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Everything posted by Dart12

  1. I've had every deposit returned so far. I take that back...One tried to get me for a ruined rug that had cat hair on it, wanting 3000 baht. Took 2 minutes to vacuum off when I went over . Plus I had already paid a "final cleaning fee'. and even pre empted that with another cleaner coming in before hand and cleaning the place before their cleaners got there because I knew what the owner was like.
  2. where exactly? I need a 2nd space as office
  3. tell her to move. Plenty of other spots NOT charging that for so little a space. And, no excuse for that. Demand is not that high. So sounds like wishful thinking or a bluff by landlord. I ahve 65 s/m for 13. Not best deal, but good enough.
  4. Try pratamnak soi 4 Siam condos. Should find something. Not going to be beach front but not too far.
  5. heard many problems. Unfortunately I don't have a solution for you since you are already out of country. My agent secured me one while I was IN country (thai language)...not sure if she can do same for you?
  6. Can go to pharmacy next to Tim's with no hassle and less cost I'm sure.
  7. Yes. 3000 is very affordable. Thank you for all this information. Now I have to figure out how to rolodex it for when I'm ready. search function on asianow is worthless haha.
  8. Thank you. Wow, she has a real website in thailand haha. Which package do you usually choose?
  9. Where is an inexpensive place in Pattaya to get bloodwork? (ie, NOT the TRT clinics). And what should I expect teh costs to be?
  10. When read story and saw his injury...I thought it was a play for easy money on gofundme. That guy needs arrested and/or deported that did that. Id probably tell a guy to F off too if they just tried to take the equipment I'm using. But not a lot of defense you can do when you are on your back concentrating on an exercise when someone comes from behind like that. Almost joined that gym. Now glad I didn't.
  11. 54k to keep the stuff you already bought, paid taxes on, own, wore, and wanted to wear here on tourists. They trying to attract, or repel, tourists with a good amount of money to spend? $2k usd to walk in the door with your own clothes is nutz.
  12. Breeding hypochondriacs with big words and meaningless statistics, all in order to crush the well-off to middle class and down into total and complete control thru social credit systems and monitoring while working to remove cash based money and now trying to off crypto because it is less controllable itself than the fiat systems in place. Honestly, it's a benefit to Thailand that they are not so technologically advanced for the masses, to retain a more normal sense of freedoms (imo).
  13. You thought you were being funny, but you just laid out how a mask is an extremely dangerous (and unnecessary) hazard when riding an open air vehicle.
  14. I'd show my broken ankle and skinless foot to any copy that pushes me to wear a mask on a bike ever again. It's a serious, and REAL, hazard to wear one vs the uselessness of wearing one in the open air, by yourself, to combat getting a mild cold/flu.
  15. beatiful eyes, nice body...drop the mask and find Igor hiding
  16. Wealth transfer complete. New big brother draconian trcking measures installed. start phase 2
  17. Mask rules: Outside it is a fashion accessory for around your elbow. On your bike, it must be under your chin. In mall, gently place it just under your nose. Or...keep a french frie in your mouth at all times. it is well known eating keeps covid away 100 and no mask required.
  18. I thought that highly odd to do just 2 days before official 12 o clock openings allowed. Again, still not nearly what an 'open' country would be with these child like bed times enforced like 12pm. Why is it not fully open/ allowed with no bar time restrictions? or whatever they were pre-covid? How long are they gonna hold onto phase 1 of the plandemic??
  19. "It is, as it was, and forever shall be..." Only the headlines have changed, not the disease.
  20. the gov should do a study to see when the traffic picks up and becomes a problem. But even at 1 or 2 boukhow pretty empty...only hold up ever at all is right at tree town area. And really, it's not like hours of traffic. It like slows you down a total of 5 minutes. I don't think the goal should be no traffic ever. Again, most (unnecessary) problems I see revolve around cars and trucks that are not busses. Eliminate them and everything would clear up. Even if a delivery truck was there, bikes can scoot around them pretty quickly with little interuption of flow.
  21. Motorbike parking along Tree town is not the problem: 3 main culprits: 1. As others said, it's deliver vehicles. They log jam everyone. They should be done by mid afternoon...like 2pm. 2. Cars and Trucks. They should be banned. The people don't know how to drive in the area, or don't respect any flow. Stopping, parking, etc. Even just making turns they are terrible. ^^This goes for Taxi's / Bolts' etc too. Motorbikes should still be allowed imo. **3. Baht buses. yes, they are a sort of a problem, but also an asset. They are a bigger asset than problem though. They should be the only 4 wheeled vehicle allowed. Without the other cars and delivery trucks I don't see them being any issue any longer as it's easy to pass them if there isn't 6 cars deep behind them. ***I do NOT think bikes should be banned. Bikes and busses, traffic flow would be easy and people can still get around quickly up and down the street.
  22. I went thru the same experience. It was a little stressful after week 4 with no official way to get status reports of how the process was developing. I was already on overstay when I applied. They did tell me half way thru that my book was in immigration hands and the overstay had stopped accumulating, and how much I would owe for that. So...confer with them that there is zero overstay because you had turned in your paperwork in time. Get an answer. In the end, I got mine end of week 5. Of course, each situation is Agency independent.
  23. not true. I would have had to leave the country and come back in to get my ED visa while under a new tourist visa. Which would have completely defeated what I wanted to do, plus added 25k in expenses, time lost, paperwork, quarantines...and, like 2 of my friends...extra brown envelope money in excess of 15k at re-entry to get back in. instead, I stayed here, paid very little more than going thru a school directly, and received my visa. Yes...it took a little time and worry, as I had not used this agency before. I won't lie. But it was done as they stated it would be. Agents most certainly have their place and value.
  24. quit kicking out people who legaly apply and try to stay here who are spending plenty of cash already.
  25. You have to get a new phone number each year is the only draw back. Not a big deal if you phone allows 2 sim cards though. If it does, you can keep your old number. Data is truly unlimited. GF beats it up watching tiktok and IG reels and video ALL day plus movies on TV same time. There are many seller s if you search Lazada. You may prefer AIS or TRUE, this is DTAC whihc works fine in my area. I know it's not great in some other parts of thailand. This is who I purchased from 2 seperate cards. Just look at bottom of page for more sellers with similar offers, or go to this sellers full product page to see many other choices of data plans and carrier plans. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i882116731-s1775722245.html?urlFlag=true&mp=1
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