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Everything posted by Dart12

  1. No, about 20 to 25k. the additional 15 was the extra fee to allowed back in. He had a prior volunteer visa and been here two years under mostly covid extensions. Everything else was all good.
  2. Chiang Mai was one of the provinces that had offers. A little More costly and required travel from me though.
  3. could have been more. Normal bus lines were only allowing Thais to come to the city. My GF's friend was denied bus entry since she was Cambodian.
  4. no, I did not take teh 110,000 option. They called me daily though always telling me it going away haha. I kept searching and broadening my search til I found a long time agency that had a decent offer. I paid 40k and am enrolled for actual classes. Several other agencies offered same thing, but wanted about 65k or more. I felt confident enough as well, as this agency did not take "cash only" nor full payment upfront. They took only half, and I paid online to an actual business name so I had a paper trail. We also signed a contract upfront with guarantee for full refund if they did not get my visa sorted. I went for the most legit path I could find. However, what is legal here today can be illegal tomorrow at any given time. Luckily, they seem to open one door when shutting another. The cash flow just can't get jammed up with no doors for it to flow haha. Jokes aside, it took a lot of stress to find, cost me a good 2 weeks of time and missed responsilities to find the solution. Not fun.
  5. Idk. I now know multiple people like myself who now have gotten an ED visa thru this school and agency.
  6. The pattaya immigration denied me a covid extension in March. I was denied due to length of stay and because I was converted to a volunteer visa back before they started teh amnesty program. I was also denied ANY visa type in the pattaya and BKK area after talking to some 40 agents and 'officers', except for an ED visa for 110,000 that came with no classes lol. I was told I will have 7 days ext only. that's it. It was time for me to go. I'm now happily on a long term ED visa. Process was efficient and easy. I was even on overstay already, and it was still not a problem. Cost about 40k for 9 months visa. they now offer 12 month for 55k instead (wish they had that one when I applied 6 weeks ago). I did not have to leave the country. My friend, a more seasoned traveler opted to do visa run, because he was planning to fly back home in june and didn't need that long of a visa, nor wanted to pay that price. If everything went smooth, it was gonna cost him 20 to 25 k for a week in cambodia and all the hoops and everything else to refresh him to a 30 day tourist visa. Instead, his traveling partner was denied entry a week before he tried. He was already out of country so he prepped for the same experience upon the flight in. It cost him an additional 15k to gain entry. Im sure that is not everyone. But that is the people I know who we've all been in contact about solutions when we first started to hear the pandemic remnants being denied any further covid extensions despite the official report nationwide that they would go on as usual. You'll be fine. Just get on the search now. It's a 4 week ish process to get approved.
  7. It should be no problem getting an ED visa. I just did, and I had a worse visa 'history' than your friend. I'm at the point I should copy and paste my answer (to help others like your friend who was in similar situation as I was). Short: I have been here since beginning of pandemic and by grace of mostly covid extensions (save in the beginning when they told us to go get a long term visa if we wanted to stay... and I was converted to a volunteer visa). I spoke with over 40 agents and officers before coming across a few places that did. My first 38 talks were with people that worked thru Pattaya and BKK. A few local did offer "specials" for 110,000. BLEH. Due to being denied so long, I was also just starting overstay. FB being so snoopy, listening to me PM's...they started sending me agency ads from all over. Thank god, their privacy invasion helped me for once! I'm now on a 9 month ED visa (max they did one month ago) which cost me 40k. Now I guess they'll do 12 months for 55k. They admonished me for waiting so long (me going into overstay), but said it was no problem. They also could not understand why I was having a problem getting a visa. They said it was cut and dry, and having no problems getting people education visas. I am going thru a legit school, with classes (online), if that matters to you or not (I was told I don't have to attend, but I personally want to. I did not have to leave the country. There were no hiccups. Took a little long, but great communication. There were some others that were around 65 to 70k as well. Get out of the circle or office area you are trying. It's the Immigration office denying your friend by their policy and it is not national policy. Good luck!
  8. I'm in pattaya. If you see my post above, I've now found the motorcycle pharmacy with the real goods...cutting my expense from 4000 for 10 boxes to 700. (Same brand that I can tell. Some things just too cheap to "knock off" when they are already bottom price from original seller. But the pharmacies are all very pricey.
  9. amazing how locaiton means everything with pricing. Here the lowest I've seen In a pharmacy is 190 baht for 4 pills
  10. any pharmacy in Pattaya. ADVICE: go or call or FB message at least 3 for prices. You'll find some charge double of others. Or walk down the Bou Kow and many hustlers will offer you all kinds of ED pill help. Find the right one, and you are paying 10x less than the pharmacy charges you. ie. 1 box of 4 cialus pills is 400 most pharmacies. You can get 7 boxes for 700 baht from the "motorbike pharmacies" Pick the wrong one, and you just donated your cash haha. But well worth the trial and error once you find a good one selling real meds. My first purchase from motorcycle pharmacy was 700 baht for fancy packaged sugar pills.
  11. If you need a bunch of photos , there is a place across street from Tukcoms . They have highest rating and good prices on Google if you google Photo printing. Otherwise, for sheer convenience, use the agency attached to jomtien immigration office to take your pic. For me, running around town to save 30 baht or so ain't worth the time, effort, or gas.
  12. In jomtien, I go to the attached agency and pay them like 300 baht to fill out all my paperwork for simple extensions. Go early and have them do it and also tell you everything you will need as well. They take your photo too. Worth it in my opinion.
  13. Yes, you can get an ED visa to stay for up to a year...without leaving the country. I just got one for 40k for 9 months (longest I could purchase). The school/agency now have a 12 month one for 57k. I had to convert from volunteer, and I was already on overstay and they got it done (I don't recommend this, my situation was created that NOBODY in pattaya was giving visas to someone who had been here thru pandemic, at least not for less than 110k.) It will take about 4 weeks processing. So...start the process before you quit your job. Overstay fees add up quick and don't look so good on your passport. I interviewed some 40 agents before I found a solution and group I was comfortable with. Yes, I'm going to be attending the classes (online). But as somone else said, they don't require it. I know several people denied entry or had to pay under the table to get back in doing visa runs in past month. 30k is now CHEAP, especially if you don't have to leave country (visa run with all costs will run you about 20 to 25k with all tests and travel), mind you the severe lack of knowledge there won't be problems for you when you try and get back in. So, he ended up spending same or more as me just to get a 30 day tourist visa as I got for 9 months. I feel good about my choice ????
  14. or the other headline: "We are increasing testing so we have numbers to justify again removing normalcy we just let you have a tiny slice of..."
  15. how did you get to reply? I left message on both line and FB. Do they respond to phone calls only?
  16. Only way to find out is to take 2 minutes and try. I believe you CAN transfer from one account to another account in same bank. Especially if different currencies. he'd have to mark Germany as his sending country (his origin), then to what currency he wants to send it to his other account. if remitly can't, WISE may be able. Both have their special use cases, and just because one can't, doesn't mean the other cannot as well. It would take OP 2 minutes to find out yes or no. If he can't, then the website says that service not possible.
  17. Fist fights amoung drunk people after closing time. This is norm, anywhere in the world. But maybe the video shows something completely different than drunks getting into a fight?
  18. fake news...dangerous slope to go down. Anything the top decides can be labeled fake then.
  19. If you are saying it's one account to another within the same bank. Yes, maybe these options won't work. However...I never tried. It would take less than 2 minutes for the OP to try though. But I think remitly can. It doesn't matter if same bank ...only that it's two different bank accounts. Especially if different currencies because that is where they make their profits is in currency exchange.
  20. Could be. To go further down this road, texting is not just texting anymore with social media. If you have a social media account, virtual strangers can message you and latch on to a girl (who has a social media presence and tries to remain polite and also informs these people she has a boyfriend/husband). Many, feeling invincible behind keyboards/phones, get very disrespectful. Very easy to see someone who pushes too far being met in real life to find morally bankrupt choices can have consequences.
  21. Usually if mall open , bank open (from what I noticed). 11-6. Make a call if you don't want to waste a trip though.
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