 16 hours non stop. First 30 minutes were very enjoyable. Then we drove it back.
  16. "asking for your friend"
  17. I would probably happily paid 3k. Because when I was getting married I visited 12 (not kidding, TWELVE) offices before I found somebody willing to get me married. Some were willing but without prenup, because "they don't do prenups there". And majority because "I had problem with my paperwork". For example I remember in Pattaya office, trying to get married there while on holiday: I had translated documents to Thai and verified by Thai foreign ministry. Which I had in order. But I didn't had bill that I paid some random translator guy 200Bath for translating copy of my passport. So denied. And every single office had a different reason to refuse me. Not a single office had same reason to refuse to marry me as previous. Got finally married in Korat.
  18. Yesterday I dig a small hole next to it and it stopped overflowing. And water level is keeping under the ground level. So now I'm thinking maybe a install a third tank? Current pond is a 25% of what would new tank hold. Maybe not making tank too deep so it doesn't reach ground water. Just a single concrete ring (other tanks are 2 rings) and it could disperse not only downwards but also to the sides. 🤔🤔🤔 Current pond solves the issue, it just doesn't look/smell nice. It would definitely be cheaper and quicker than a leach field.
  19. Yeah, like I said, I had it pumped out and it was overflowing again in less than a week.
  20. I have nowhere to run that water. I think I have to figure out some leach system as @Wanderer555 suggests or something.
  21. Yes, there is a is 80cm of normal soil and then I hit clay and ground water. Because of ground water I can't dig any deeper.
  22. Yes, we did that. Helped for a week before tank filled again and started leaking again.
  23. Toilet goes to tank 1, through overflow underground pipe to tank 2 (which is overflowing and leaking). Underwound water is quiet high here, about 80 cm deep you are already in water which is part of the problem. How do I solve this without rebuilding complete septic system? One of my ideas is making some basic leech field (but I couldn't find any hardware in Thailand, do they even do this here?). I was thinking buying 10 metres of blue pipe, drill holes in it, connect it to tank 2 and burry it. But I have zero experience. These tank are basically just 2 concrete rings burry in a ground.
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